Wanna know why black unemployment is so high?

Well I'll give you my opinion on why so many in the black community are unsuccessful. . . . .

Blacks have another thing altogether going on, and it's much different today than it was forty years ago.
The central theme I see today in the black community, is as individuals, they (especially males) seek to be perceived as a tough, bad, scary person. This seems to be key in how their self-esteem is achieved.
It's throughout their music today, it's all through their sports, they want to be seen as a bad ass, someone who not only can kick your ass, but can scare you just by looking at them.

I agree but I think you're missing some aspects. One important aspect is the Big Man model which is prevalent in Africa and still plays out in African-American culture. The Big Man who achieves success has obligations to help support those in his family and social circle. The wayward nephew, the pregnant niece, the widowed sister, plus his own family. This only works with financial success, but the Big Man model and its reputation enhancements also works with physical prowess, bravery, intimidation - these all buy respect from peers and family.

This obsession to be "bad ass" it appears, is the central driving force, as to where the black community gets their self esteem.

It's not just restricted to bad-assness though. Car salesman take advantage of black's need to be highly respected and up-sell them into more expensive cars. Even when many black men come in with a fixed budget, they can be more easily upsold to more expensive cars by having their status questioned.

Look at the money spent on status-sneakers. There are many aspects to this but what ties it all together is desire to be respected even if that respect comes with foolish decision ($500 sneakers), physical danger, criminal records, beggaring yourself supporting an extended family, spending more than you can afford for cars, etc.

For the average White person and many younger Blacks, your narrative fingers a Black subculture as being responsible for the social decay occurring in many of our inner cities. I disagree. What we are seeing is the end result of something that started with integration. Please don’t misinterpret that to mean that I am against integration. I am not. I am just pointing out a causal factor that had a disastrous effect on wealth and distribution of it in the Black community.

Growing up under Jim Crow, I am witness to the era of American Apartheid. While there was inequality in education and abuses in a system where Blacks had little political representation, there was prosperity. Black folk owned thriving businesses and most Blacks were gainfully employed. The social capitalistic engine of Black entrepreneurship was humming along nicely.

Then, the unthinkable happened. Integration cleared the path for Black consumers to abandon Black businesses and eagerly beat a well-worn path to the doors of White owned stores. Almost overnight

I agree with this too. This dynamic plays out all over the world in the form of "Big fish in a little pond." There's a lot to be said for this model. Women's colleges use it - those girls get to experience positions of leadership without having to compete with boys.

Frankly, I don't understand why you actually support integration when you have a pretty clear view of its negative effects.

Those drugs were grown and supplied by Whites, Asians and South American Hispanics.
People with little hope were easy prey for the system, the dealers and others, some of whom looked just like them. Nevertheless, the state of the Black Union rests with us all, Black and white alike.

Are blacks adults or are they children? Adults are responsible for their own choices in life. Children are excused from being held accountable. Blacks who consume drugs are making their own choices, just like white meth addicts and white crack whores and white cocaine addicts, etc. No special pleading for blacks. They're not victims of unique drug targeting.

Blacks make up 2/3rds of the population in Ferguson but hold virtually none of the key positions at city hall, or on the FPD. How the hell, did they let a minority of Whites gain such a powerful base over their lives? Don’t they vote? Do they care?... I have a feeling something will change in the future elections!

Politicians are drawn from a talent pool. The pool is deeper for the whites, even putting aside race, and just by looking at socioeconomic status. Secondly, Ferguson went from 75% white to 25% white in only 20 years. I'm betting that the local power structure that existed back in 1990 didn't move away - they have too much to lose to move away, so those who left were the ones who didn't benefit from having deep political connections in the area. As the whites moved away, the local white power structure remained in place. There's nothing odd or sinister about that.

The collective spending power of Black America is 1.2Trillion annually. That isn’t chump change, sport. And, welfare doesn’t even come close as applied t to the Black community alone.

That argument only stands when you apply a narrow definition of welfare - direct government hand-outs. There are trillions of dollars of indirect welfare in play here. One example: All levels of government have special preference programs for small businesses owned by blacks who bid on government purchases. When the town library has a toilet clogged up they call the plumber who has the city contract. If that plumber is black, he wasn't necessarily the lowest bidder - he received a preference due to his race. The difference between his contract rate and the lowest bidder's bid is indirect welfare.

That’s only the spending factor. The Back middle class is the prime source of that mindboggling figure. They make up about 2/3rds of the Black community. I’d venture to say that their holdings and net worth probably also hovers around 1.5. Trillion.. Isn’t that funny? I’m not through:

Blacks are vastly over-represented as government workers:

Though 10 percent of the U.S. civilian labor force, African-Americans are 18 percent of U.S. government workers. They are 25 percent of the employees at Treasury and Veterans Affairs, 31 percent of the State Department, 37 percent of Department of Education employees and 38 percent of Housing and Urban Development. They are 42 percent of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., 55 percent of the employees at the Government Printing Office and 82 percent at the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency.

This vast over-representation doesn't happen without overt racism in hiring, especially considering skill and aptitude disparities. This is another form of indirect welfare.

Now add on the costs of of government inefficiency and featherbedding and inflated salaries and bloated pensions and the costs increase further (though these costs are not black-specific, merely capturing blacks as part of a government-employee welfare spending bonanza.)

Black population and you get: 27,846,000 Blacks who are NOT impoverished.
You ought to be giddy by now, chuckles… enjoy!

Don't overlook how many are benefiting from employment affirmative action - when money is extracted from taxpayers or corporations in order to pay for inefficient delivery of goods and services, this cost is a form of welfare which gets transferred to blacks.

If society ran on the basis or merit, and merit only, then the black middle class would be devastated. Not obliterated because there are blacks who hold their own in the merit race but the Liberal Racism is so entwined in our economy that it really is a TAX on everyone and the principal characteristic of taxes is that they are not voluntary.
You are seriously misinformed or uneducated when it comes to the status of Blacks in America.
That evil” Whitey, doesn’t include all Caucasians, just those who think like you, Speed shooter, Matthew, Tank and others too numerous to mention. That is the problem, you blend in so well with those decent White folk having good intentions. Blacks don’t mind working for fair-minded white people who live by the Christian creed. Aye, but these kind of Whites are rare… The “evil whites” are ubiquitous, clinging to their hateful traditions, blatantly misusing the term “conservative” to define the path that historically leads back to racial hatred and oppression!

Are you still laughing? Well, here is more “comedy “to ponder, chuckles.
The collective spending power of Black America is 1.2Trillion annually. That isn’t chump change, sport. And, welfare doesn’t even come close as applied t to the Black community alone. That’s only the spending factor. The Back middle class is the prime source of that mindboggling figure. They make up about 2/3rds of the Black community. I’d venture to say that their holdings and net worth probably also hovers around 1.5. Trillion.. Isn’t that funny? I’m not through:

In 2000, the African American population was 36,400,000. That’s thirty six million, four hundred thousand. Out of that group, 800,000 own businesses that generated 71,200,000,000 dollars.
But here is really something to tickle your funny bone: Only 23.5% of, African Americans were living in poverty. That is less than a quarter of the entire Black population or 8,554,000. Subtract that number from the total Black population and you get: 27,846,000 Blacks who are NOT .
You ought to be giddy by now, chuckles… enjoy!

Grumps must be black (according to him).

No rational thought
Mob mentality
Any excuse to cause havoc
No desire for evidence
Evidence presented, ignore it
Burn down your own neighborhood
Chant kill the cop
Republicans have to go to Blue States and beg skilled workers to come to their states because they think education turns you into a liberal. Finally, something we can agree on.

When you have the entire education ran by liberals, it's no surprise young people come out of college with a liberal bias. Their age, lack of life experiences, liberal professors, and voila, you get a new crop of liberals every year. As they gain life experience, many ditch liberalism for common sense.
I agree but I think you're missing some aspects. One important aspect is the Big Man model which is prevalent in Africa and still plays out in African-American culture. The Big Man who achieves success has obligations to help support those in his family and social circle. The wayward nephew, the pregnant niece, the widowed sister, plus his own family. This only works with financial success, but the Big Man model and its reputation enhancements also works with physical prowess, bravery, intimidation - these all buy respect from peers and family.

It's not just restricted to bad-assness though. Car salesman take advantage of black's need to be highly respected and up-sell them into more expensive cars. Even when many black men come in with a fixed budget, they can be more easily upsold to more expensive cars by having their status questioned.
Look at the money spent on status-sneakers. There are many aspects to this but what ties it all together is desire to be respected even if that respect comes with foolish decision ($500 sneakers), physical danger, criminal records, beggaring yourself supporting an extended family, spending more than you can afford for cars, etc.
That’s baloney. Your “Big Man” theorem could be applied to any group of youngsters regardless of race.
Everybody wants to be respected… Where are you going with this? It appears you are spinning your wheels!

Rikurzhen said:
Frankly, I don't understand why you actually support integration when you have a pretty clear view of its negative effects.

Actually, like so many terms bandied about these days, the term “integration” is not the application it is purported to be. Are Blacks truly assimilated in American society? The only “integration “visible to my keen eyes is that of the municipal school system and the NAACP. Oh, I guess you could throw the Armed forces in that mix
The extent of “integration” in this country is vastly exaggerated.

Blacks can now drink from any water fountain they are brave enough to imbibe from. Blacks can now sit anywhere they like in White owned theaters and enjoy an overpriced movie while drinking huge expensive sugary drinks and munching on a wallet robbing sodium laden popcorn snack. Wow, that’s progress… That isn’t integration, is it? Isn’t it inice that when their bladders are full of sugary urine they can dash off to a nice uni-racial restroom and let loose? I wonder who really benefits most from that kind of integration; the owner who would have otherwise had to build 4 restrooms or the Black patron.

Those “negative effects,” as you put it, are an internal problem that could be fixed by the Black community with a coordinated effort. What Blacks need to do is invest in themselves and stop supporting people and businesses that do not support Black interests. Jews do it, Hispanics do it, and Asians do it.
Integration affects other minorities too. Without Blacks and real White Christians to lead the way, the brilliance of African Blacks, Asians and others might still be hidden behind the blood spattered walls of biased American tradition.

I support it because without it there would be taxation without representation. I endorse integration because, due to school integration, many former poor Blacks have taken advantage of educational opportunities and have lifted themselves out of poverty. Many good things have come through integration, including all the benefits and rights bestowed upon US citizens by the Constitution.

Are blacks adults or are they children? Adults are responsible for their own choices in life. Children are excused from being held accountable. Blacks who consume drugs are making their own choices, just like white meth addicts and white crack whores and white cocaine addicts, etc. No special pleading for blacks. They're not victims of unique drug targeting.

Well, now that you mention it, YES. Many of the problems affecting the 8,554,000 impoverished Blacks are centered in a pre-adult base. Those ARE the Blacks you are referring to, right? Surely you are not referring to the 27+ million other Blacks who are not poor!

But drug abuse is not limited to poor people. Rich people, celebrities and even Canadian politicians are druggies as well. Poor Blacks, though, bear the brunt of the “war on drugs. “They are held to a higher standard when it comes to enforcement, conviction and sentencing for illegal drug possession. The end result is devastating. Voter disenfranchisement, loss of assets, and a permanent ticket through the revolving door of the prison system. These are the people your system profits from through the privatization of prisons. There they are indoctrinated to become hardened criminals where, sooner or later, they are released back into the Black community where many terrorize and victimize the decent citizens therein. I suppose the same is true of white prisoners, but their incarceration rates for similar crimes Blacks are imprisoned for is far lower.

Politicians are drawn from a talent pool. The pool is deeper for the whites, even putting aside race, and just by looking at socioeconomic status. Secondly, Ferguson went from 75% white to 25% white in only 20 years. I'm betting that the local power structure that existed back in 1990 didn't move away - they have too much to lose to move away, so those who left were the ones who didn't benefit from having deep political connections in the area. As the whites moved away, the local white power structure remained in place. There's nothing odd or sinister about that.

You are full of shit too! Local Politicians aren’t drawn from a talent pool. Anyone who can best represent his/her constituency can run, regardless of background or political affiliation. I may have been born yesterday but I stayed up all night. The trick is getting on the ballot. It’s been done before; so, now it’s time for the majority in Ferguson to rise up and take control of their city legally. And please don’t point at Detroit and say the outcome will be the same. You have no proof of that! We will see!

That argument only stands when you apply a narrow definition of welfare - direct government hand-outs. There are trillions of dollars of indirect welfare in play here. One example: All levels of government have special preference programs for small businesses owned by blacks who bid on government purchases. When the town library has a toilet clogged up they call the plumber who has the city contract. If that plumber is black, he wasn't necessarily the lowest bidder - he received a preference due to his race. The difference between his contract rate and the lowest bidder's bid is indirect welfare.

I have a suspicious feeling that those special preferences you cite aren’t exclusively pertaining to Blacks but to all previously under-represented minorities to include White women. Correct? You are quite underhanded aren’t you? You go on and on with your sordid views designed to crush any economic gains Blacks have acquired. Yet, you ignore the bountiful gains White women have made under AA!

If the INTERNET had been available in 1936, we might have seen similar rhetoric coming out of NAZI Germany indicting the Jews as leeches and worse. But the German Jews made great contributions to
The world and were the model minority there; achieving the highest honors in every aspect of social circles and academia. That didn’t prevent the murderous envy spawned by people like you.

It makes no difference if Blacks excel of not, you just hate them regardless, just like Germans hated the Jews. Hitler gave their hate a voice and with it he galvanized a nation to murder a good portion of its own citizens because their minor differences. The Jews were never accepted as authentic Germans with their non-Christian religion. But religion was too lame of an excuse for genocide; so, the Jews became a RACE. AH, there we have it…NOW we have something to validate and justify the German people’s bloodlust. RACE! A subhuman RACE… Never mind the cosmetic similarity between Germans and European Jews. Under the skin they were sub humans and were stifling the German people and robbing them of their resources.
Doesn’t that reflect your perspective about African Americans? Isn’t that really the undercurrent of all the anti-Black bluster you have been spewing everywhere you go?

If society ran on the basis or merit, and merit only, then the black middle class would be devastated. Not obliterated because there are blacks who hold their own in the merit race but the Liberal Racism is so entwined in our economy that it really is a TAX on everyone and the principal characteristic of taxes is that they are not voluntary.

Don’t Blacks who get contracts pay taxes on their profits? Doesn’t that make up for any “welfare” attained in your premise? When people work, tax revenue is generated regardless of race, gender or national origin. But aren’t you forgetting that Affirmative Action is banned in many states. Local or state government contracts aren’t bound by Affirmative Action in those states unless they involve Federal funding in some way. That is ok by me. We know what your ilk is capable doing to vulnerable groups of people who don’t fit your ideal.

Blacks are vastly over-represented as government workers:
Though 10 percent of the U.S. civilian labor force, African-Americans are 18 percent of U.S. government workers. They are 25 percent of the employees at Treasury and Veterans Affairs, 31 percent of the State Department, 37 percent of Department of Education employees and 38 percent of Housing and Urban Development. They are 42 percent of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., 55 percent of the employees at the Government Printing Office and 82 percent at the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency.
This vast over-representation doesn't happen without overt racism in hiring, especially considering skill and aptitude disparities. This is another form of indirect welfare.

No it is NOT! Many of those Blacks are veterans… Veteran’s preference applies to ALL veterans. Besides you killed the thrust of your own argument when you correctly noted that Blacks make up only 10% of all civilian government workers. That means they are underrepresented in the civilian government workforce! That 18% of U.S. government workers must include the armed forces. BTW, I must concede one thing though… the incumbents of the top executive positions at the White House and Justice Department are 100% Black!

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