Walter Cronkite's Ridiculous Spin on the 1968 Tet Offensive in South Vietnam

He did not have JFK assassionated.

Oswald acted alone.

The conspiracy theories are all disproven and a bunch of tired cliches that only the gullible and naive fall for
Such as "The Magic Bullet"? The Clay Shaw jury Concluded that there WAS a conspiracy to kill JFK ,but not enough evidence to convict Shaw.
Such as "The Magic Bullet"? The Clay Shaw jury Concluded that there WAS a conspiracy to kill JFK ,but not enough evidence to convict Shaw.
No they did not conclude that

The magic bullet was created by conspiracy gtheorists to attack the warren commission. Most notrrablty Jim Garrison who coined the term

It is alla lie however and has been absolutely disproven
More of Mormon Mike's twisted history.

Here's why Tet should have been the end of Vietnam, instead of letting it drag on for another five bloody years.

Because at the end of the day, the NVA and Vietcong were able to launch an offensive with such effectiveness.

A comparison to the Battle of the Bulge is comparing apples and oranges. It had only been six months after D-Day and had already cleared the Axis from most of France, Italy, and the Low Countries while the USSR (which was doing most of the heavy lifting) had pushed the Axis out of the Balkans and were driving into Poland. Germany was finished and everyone knew it.

Now, compare that to our efforts in Vietnam. We had been propping up various Generals in the South since the 1963 coup, and 5 years later, the regime we were propping up had gained no support from the Vietnamese people. In short, all that blood and treasure spent, and we were nowhere near achieving our objectives. We were never going to invade North Vietnam as that would have brought Russia and China into the war. (And we all saw how well that went in Korea). Our own leaders admitted that if a real free election were held, Ho Chi Mihn would win easily because he was a bona fide national hero and the people we propped up were a bunch of French Quislings.

Both parties knew we were on a fool's errand, but neither party wanted to be accused of "losing Vietnam" the way that Truman was accused of "losing China".
You don't know jackshit about Vietnam. Only what Hollywood has told you. So just shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about.

Tet ended the goddamn VC. They were no longer a fighting force after that. I know, I was there.

When that idiot LBJ was out of office and Nixon took over he kicked the goddamn NVA's ass to the point they signed the Paris Peace Accords, which acknowledged the sovereignty of South Vietnam free from Communism. Just so confused Moon Bat idiots like you understand that was the objective of JFK/LBJs intervention.

The Communists violated the agreement when the idiot Democrats, aided by a few weak RINOs, gave them the green light to invade by enacting the Case Church bill.

Now just shut the fuck up Libtard. You are way over your head making idiot comments on something you know nothing about.
And our resident Chinese Communist spokesman pipes up to repeat the spin that Mao's China and the Hanoi regime peddled at the time.

"Launch an offensive with such effectiveness"?! Some of the Communist units attacked 24 hours prematurely because of a calendar mix-up! This gave the Americans and ARVN crucial time to prepare for further attacks.

The NVA and the VC got slaughtered in massive numbers and failed to take nearly all of their objectives. The few objectives they managed to take were retaken in short order, with massive additional Communist losses.

Huh, did you even bother to read the entire OP? Let me repeat the point that we now know that Hanoi's thugs launched the Tet Offensive because they concluded that they were losing the war and had to take a desperate gamble.

False. This is the Communist line. You didn't bother to read the article I linked in the OP, did you?

I might add that even North Vietnamese sources confirm that by late 1971, the Communists had lost control of most of the countryside, towns, and cities in South Vietnam.

Actually, no, Russia and China would not have entered the war if we had invaded North Vietnam. I know you've done little or no reading on the Vietnam War, but this myth was debunked many years ago.

You might start by reading Dr. Lien-Hang Nguyen's 2012 book Hanoi's War: An International History of the War for Peace in Vietnam and/or Dr. George Veith's 2021 book Drawn Swords in a Distant Land, which make extensive use of released/newly translated North Vietnamese sources. You'll discover that, among other things, Mao made it clear early on that China would not enter the war unless American forces entered Chinese territory, and the Soviets had zero interest and zero intention of directly entering the war.

Your crowd claimed for years that if we ever bombed Hanoi and Haiphong and mined Haiphong Harbor, this would cause the Soviets and/or the Chinese to enter the war. Yet, lo and behold, when Nixon heavily bombed Hanoi and Haiphong and mined Haiphong Harbor in late 1972, the Soviets and the Chinese did not enter the war, even though the North Vietnamese begged them to do so.

Oh my goodness. Another long-debunked Communist talking point. Tell me: Why did the Hanoi regime refuse to hold internationally supervised elections? Why did the Hanoi regime decline President Thieu's repeated calls for a national referendum held under international supervision? America and South Vietnam had no objection to a nationwide election held under genuine international supervision, but North Vietnam refused to hold such an election, and then falsely claimed that we were afraid to let the people vote.

If Ho Chi Minh was a "bona fide national hero," why did he impose a brutal police state on North Vietnam after he took power? Why did he find it necessary to jail tens of thousands of dissidents? Why did he shut down every independent newspaper in North Vietnam and take control of all news media and schools? Why did he prevent tens of thousands of North Vietnamese, if not more, from leaving the country and going to South Vietnam during the 300-day period from July 1954 to May 1955 when people were supposed to be able to leave if they wanted to under the Geneva Accords? Huh?

It is just amazing how you invariably and brazenly repeat Communist propaganda on so many historical issues. Of course, you never tell people that you're repeating Communist talking points.
JoeB is an idiot that talks out his ass about things he knows nothing about.
You don't know jackshit about Vietnam. Only what Hollywood has told you. So just shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about.

Tet ended the goddamn VC. They were no longer a fighting force after that. I know, I was there.

When that idiot LBJ was out of office and Nixon took over he kicked the goddamn NVA's ass to the point they signed the Paris Peace Accords, which acknowledged the sovereignty of South Vietnam free from Communism. Just so confused Moon Bat idiots like you understand that was the objective of JFK/LBJs intervention.

The Communists violated the agreement when the idiot Democrats, aided by a few weak RINOs, gave them the green light to invade by enacting the Case Church bill.

Now just shut the fuck up Libtard. You are way over your head making idiot comments on something you know nothing about.
The Watergate Scandal made it possible to the Communists to win the War in Vietnam.
The Watergate Scandal made it possible to the Communists to win the War in Vietnam.
But it was the Case Church amendment that was the nail in the coffin.

Back then the stupid Libtards had Nixon Derangement Syndrome just like today they have TDS.

The stupid Libtards were pissed that Nixon was a successful President and had been succesful in making the Communits sign the Peace Accords just like nowaday they hate Trump because he was successful and undid a lot of damage that Queer Barry did.. Nixon won the 1972 election by one of the largest margins in history.

We won the Vietnam War and the Democrats gave the victory away.
Correct me if i'm off AZ, but i believe the term applicable at the time was vietnamization.....~S~
Vietnamization was the process of passing the ground war off to the ARVNs. The US was still providing air and helo support.
The reason why the Democrats fucked up the victory in Vietnam with the Case Church bill was because the Leftest shitheads couldn't stand the fact that Nixon defeated NVA after LBJ screwed up everything. Leftest shitheads can't stand the fact that fellow Communists got their asses kicked and were forced to agree in the Paris Peace Accords that South Vietnam could exist as an independent nation. The objective of the intervention going back to JFK.
Unlike you I am up to date . You are out of touch.

There is a pig chance of that in the near future.

They learned from the failures of earlier decades. Now they control all instpotutions of higher learning and the vast majority of schools. In tewnty years every young adult will have been idoctrinated in K through 12
College students have the intelligence to think for themselves. So do most high school students.

Very few young people desire the kind of economy that existed in the Soviet Union. Very many prefer democratic socialism to capitalism. This is because capitalism is not working for them,
The reason why the Democrats fucked up the victory in Vietnam with the Case Church bill was because the Leftest shitheads couldn't stand the fact that Nixon defeated NVA after LBJ screwed up everything. Leftest shitheads can't stand the fact that fellow Communists got their asses kicked and were forced to agree in the Paris Peace Accords that South Vietnam could exist as an independent nation. The objective of the intervention going back to JFK.
Most Americans finally got tired of defending a government few South Vietnamese wanted to defend.

Would have means nothing. He refused to hold elections himself and siezed power then made him self into a ruler.

No one is liberated by communisgt tyranny
You are talking Bollocks, why would Minh refuse elections when he would have won? it was Diem in 1955 that refused to honour the 1954 Geneva accords, you are spinning a fantasy like a deranged Top.
Most Americans finally got tired of defending a government few South Vietnamese wanted to defend.
The victory in Vietnam could only be secured with continued military aid to Vietnam. No different than our commitment to South Korea or our participation in NATO.

At that time we supplied foreign welfare to almost everybody in the world like almost all of Europe, Israel, half a dozen Middle East countries and several in Asia. If America was tried of spending military aid for foreign countries then they were pretty damn disingenuous excluding Vietnam after all the blood and treasure we expended there.

You can argue all you want that JFK should have never sent ground forces to Vietnam or that LBJ should not have escalated the war.

However, the indisputable facts are that the North gave up and we had secured an agreement that met the objectives of our involvement but the goddamn Democrats, with the help of a few weak Republicans, gave the victory away. Why came afterwards were the Killing Fields, millions of refugees and shame on America.

That victory of the Communists also encouraged the Soviets to expand their influence in Central America and Africa and that lengthened the Cold War.
"If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost Middle America." LBJ

This wasn't "spin". Cronkite was about the last one to climb on the bandwagon. LBJ knew he was screwed at that point and announced he wouldn't run again.
But LBJ won the Tet offensive. He admits that Cronkite did wrong.
You are talking Bollocks, why would Minh refuse elections when he would have won? it was Diem in 1955 that refused to honour the 1954 Geneva accords, you are spinning a fantasy like a deranged Top.
Minh was the dictator. The South did not have any ruling them. Johnson won the Tet offensive.
The victory in Vietnam could only be secured with continued military aid to Vietnam. No different than our commitment to South Korea or our participation in NATO.

At that time we supplied foreign welfare to almost everybody in the world like almost all of Europe, Israel, half a dozen Middle East countries and several in Asia. If America was tried of spending military aid for foreign countries then they were pretty damn disingenuous excluding Vietnam after all the blood and treasure we expended there.

You can argue all you want that JFK should have never sent ground forces to Vietnam or that LBJ should not have escalated the war.

However, the indisputable facts are that the North gave up and we had secured an agreement that met the objectives of our involvement but the goddamn Democrats, with the help of a few weak Republicans, gave the victory away. Why came afterwards were the Killing Fields, millions of refugees and shame on America.

That victory of the Communists also encouraged the Soviets to expand their influence in Central America and Africa and that lengthened the Cold War.
Encouraged the Soviets to expand their influence in Central America and Africa like where?

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