Walter Williams declares Civil Rights struggle over and won


Dec 3, 2012
Walter Williams: 'Civil rights struggle is over and ... won' | The Daily Caller

I saw this guy in an interview the other night and I was saying AMEN to my TV the whole time he talked. Now those of you who have read my blog will know I openly admit to being a racist but I do not hate black people or wish them ill will. I want only the best for them, as I would for anyone else. But just as each of my children have a different level of best(some of my kids are smarter than others) so to the best that may be for some people may not be the same as for others.

I don’t agree with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, not because I don’t believe blacks should have right to vote or that Jim Crow laws were right. What I disagree with is forcing integration on businesses and schools – something that Mr. Williams and I would have to respectfully agree to disagree on. I believe the 1964 Civil Rights Act was wrong because it was the greatest assault on individual liberty and property rights this nation has ever seen.

However that does not take away from his main point that Blacks now have opportunity, and they don’t have to deal with institutional racism they once did. The problems they now face are mostly self-inflicted problems primarily centering around the break up of the traditional family. While the breakup of the family has been felt by all races in America, none has been so devastated by it as the black community. When 70% of black babies are born out-of-wedlock there are going to be consequences, both economically and in the criminal world.

Nearly half of violent crime in America is committed by blacks(mostly black on black crime) even though they only represent 14% of the population. It is not a matter of over-policing either as some have accused. In cities like Detroit(that I live close too) the police don’t respond for an hour – the worst in the nation. Black citizens have had to take to streets to defend themselves. Justifiable homicide is way up in the wake of weak police presence in Detroit. So please don’t tell me about over-policing. The problem is not the police, the problem is not white people, the problem lies in the bad individual decisions of blacks. In many ways the black community should be ashamed of itself for not taking advantage of the dream that Martin Luther King helped them to achieve by getting the government off their back and actually giving them equal access and rights.
Walter Williams declares the Civil Rights struggle over and won | The Musings Of A Christian American Conservative

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