Walter Cronkite's Ridiculous Spin on the 1968 Tet Offensive in South Vietnam

From what i have read over the years i believe that is what did happen, what we call the deep state today.
Yes. The best reporter of Her time ,Dorothy Kilgallen ,was murdered after interviewing Jack Ruby. And all her notes were gone. Many of the Witnesses died early of "Heart Attacks" , accidents , and "Natural Causes". Usually it was those who contradicted the FBI's "Lone Nut" theory.
Vietnam was harmless to us. Germany was not.
Our Democrat president LBJ stated as a fact that Vietnam attacked us in a port. He a typical Democrat liar told everybody a huge lie.
I not only have a DD 214 AND a DD 256A, I also served during Vietnam which is more than you did. I have a lot better frame of reference than you do.
If Joeyboy served, then he's an absolute disgrace to the uniform. I bet he supports Hanoi Jane.
Wow, that's a lot of macho chest-thumping there. I'm guessing you don't have a DD214.

The military aspects were beside the point. It wasn't the ability to hold objectives that was the issue, it was that people really started to question what the hell we were doing over there. They were questioning why the draft was taking poor people while the affluent got into the National Guard (Bush and Quayle), got college deferments (Gingrich and Cheney), or got bullshit medical excuses (Limbaugh). They honestly questioned why the South Vietnamese couldn't fight their own damned war. They were wondering why we were bombing and defoliating a smaller, weaker country for not picking the kind of government we wanted.

Now, if you were to believe Mormon Mike, (A guy who has a website where he claims the Rape of Nanking wasn't that bad, and the Japanese were justified in bombing Pear Harbor), why, this was a fantastic victory, and that dirty Pinko Conkrite stole it from us by asking the obvious question of what the hell we were doing there.
Sticking to the actual Vietnam War, are you claiming you have a DD214? Why then don't you understand the role of our Media? They were turning against the Democrats and more to the point to Johnson the president. The Media decided it knew a lot more about war than did our Generals or the politicians. The things named by you for deferments were included thanks to the Democrats.

FDR intended, had he lived, to work hard to help the Vietnamese, but not Ho Chi Minh. Ho gets a lot of the credit but it is a different expert who actually waged war against the South.

FDR established as a valuable target Pearl Harbor. Should he not be blamed for such a wonderful target for the Japanese? Cronkite was not the only one to blame for what JBJ faced in Vietnam. LBJ had the bad habit of thinking as did Hitler, that he was the General who knew best how to fight and win.
How you got from my statement to your question is why my participation in this discussion is ended. The US lost the war and LBJ lost his support and WC had nothing to do with either.

That is not my aim. I don't mind our talk at all. I do not mind being corrected. What makes you think the only Media king I blame is WC? Actually we did not lose the war. We decided around 2 years earlier to shift out and do so in peace with the North. They decided after we departed to finish off South Vietnam. We, the congress at the time, vowed to never support the South again. So the north had the signal it needed to finish off S. Vietnam.
College students have the intelligence to think for themselves. So do most high school students.

Very few young people desire the kind of economy that existed in the Soviet Union. Very many prefer democratic socialism to capitalism. This is because capitalism is not working for them,
No they do not.

They are not allowed to think for themselves. They indoctrinated and noit permioted to have individual thought. More and more want the economy of the USSR and that will be a critival mass in a decade or so
You are talking Bollocks, why would Minh refuse elections when he would have won? it was Diem in 1955 that refused to honour the 1954 Geneva accords, you are spinning a fantasy like a deranged Top.
The why is irrelevant

it is simple historic fact that Minh refused to hold elections siezed power and then attacked another nation

I am stating absolute facts you are desperate and spinning like a top
Yes. The best reporter of Her time ,Dorothy Kilgallen ,was murdered after interviewing Jack Ruby. And all her notes were gone. Many of the Witnesses died early of "Heart Attacks" , accidents , and "Natural Causes". Usually it was those who contradicted the FBI's "Lone Nut" theory.

Kilgallen was a stylew and fashion reporter. She mainly did pieces on wealthy people's home decor. Not the best reporter of her time.

SHe was not murdered. She died of a self inflicted combination of alcohol and barbituates. She was a very heavy drinker, Basically a functioning alcoholic. She also took prescription sleeping pills which are barbituates. She simply lost track of the drinks and pills she took and died as a result

She NEVER had a true face to face interview with ruby. She simply attended his trial with many other reporters and during recess they would shot the occasional question at him which he ignored. That is the extent of her " interview "

She had endless notes in her office and home. Which were collected by her next of kin and nothing unusual found in them.

People have died over the years because it was over half a century ago and everyone dies. There have been no unusual number of deaths connected to it.

None of the grifters who contradict the warren commision hhave been killed or died in an unusual manner

Those are all facts which you are lacking
No they did not you ignorant dolt

They invaded and conquered.

You remind me of a political cartoon I saw during the the War in Vietnam. A tall Vietnamese labeled "Nguyen Yan Sen" was looking at some Viet Cong in the distance and asking, "Who are these foreigners who dare to desecrate our land?

We were the invaders. Our presence in Vietnam violated the Geneva Agreement of 1954.

You remind me of a political cartoon I saw during the the War in Vietnam. A tall Vietnamese labeled "Nguyen Yan Sen" was looking at some Viet Cong in the distance and asking, "Who are these foreigners who dare to desecrate our land?

We were the invaders. Our presence in Vietnam violated the Geneva Agreement of 1954.
No it did not violagte that agreement and one cannot be an invader when invited.
The why is irrelevant

it is simple historic fact that Minh refused to hold elections siezed power and then attacked another nation

I am stating absolute facts you are desperate and spinning like aThat is just
The why is irrelevant

it is simple historic fact that Minh refused to hold elections siezed power and then attacked another nation

I am stating absolute facts you are desperate and spinning like a top
That is just a blatant lie, Diem himself said he wouldn't take part in the election as agreed at the Geneva accords, you people use the same technique with the war in Ukraine just lie your heads off its your default position.
Yes. The best reporter of Her time ,Dorothy Kilgallen ,was murdered after interviewing Jack Ruby. And all her notes were gone. Many of the Witnesses died early of "Heart Attacks" , accidents , and "Natural Causes". Usually it was those who contradicted the FBI's "Lone Nut" theory.
My view is i don't believe Oswald was involved at all, he was just some fantasist, the same with the Luther King killing and Malcolm X, the Deep State had a Patsy in place to take the wrap, these were and are very dangerous people, Hoover was a Fascist.
Our Democrat president LBJ stated as a fact that Vietnam attacked us in a port. He a typical Democrat liar told everybody a huge lie.
It's what they have always done to start wars, problem i have is why so many of the herd believe the bullshit they are fed, i don't believe anything until i have done my own research then i form an opinion.

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