Walter Cronkite's Ridiculous Spin on the 1968 Tet Offensive in South Vietnam

Encouraged the Soviets to expand their influence in Central America and Africa like where?
Like Guatemala and Nicaragua. You remember the Soviet backed Communists? they also exported Cuban mercenaries to Africa to help the goddamn Negros overthrow the Western leaning Whites.

All because they thought the US didn't have the courage to resist Communism after Vietnam. It took Reagan to fix that.
Like Guatemala and Nicaragua. You remember the Soviet backed Communists? they also exported Cuban mercenaries to Africa to help the goddamn Negros overthrow the Western leaning Whites.

All because they thought the US didn't have the courage to resist Communism after Vietnam. It took Reagan to fix that.
has it not crossed your mind the people who lived in Countries like Guatamala and Nicaragua wanted to overthrow the Fascist Dictators who looted the Countries backed by America, central and South America is littered with them, and yes the Cubans helped to smash the Apartheid Nazis in Angola, they should be very proud of that, by the way you sound like a racist Nazi.
has it not crossed your mind the people who lived in Countries like Guatamala and Nicaragua wanted to overthrow the Fascist Dictators who looted the Countries backed by America, central and South America is littered with them, and yes the Cubans helped to smash the Apartheid Nazis in Angola, they should be very proud of that, by the way you sound like a racist Nazi.
It has occurred to me that the Soviets are the one that caused a tremendous amount of turmoil in Central America in order to undermine the US. They felt it was worth their time after the US didn't have the courage to stop the Communists in SE Asia by continuing to provide military aid to South Vietnam. The Communists would have taken over South Korea in a heart beat if we had done the same thing there. No telling what your Soviet buddies would have done in Europe if we abandoned them like we did South Vietnam.

You are really confused about Rhodesia and South Africa. They were the good guys and the goddamn Negroes that wanted to steal the wealth the Whites created were the bad guys supported by your Communists buddies.

I am a Vietnam veteran and I don't think the US should have ever been involved in Vietnam. JFK and LBJ were idiots. However, once we did we should not have thrown the South Vietnamese to the wolves. Millions of people lost their lives to the Communists brutality and that is shame for the US. Shame on the stupid immoral Liberals that had no moral clarity on anything. Only greed and hate.
Want to hear an interesting observation about the Democrat scum?

LBJ was a failure, corrupt as hell and an asshole. He was a shitty Commander in Chief getting tens of thousands of American troops killed by trying to fight the war on the enemy's terms. Nixon won the 1968 election and then went on to have a very successful administration. In 1972 Nixon won reelection by one of the greatest margins in history. Nixon withdrew all the combat troops and took the war to the North and beat the North Vietnamese's asses and drove them to the Paris Peace Accords.

Then the Democrats did everything they could to undermine Nixon and that included abandoning the South Vietnamese. Because of the Democrat hate we got that idiot Carter as President and the Communists spread trouble all over the world. Millions of Cambodians and South Vietnamese suffered. The blood of the Killing Fields is on the hands of the Democrats.

Now we had Trump as the best President of modern times and he showed what a crappy President Queer Barry was and he schlonged Crooked Hillary. The Democrats hated that and figured out how to steal an election and now we have a stupid corrupt asshole failure for a President. We are seeing them undermining Trump just like they undermined Nixon.

Democrats are the scum of America,
has it not crossed your mind the people who lived in Countries like Guatamala and Nicaragua wanted to overthrow the Fascist Dictators who looted the Countries backed by America, central and South America is littered with them, and yes the Cubans helped to smash the Apartheid Nazis in Angola, they should be very proud of that, by the way you sound like a racist Nazi.
Just think, your beloved President Potatohead has turned the US into a Banana Republic complete with massive inflation, tremendous debt and corruption in the government.

He is turning the US into what you are bitching about. LOL!
So Vietnam was one country, where the vast majority of the Vietnamese supported the Communists. We had no business telling the Vietnamese how to govern themselves.
Ultraliberal Nation-Building

Everybody is programmed to beg the question by assuming America should have cared about the political opinions of the dumb native cowards. The dumb, cowardly, and conceited ruling class always tricks Americans into discussing irrelevant issues. The Vietnamese deserved to be punished for supporting Communism, just as the Germans were punished for supporting Naziism. Imitating that dumb draftdodger Dubya, did we call World War II "Operation German Freedom"?
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Figures that you were one of the cowards protesting the war instead of serving. I had people like you spit on me when I was in uniform.
The Yellow Yell, and Hollow Fools Follow

I don't care if you got the Medal of Honor; if you tolerate what Bush and practically the whole present ruling class did to get out of fighting Communists, you have no honor.

"He didn't protest; he didn't call us names," is a disgraceful way of excusing pro-war draftdodgers.
Of course. Far better than you ever could. Go away.

It was no paradise at all. But I remember when a forward unit called for arty and found out the SV province governor had sold it to the NVA.

I get tired of all the crap about this and about that.

It's over. It's done.
Never Mind and You Will Never Matter

The Preppy Pipsqueaks, who had their Daddies get them out of the war, owe Vietnam Vets 60,000 lives. That debt has not been paid off in the least. So it's not done, and it was never over. Ever since we came home to an occupied territory, they've been betraying the class that was sacrificed in a war the self-appointed rulers intentionally lost.
Do you know that there is a mini-revising industry of "oh, no, no one ever spit on the troops, it was all a lie" when in fact I saw it at O'Hare airport. I was called a liar.
A Vulture Needs to Coordinate Two Wings in Order to Fly Above Its Carrion

That performance was designed to get us to hate the protesters and tolerate the Chickenhawks.
But I mean were you at the Embassy as it was being evacuated? Do you know what transpired there that day first-hand? A good friend of mine was there and was among the almost last to leave. His good friend was on the last chopper to leave that day very shortly after dawn. And what he related is heart breaking.
The Brave May Not Always Deserve to Win, But Cowards Always Deserve to Die
Are you really in favor of North Vietnam? This might help you understand more. The first president who planned to help out Vietnam was FDR. Harry Truman learned about it when he took over as president. So he was going to do honor to FDR and help out Vietnam. Then the North decided to conquer the South part of Vietnam. Truman wanted none of that and he and then Ike decided to keep helping Vietnam ward off the North. When it was Kennedys turn he sent in the special forces and they were training South Vietnam. Well now you know more history of that area.

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