Walter Cronkite's Ridiculous Spin on the 1968 Tet Offensive in South Vietnam

No, Ike said HE WAS TOLD that Minh would win. How often have we seen our intelligence sources be wrong about even more critical facts than the probable results of an election.
The Blind Leading Those They Blinded

The political opinions of Third World retards don't matter. Everybody here thinks LBJ was right in trying to save evolution's sore losers. But he was wrong to preach such a irrelevant motive for stopping the Communists from taking over the world. So this whole discussion is sidetracked by linking to America's self-appointed authorities.
Trick or Treaty

France, England, and Pakistan were also part of that treaty. Whatever reason they used to not go along with it could have been used by the American regime, too. Real Americans die; Chickenhawks' Daddies sign papers.
Intelligent Americans do not kill and die for causes not worth killing and dying for.
The Tet offensive of 1968 was of political significance. It meant that the end of the War in Vietnam was nowhere in sight. This pumped energy into the anti war movement, and contributed to the eventual Communist victory.
Politically significant yes.
Because Democrats made it significant.
Go figure. Democrats siding with Communists.
Politically significant yes.
Because Democrats made it significant.
Go figure. Democrats siding with Communists.

There was a difference between siding with the Communists and concluding that the South Vietnamese government was not worth fighting for.
There was a difference between siding with the Communists and concluding that the South Vietnamese government was not worth fighting for.
South Vietnam was a beautiful capitalistic nation.

Now after 50 years it’s coming back.

Those 2 million Vietnamese fleeing in leaky boats into pirate and shark infested waters disagree with you.
South Vietnam was a beautiful capitalistic nation.

Now after 50 years it’s coming back.

Those 2 million Vietnamese fleeing in leaky boats into pirate and shark infested waters disagree with you.
If the boat people represented the majority of the Vietnamese, the Communist would not have won that way.
When American GIs fled Vietnam clinging to their helicopters it did not look like a victory parade.
Are you on drugs or something? American troops never “fled Vietnam”. US and other SEATO troops left peacefully after the PRVN signed the Paris Peace Accords ending the Vietnamese War with a victory by SEATO forces. The fighting was over, the VC were exterminated and the NVA was defeated on both the battlefield and economically. The Soviets totally rearmed and retrained the remains of the NVA from a light infantry/guerrilla fighting force into a modern, armor-heavy combined arms army AT NO CHARGE to the People’s Republic of Vietnam. The PRVN then started a new war and conquered the Republic of Vietnam. It was the Vietnamese clinging to those helicopters fleeing your “liberators”.
Are you on drugs or something? American troops never “fled Vietnam”. US and other SEATO troops left peacefully after the PRVN signed the Paris Peace Accords ending the Vietnamese War with a victory by SEATO forces. The fighting was over, the VC were exterminated and the NVA was defeated on both the battlefield and economically. The Soviets totally rearmed and retrained the remains of the NVA from a light infantry/guerrilla fighting force into a modern, armor-heavy combined arms army AT NO CHARGE to the People’s Republic of Vietnam. The PRVN then started a new war and conquered the Republic of Vietnam. It was the Vietnamese clinging to those helicopters fleeing your “liberators”.
There still were American troops in Vietnam when the Communists won. They escaped any way they could.

When the Communists finally won, Time and Newsweek had sneering, jeering cover pictures of victorious Communist soldiers, and the words, "The Winning Side."

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