Walter Cronkite's Ridiculous Spin on the 1968 Tet Offensive in South Vietnam

Tell that to the Cold War Democrat leadership. JFK felt it was important enough to us to commit troops and military aid. That dufus LBJ thought it was important enough to escalated the war and commit 500,000 troops and a significant amount of resources.

The Democrats got us into one hellva war, didn't they? LBJ was so stupid he thought he could fight the war on the enemy's terms and that caused tens of thousands of unnecessary American deaths.

I was sen to Vietnam in the fall of 1967 due to LBJ's escalation. I was returned home in the spring of 1970 under Nixon's withdrawal of American troops.

Nixon withdrew the American combat troops and took the war to the North and soon they North gave up and signed the Paris Peace Accords that recognized the sovereignty of South Vietnam. That was a victory until the our Democrat idiot once again fucked up and passed the Case Church amendment.
According to Robert McNamara, LBJ's Secretary of Defense, LBJ never had any intention of winning the war. He was trying to send a message to the communists in the PRVN government that their aggression wouldn't be tolerated. If anyone should know LBJ's intentions, it would be McNamara since he was involved in every one of them.
You can argue that JFK should have never committed troops to Vietnam and that LBJ should have never escalated the war. Those are valid criticism of US Cold War policy.

However, the US was never an "invader". We were in partnership with the South Vietnam government and other allies in the area and more importantly we never had any objective of conquest. Vietnam was a Cold War proxy war just like Korea and other conflicts of the time.

To put in the most simplistic terms our Cold War objective was the sovereignty of South Vietnam free from Soviet/China Communism influence. We achieved that objective (at great unnecessary cost due to the stupidity of LBJ to fight the war on the enemy's terms) when the Paris Peace Accords were signed. Then the Democrats, aided by a few weak Republicans, gave away the victory.

Democrats always fuck up everything.
Both the RVN and the USA were members of SEATO. The government of the RVN requested aid from the other members and the USA, ROK and Australia complied with their treaty obligations sending equipment and combat troops.
If you were not fighting for the South Vietnamese, who were you fighting for? Vietnam is a small country on the other side of the world. How could what happened there effect us here?
The UK was "a small country on the other side of the world" as well, should we have abandoned them to the tender mercies of Nazi Germany? "How could what happened there affect us"?
Very few prominent Republicans who are old enough to have fought in the War in Vietnam did. Oliver North is the only one I can think of. What do you think of Donald Trump and his bone spurs.?
Bone spurs were a disqualification for military service. I developed them while on active duty and had to fight like hell NOT to be discharged as medically unfit. They are easy to diagnose with a simple x-ray and can't be faked like asthma.
Bone spurs were a disqualification for military service. I developed them while on active duty and had to fight like hell NOT to be discharged as medically unfit. They are easy to diagnose with a simple x-ray and can't be faked like asthma.
Also, Trump did not have any authority to declare he had bone spurs. This was done by doctors who were experts on this condition.
Bone spurs were a disqualification for military service. I developed them while on active duty and had to fight like hell NOT to be discharged as medically unfit. They are easy to diagnose with a simple x-ray and can't be faked like asthma.

Podiatrist's daughters say bone spur diagnosis that helped Trump avoid Vietnam draft was 'favor'​

William Cummings
USA TODAY December 18, 2018

WASHINGTON – Two daughters of a New York podiatrist say that 50 years ago their father diagnosed President Donald Trump with bone spurs in his heels as a favor to the doctor's landlord, Fred Trump, The New York Times reported Wednesday...

Elysa Braunstein said their father made the diagnosis to gain access to the landlord and that she didn't know if her father even examined the junior Trump.

The UK was "a small country on the other side of the world" as well, should we have abandoned them to the tender mercies of Nazi Germany? "How could what happened there affect us"?
If 80% percent of them wanted to be governed by Hitler, I would say so. But of course, that is a preposterous question. The vast majority of British subjects opposed Hitler.
I am listening to you all right. What I hear is ugly.

If we were not in Vietnam to protect the South Vietnamese, why were we there?
The Sage of Main Street , you still have not answered my question. That question again: why were we in Vietnam? We lost that war big time, and losing did not cause all of us to go stark raving Communist.

Podiatrist's daughters say bone spur diagnosis that helped Trump avoid Vietnam draft was 'favor'​

William Cummings
USA TODAY December 18, 2018

WASHINGTON – Two daughters of a New York podiatrist say that 50 years ago their father diagnosed President Donald Trump with bone spurs in his heels as a favor to the doctor's landlord, Fred Trump, The New York Times reported Wednesday...

Elysa Braunstein said their father made the diagnosis to gain access to the landlord and that she didn't know if her father even examined the junior Trump.

So a doctor violated both the law and the Hippocratic oath to discuss a patient with his daughters? That doesn't ring true.
Irrefutable facts little fellow yoiu need to grow up realize you are out of t

The UK was "a small country on the other side of the world" as well, should we have abandoned them to the tender mercies of Nazi Germany? "How could what happened there affect us"?
Hitler was on a Global rampage invading all over Europe, the Vietnamese had no intention of invading anywhere they just wanted to liberate their own Country, why people can't get that i have no idea.
They did ok in Korea when they were threatened.
First, China was never threatened. Not a single UN soldier or piece of ordnance ever came close to the Yalu River which was the Chinese border. Second, the Chinese DIDN'T do okay in the Korean War. The Chinese "volunteers" took over nine hundred thousand killed, wounded or missing in the two and a half years they were involved in combat during the Korean War. The Chinese committed one million four hundred fifty thousand troops to the war, so their losses were catastrophic: over sixty percent.
If 80% percent of them wanted to be governed by Hitler, I would say so. But of course, that is a preposterous question. The vast majority of British subjects opposed Hitler.
The percentage of South Vietnamese citizens who wanted to be governed by Hanoi was in the low teens. I gauge that by the levels of support for the Viet Cong which was tepid at best despite motivations like the VC torturing and murdering anyone who openly opposed them.
So a doctor violated both the law and the Hippocratic oath to discuss a patient with his daughters? That doesn't ring true.
With Trump any lie rings true. He was a high school athlete. His bone spurs did not cause him any problems then.
First, China was never threatened. Not a single UN soldier or piece of ordnance ever came close to the Yalu River which was the Chinese border. Second, the Chinese DIDN'T do okay in the Korean War. The Chinese "volunteers" took over nine hundred thousand killed, wounded or missing in the two and a half years they were involved in combat during the Korean War. The Chinese committed one million four hundred fifty thousand troops to the war, so their losses were catastrophic: over sixty percent.
American troops on the Chinese border they would see as a threat.
They did ok in Korea when they were threatened.
Yes, and notice it was Truman who allowed them to get away with making war in Korea. We still keep military forces there and this of course is thanks to Trumans way to win a war. Truman did well against Japan and seemed to lose his fortitude after that.

Podiatrist's daughters say bone spur diagnosis that helped Trump avoid Vietnam draft was 'favor'​

William Cummings
USA TODAY December 18, 2018

WASHINGTON – Two daughters of a New York podiatrist say that 50 years ago their father diagnosed President Donald Trump with bone spurs in his heels as a favor to the doctor's landlord, Fred Trump, The New York Times reported Wednesday...

Elysa Braunstein said their father made the diagnosis to gain access to the landlord and that she didn't know if her father even examined the junior Trump.

She does not know she said. So why is this posted here today? She is calling her doctor father a criminal too. Sad to see a daughter pull this on her own father.
Yes, and notice it was Truman who allowed them to get away with making war in Korea. We still keep military forces there and this of course is thanks to Trumans way to win a war. Truman did well against Japan and seemed to lose his fortitude after that.
You shouldn't be in Korea, i already said why the Chinese got involved because they felt threatened by American forces arriving on their border, you keep making the same mistake like in Ukraine threatening the Russian border with Nato, WTF don't you just stay home?

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