Walter Cronkite's Ridiculous Spin on the 1968 Tet Offensive in South Vietnam

These Leftist piles of dogshit are the same vermin who spat on our troops returning home, calling them baby killers.
To me defunding aid to South Vietnam was one of the most despicable things ever done by the Democrats. They had to give the Communists the victory they could not achieve on the battle field. They had to dishonor the American troops that sacrificed over there. They had to fuck the Vietnamese people. They had to show the world that Democrats are the scum of this earth.

As a Vietnam veteran I don't give a shit that the Moon Bat scum didn't honor the sacrifice that my fellow veteran made. I don't need validation from those low life turds. However, the blood of the Killing Fields and the reeducation camps and all the refugees are on the hands of the sorry ass Leftest shitheads.

This is a lesson that carried me through the Iraq War. I did not support the invasion of Iraq but I never gave aid and comfort to the enemy once were committed like these Leftest assholes did during Vietnam.
Flash ignores the bipartisan character of the overwhelming vote for the Case-Church Amendment in 1973 which I proved in my comment #318, which even Nixon himself finally voted for.

For a more general perspective on the ending of the war and his and other MAGAnuts distorted fantasy history of it, see my historical comment here:

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Newspaper headlines should have read something like "Communists Blunder with Desperate Gamble, Get Mauled Countrywide" or "Communists Suffer Horrendous Losses in Bungled Offensive" or "Communists Finally Fight in the Open and Suffer Crushing Defeat."

And Walter Cronkite should have said something like this:

To say that the Communist offensive was an act of desperation and an admission that their strategy was failing is the only obvious conclusion. To say that Hanoi's leaders badly miscalculated when they assumed that the South Vietnamese people would rise up and help the Viet Cong and the NVA is to state the obvious.

It is increasingly clear to this reporter that the only logical and rational next step is to follow up on this crushing military victory by pursuing the badly mauled Communist forces into their sanctuaries in Cambodia and Laos and just north of the DMZ. We could destroy their capacity to wage war in a matter of months with such a pursuit and with better use of our overwhelming air superiority.

In fact, South Vietnam's leaders suggested exactly this course of action. They could not understand why we refused to follow up on our decimation of the Communists with a hammer blow to their sanctuaries while the NVA were still reeling from the mauling they had suffered.
Believe me, my friend was no coward. Bronze star and silver cross awarded for service in Vietnam. Went on to become a Fire Dept. Battalion Chief.
"South Vietnam Is Like Its Flag: If It's Not Red, It's Yellow"

Since, like everyone on this thread, he was brainwashed into believing that the war was about helping the worthless Vietnamese, he had to justify the stress of combat by protecting those Third World humanoids when he should have shot them for cowardice and their greed for Free Stuff.
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The reason your typical Company Clerk knows so much is that the experts do not mind talking around them all. Clerks serve officers and in part the EM. So they know a lot about many things that are discussed. I was able to at times save some of the older EM from our Executive officers wrath. When the CO would depart on leave, the XO took charge. And he loved punishing others. Way way to much he loved doing bad things to the men of the company. One time for instance, after I put his punishments into my filing cabinet, when the Commander came back from Leave, I went to him with the punishments and told him the XO abused the men. Well the CO had himself once been a Company Clerk and he understood my motive. I told him he did not abuse his own men as did the XO. I never heard more from the CO nor from the XO.
Office POGues Know Only Words, Not Deeds

When I got to Vietnam, I was offered a company clerk's job because of my high test scores. I turned it down because I didn't join the Marine Corps to fight Communism with a typewriter.
"South Vietnam Is Like Its Flag: If It's Not Red, It's Yellow"

Since, like everyone on this thread, he was brainwashed into believing that the war was about helping the worthless Vietnamese, he had to justify the stress of combat by protecting those Third World humanoids when he should have shot them for cowardice and greed for Free Stuff.
I have known Vietnamese war refugees. They are good people. I have always liked them. We should not have abandoned the boat people to the Thai pirates. We should have killed the pirates. They are the people who deserved to die. Then we should have rounded up the boat people and settled them in the United States.
"South Vietnam Is Like Its Flag: If It's Not Red, It's Yellow"

Since, like everyone on this thread, he was brainwashed into believing that the war was about helping the worthless Vietnamese, he had to justify the stress of combat by protecting those Third World humanoids when he should have shot them for cowardice and greed for Free Stuff.
If you were not fighting for the South Vietnamese, who were you fighting for? Vietnam is a small country on the other side of the world. How could what happened there effect us here?
Newspaper headlines should have read something like "Communists Blunder with Desperate Gamble, Get Mauled Countrywide" or "Communists Suffer Horrendous Losses in Bungled Offensive" or "Communists Finally Fight in the Open and Suffer Crushing Defeat."

And Walter Cronkite should have said something like this:

To say that the Communist offensive was an act of desperation and an admission that their strategy was failing is the only obvious conclusion. To say that Hanoi's leaders badly miscalculated when they assumed that the South Vietnamese people would rise up and help the Viet Cong and the NVA is to state the obvious.

It is increasingly clear to this reporter that the only logical and rational next step is to follow up on this crushing military victory by pursuing the badly mauled Communist forces into their sanctuaries in Cambodia and Laos and just north of the DMZ. We could destroy their capacity to wage war in a matter of months with such a pursuit and with better use of our overwhelming air superiority.

In fact, South Vietnam's leaders suggested exactly this course of action. They could not understand why we refused to follow up on our decimation of the Communists with a hammer blow to their sanctuaries while the NVA were still reeling from the mauling they had suffered.
Never Again Should We Allow a 2-S "Deferment"

You're just trying to justify the cowardice and treason of the Republicans who ran away to college to dodge the draft.
Never Again Should We Allow a 2-S "Deferment"

You're just trying to justify the cowardice and treason of the Republicans who ran away to college to dodge the draft.
Very few prominent Republicans who are old enough to have fought in the War in Vietnam did. Oliver North is the only one I can think of. What do you think of Donald Trump and his bone spurs.?
Office POGues Know Only Words, Not Deeds

When I got to Vietnam, I was offered a company clerk's job because of my high test scores. I turned it down because I didn't join the Marine Corps to fight Communism with a typewriter.
I have often believed that is why I also was offered the job. But in my case, the 1st Sgt had a plan up his sleeve and though I really did not want the job, in the end he set me up to take it. I had nobody to fight in Germany when I was there unless I wanted Jail time.
If you were not fighting for the South Vietnamese, who were you fighting for? Vietnam is a small country on the other side of the world. How could what happened there effect us here?
The Multiculties' Marine Victims

The same ignorance implies that we are fighting for Israel by financing their century of taking our place fighting the war on the Nazislamis. Just like we should have bypassed the Taliban and its native competitors and wiped out Tora Bora, we should have ignored the South Vietnamese's half-hearted struggle and destroyed North Vietnam.
Evolution's Sore Losers

You're not listening to me at all, being stuck on this losing concern for Third World scum, the same thing that made us lose in Afghanistan and Iraq.
We are listening. You are coming through loud and clear. You are a racist pig. A loser who consciously sees himself as serving only white people, imperialists, and the rich man’s war machine.

Then you wonder why your bigotry and the U.S. government’s murderous wars against “Third World scum” like the Vietnamese led them inevitably to fight back fanatically, and why ultimately they kicked your (and Uncle Sam’s) invading ass.

You are a perfect example of an especially “Ugly American.” You admit you were never even a young “warrior” — and now you’re just an old and useless bore, drowning in your own bile.
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Both sides lie. Trump claims he won the last election.
Trump was not involved with the Vietnam war. My contribution was that LBJ lied and I must ask you why did you divert the topic?
What do you think of Donald Trump and his bone spurs.?
Pay Attention to What Words Imply. Trump Was Never a Chicken Hawk.

Trump had inside information that was kept hidden from the American people. He was classmates with the pro-war sons of the Military-Industrial Complex, feeble flag-wavers who had their Daddies get them out of even going on active duty. So he saw it was a scam, much like being exposed to only degenerate sons of preachers and rejecting religion.

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