Walter Cronkite's Ridiculous Spin on the 1968 Tet Offensive in South Vietnam

The Multiculties' Marine Victims

The same ignorance implies that we are fighting for Israel by financing their century of taking our place fighting the war on the Nazislamis. Just like we should have bypassed the Taliban and its native competitors and wiped out Tora Bora, we should have ignored the South Vietnamese's half-hearted struggle and destroyed North Vietnam.
I blame the media of the US for such remarks as the above. They lie all the time. Read two great books on Afghanistan. 1 is A General speaks out, by General Mike DeLong and also by General Tommy Franks his terrific book, An American Soldier. Both Generals lay out the war with Afghanistan and later the one with Saddam Hussein.
Very few prominent Republicans who are old enough to have fought in the War in Vietnam did. Oliver North is the only one I can think of. What do you think of Donald Trump and his bone spurs.?
Take one of my Pals, John P. The US Government offered a list of escapes from the Draft. We can't blame those who accepted the offers of the Feds. I was drafted into our Army and there was no war we were fighting, though we had special forces training the South Vietnamese how to wage wars. John spent his time in the local Coast Guard reserve and I in Germany, but no war there. We had millions who took the Government offer and spent time in uniform as I did. If one had a problem cited by the Feds, as did Trump, he and others did not have to wear even a uniform. But they did not create the laws. It was the Feds.
I am listening to you all right. What I hear is ugly.

If we were not in Vietnam to protect the South Vietnamese, why were we there?
Vietnam was not a single event as some propose. It had phases. Phase 1 was to send our troops as trainers of the south. They had orders to evade being in combat. They were not always able to evade combat. Along comes Johnson and he got us deep into combat. If you love the war, you hate Trump.
Third World Lives Don't Matter

I don't answer irrelevant questions, especially when you insult me by ignoring my posts saying that multicultie foreign policy is misdirected.
What posts have I ignored?

The War in Vietnam was an expensive, losing conflict fought against a tough resourceful enemy in which the rewards for victory and the penalties for defeat were imperceptible.

One of the stupid arguments for that war was that we were stopping Communist Chinese aggression. Well guess what? After the United States lost that war Communist China invaded Vietnam. Communist China lost too.

Now Communist Vietnam is one of our trading partners. As I type I am wearing under pants made in Communist Vietnam. They fit well and feel great. I have also bought frozen salmon from Communist Vietnam. It tasted great.
What posts have I ignored?

The War in Vietnam was an expensive, losing conflict fought against a tough resourceful enemy in which the rewards for victory and the penalties for defeat were imperceptible.

One of the stupid arguments for that war was that we were stopping Communist Chinese aggression. Well guess what? After the United States lost that war Communist China invaded Vietnam. Communist China lost too.

Now Communist Vietnam is one of our trading partners. As I type I am wearing under pants made in Communist Vietnam. They fit well and feel great. I have also bought frozen salmon from Communist Vietnam. It tasted great.
Generally our chance to learn history ends when we graduate high school. Some also graduate college and study history. But by and large, we buy books we think favors our view. We read the media we believe favors our dogged biases.
Vietnam is willing to take your cash and supply you with underwear. No doubt. Are they communists still? Is communism the right path? Not if you study history. Vietnam learned that it is money that is very important. So of course they sell you things and you want those things. That is capitalism and not communism.
No they do not.

They are not allowed to think for themselves. They indoctrinated and noit permioted to have individual thought. More and more want the economy of the USSR and that will be a critival mass in a decade or so
If College Student Aren't Paid, College Graduates Aren't Worth Anything
The Tet Offensive failed, but it was not an 'war ending' moment.

The war would only end when the commies decided to end it.

The USA would not invade NV, and as long as it had three sanctuary countries and China and Russia supplying it and hiding its resources, the war would continue.
The Tet Offensive failed, but it was not an 'war ending' moment.

The war would only end when the commies decided to end it.

The USA would not invade NV, and as long as it had three sanctuary countries and China and Russia supplying it and hiding its resources, the war would continue.
If you had invaded North Vietnam you would have been dealing with China because they wouldn't have tolerated it.
That is not a view it is a delusion.

We know for a fact he was involved and killed kennedy. He acted alone.

The same with the man who killed king

X was killed by the nation of Islam.

Hoover was no fascist. Hoover was a complicated guy and corrupt in some ways. But alsoa a great man in other ways. His staunch anti communist position and actions against them was outstanding
What part of fantasy land do you live in?
The Tet Offensive failed, but it was not an 'war ending' moment.

The war would only end when the commies decided to end it.

The USA would not invade NV, and as long as it had three sanctuary countries and China and Russia supplying it and hiding its resources, the war would continue.
The First American killed in Vietnam was Lt. Col Peter Dewey who was also in the OSS. He Alienated the British and French by contacting the Vietminh. He was accidently killed in 1945. He was killed by the Vietminh.

September 26, 1945

Peter Dewey. Albert Peter Dewey (October 8, 1916 – September 26, 1945) was an American Office of Strategic Services operative shot to death in a case of mistaken identity by Communist aligned Viet Minh troops on September 26, 1945.

A. Peter Dewey - Wikipedia​


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