Wanna know why black unemployment is so high?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Look no further than Ferguson Mo. Or rather your local tv coverage of what is taking place in Ferguson.

All under the guise of a false sense of injustice.

No rational thought
Mob mentality
Any excuse to cause havoc
No desire for evidence
Evidence presented, ignore it
Burn down your own neighborhood
Chant kill the cop
The list goes on

Meanwhile dozens of blacks are killed & wounded weekly in various cities but because a white isn't involved not a peep is heard.
If I had a business looking for employees...I gotta admit I would be leary of anyone applying that lives in Ferguson.
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Watching MSNBC right now and the "protesters" are throwing projectiles at the reporters.

They're not even smart enough to know when they have sympathetic tv coverage.
The area is a middle income black town. It's not like the west side of KC, MO with all the hookers and dealers hangin..where you live...
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Look no further than Ferguson Mo. Or rather your local tv coverage of what is taking place in Ferguson.

All under the guise of a false sense of injustice.

No rational thought
Mob mentality
Any excuse to cause havoc
No desire for evidence
Evidence presented, ignore it
Burn down your own neighborhood
Chant kill the cop
The list goes on

Meanwhile dozens of blacks are killed & wounded weekly in various cities but because a white isn't involved not a peep is heard.
Thats quite a stretch... stereotyping the entire Black population by what's happening in Ferguson. Have you heard of any rioting by Blacks elsewhere in the continental USA over the Brown shooting? If not, I suggest you start from scratch and re evaluate your thinking!
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Thats quite a stretch... stereotyping the entire Black population by what's happening in Ferguson. Have you heard of any rioting by Blacks elsewhere in the continental USA over the Brown shooting? If not, I suggest you start from scratch and re evaluate your thinking!
The mindset prevents gainful employment not the action itself.
If a young Black man came into my business wearing his pants around his knees like he had just shit himself, wearing 'gang tats' and 'colours' I wouldn't think of hiring him.
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Unemployment in ferguson is 13%!

Gee, I wonder why? Gonna be even higher now that in their infinite wisdom they've decided to loot/destroy many of the local businesses
Well I'll give you my opinion on why so many in the black community are unsuccessful.

I think it comes down to what is a central theme in their lives, or at least in the lives of black youths especially the black male.

When you look at Asians or whites, the central theme for most is succeeding in a capitalistic society. Most want a high education, want entrepeneur possibilities, want to go as far as they can. This is where they get their self-esteem.

Hispanics want to be hard workers, family and religion play big roles, this is the foundations of their self-esteem.

Blacks have another thing altogether going on, and it's much different today than it was forty years ago.
The central theme I see today in the black community, is as individuals, they (especially males) seek to be perceived as a tough, bad, scary person. This seems to be key in how their self-esteem is achieved.
It's throughout their music today, it's all through their sports, they want to be seen as a bad ass, someone who not only can kick your ass, but can scare you just by looking at them.

Look back at this last NFL season. Remember the NFC championship game ? Remember the interview after the game with Richard Sherman ? Remember how appalled and disrespected he was that the Niner qb threw on him ?
Yeah, this is anectodal, but it really is typical.

Look at the video of Michael Brown robbing the convieience store of merchandise. Watch his body language, he loves the fact that he can physically do as he pleases. Watch the way he bullies the clerk.

Compare black music today, with the music thirty or more years ago. No comparrison. It used to be all about love. Today their music is filled with violent lyrics, and the love they "sing" about today, is more like rape.

This obsession to be "bad ass" it appears, is the central driving force, as to where the black community gets their self esteem.
For the average White person and many younger Blacks, your narrative fingers a Black subculture as being responsible for the social decay occurring in many of our inner cities. I disagree. What we are seeing is the end result of something that started with integration. Please don’t misinterpret that to mean that I am against integration. I am not. I am just pointing out a causal factor that had a disastrous effect on wealth and distribution of it in the Black community.

Growing up under Jim Crow, I am witness to the era of American Apartheid. While there was inequality in education and abuses in a system where Blacks had little political representation, there was prosperity. Black folk owned thriving businesses and most Blacks were gainfully employed. The social capitalistic engine of Black entrepreneurship was humming along nicely.

Then, the unthinkable happened. Integration cleared the path for Black consumers to abandon Black businesses and eagerly beat a well-worn path to the doors of White owned stores. Almost overnight

Black communities went from being independent enclaves to being ghettoes where Black consumers dug their own economic graves. Smart Blacks went to work for the government or left their decaying infrastructures for better opportunities elsewhere. Many of those who stayed behind were caught up in the gang lifestyle just to survive. Others, the decent ones, chose to eke out a living doing wht ever they could…all the while being preyed upon by the gangs, drug addicts and thieves. For many the only escape was through altered states of consciousness: DRUGS.

Those drugs were grown and supplied by Whites, Asians and South American Hispanics.
People with little hope were easy prey for the system, the dealers and others, some of whom looked just like them. Nevertheless, the state of the Black Union rests with us all, Black and white alike.
The mindset prevents gainful employment not the action itself.
If gainful employment in the Black community is your focus, perhaps you ought to read post #10.
I can understand not wanting to work in a hostile White environment where you are despised. The best thing for Blacks is to start their own enterprises and restore the entrepreneurial spirit they once had before integration.
They should STOP being just consumers in the white business domain and support each other' business efforts.
Perhaps then Blacks would have no need to beg for jobs from a hostile race. It can be done!
One more thing:

That entrepreneurial spirit that I mentioned above, has to be conjoined with political clout. Voting is the key. You can’t ignore key political positions in places like Fergusson and expect to be treated fairly. Blacks make up 2/3rds of the population in Ferguson but hold virtually none of the key positions at city hall, or on the FPD. How the hell, did they let a minority of Whites gain such a powerful base over their lives? Don’t they vote? Do they care?... I have a feeling something will change in the future elections!
One more thing:

That entrepreneurial spirit that I mentioned above, has to be conjoined with political clout. Voting is the key. You can’t ignore key political positions in places like Fergusson and expect to be treated fairly. Blacks make up 2/3rds of the population in Ferguson but hold virtually none of the key positions at city hall, or on the FPD. How the hell, did they let a minority of Whites gain such a powerful base over their lives? Don’t they vote? Do they care?... I have a feeling something will change in the future elections!
Typical nonsense. Don't wanna work for "evil whitey" but you'll have no problem using his money to fund a new business enterprise.

Seriously dude. These yahoos can't even hold down a BASIC entry level job and you think they're gonna start their own businesses?

Better question... why are the food stamp rolls so high? :dunno:

Republicans have to go to Blue States and beg skilled workers to come to their states because they think education turns you into a liberal. Finally, something we can agree on.
Republicans have to go to Blue States and beg skilled workers to come to their states because they think education turns you into a liberal. Finally, something we can agree on.
Illinois is a Red state dominated by the Blue pods of Chicago, East St. Louis, and the extreme southern tip of the state. Look it up, bitch. Highest unemployment in the Midwest, mass net-exodus from the state, tens of billions of un-funded pensions, tens of millions in unpaid bills.

THAT is what the fucking Democrats have wrought upon our state.

And you claim to live in Chicago? I don't fucking think so.
Typical nonsense. Don't wanna work for "evil whitey" but you'll have no problem using his money to fund a new business enterprise.
Seriously dude. These yahoos can't even hold down a BASIC entry level job and you think they're gonna start their own businesses?


You are seriously misinformed or uneducated when it comes to the status of Blacks in America.
That evil” Whitey, doesn’t include all Caucasians, just those who think like you, Speed shooter, Matthew, Tank and others too numerous to mention. That is the problem, you blend in so well with those decent White folk having good intentions. Blacks don’t mind working for fair-minded white people who live by the Christian creed. Aye, but these kind of Whites are rare… The “evil whites” are ubiquitous, clinging to their hateful traditions, blatantly misusing the term “conservative” to define the path that historically leads back to racial hatred and oppression!

Are you still laughing? Well, here is more “comedy “to ponder, chuckles.
The collective spending power of Black America is 1.2Trillion annually. That isn’t chump change, sport. And, welfare doesn’t even come close as applied t to the Black community alone. That’s only the spending factor. The Back middle class is the prime source of that mindboggling figure. They make up about 2/3rds of the Black community. I’d venture to say that their holdings and net worth probably also hovers around 1.5. Trillion.. Isn’t that funny? I’m not through:

In 2000, the African American population was 36,400,000. That’s thirty six million, four hundred thousand. Out of that group, 800,000 own businesses that generated 71,200,000,000 dollars.
But here is really something to tickle your funny bone: Only 23.5% of, African Americans were living in poverty. That is less than a quarter of the entire Black population or 8,554,000. Subtract that number from the total Black population and you get: 27,846,000 Blacks who are NOT impoverished.
You ought to be giddy by now, chuckles… enjoy!

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