Want insurance that covers acupuncture and chiropractors?

Thanks to Obamacare you can now get it.

I hope everybody that ever supported this monstrosity chokes on the stuff they have to pay for now. Please, keep telling me how I want people to die in the streets because I oppose government mandated insurance. This is the type of shit everyone who considers themselves rational should stand up and demand be excluded from insurance, not covered by it.


My wife's insurance has always covered chiropractors.

I'd guess insurers would rather you go to a chiropractor for your back problems than have you pay a surgeon to cut your back open and perform expensive surgery with the oodles of potential complications that could jack costs up into the hundreds of thousands. Who the fuck woulda thought that insurance wants to save money? But hey - let's all ridicule options that cost far less than the western medical standard and then wonder why health care cost so damn much, shall we? If an acupuncturist can relieve your pain for dirt cheap that shouldn't be covered, you should only be covered for expensive medications and have expensive surgeries - that's how we keep costs down, eliminate the cheap options.

What does YOUR insurance cover?

the same things his wife's does... since he'd be covered by any plan she has, presumably.
I don't know what ins covers abortion now. They all should. If one pays for full coverage insurance, one should get full coverage insurance.

And rw's be damned.

An abortion should be handled like an elective surgery like getting a nose job. It isn't a medical necessity.
I am guessing that health insurance companies would rather you blow your brains out than go through chemotherapy too, what's your point? Maybe if you were a scientist you would understand why I expect doctors to make recommendations based on science rather than send me to a con man in order to save the insurance company a few bucks, but you hate facts and science, so you will never get it.

So treatments that work for some people shouldn't be used until we can scientifically prove how they work.

Well that eliminates about half of all the drugs on the market.

You want 100% western medicine go for it - that's what I choose. But if an acupuncturist or chiropractor can relieve someone's pain and improve their quality of life I find it hard to have a problem with that.

Is that what I said? If idiots want to pay for con men to place magnets up their ass and dance around them wearing rats I have no problem with it. I do, however, have a problem with the government telling me I should pay for the those idiots to be conned.

Once again, people who use science as a way to understand the world have no problem understanding my point.

what on earth are you babbling about?
Thanks to Obamacare you can now get it.

I hope everybody that ever supported this monstrosity chokes on the stuff they have to pay for now. Please, keep telling me how I want people to die in the streets because I oppose government mandated insurance. This is the type of shit everyone who considers themselves rational should stand up and demand be excluded from insurance, not covered by it.

The chiropractors were out in force, lobbying for months to get their services included in every state’s package of essential health benefits that will be guaranteed under the new health care law.
“We’ve been in constant contact with our state chapters, just telling them, ‘Look, you’ve got to get in the room,’ ” said John Falardeau, senior vice president of government relations at the American Chiropractic Association.
The acupuncturists were modest by comparison, ultimately focusing on a few states, like California, where they had the best odds of being included.
“Our profession really didn’t have a million dollars to spend on a lobbyist,” said Jeannie Kang, the immediate past president of the American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Instead, they mobilized 20,000 acupuncturists and their patients in a letter-writing campaign.
Both efforts seem to have shown results. Most of the roughly two dozen states that have chosen their essential benefits — services that insurance will have to cover under the law — have decided to include chiropractic care in their package. Four states — California, Maryland, New Mexico and Washington — included acupuncture for treating pain, nausea and other ailments. It is also likely to be an essential benefit in Alaska and Nevada, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.


so all i have to do is move to one of those 4 states to get it?
most people already have insurance that covers acupuncture and chiropractic.

your point?

No they don't, most people are smart enough not to buy insurance that covers magical thinking.

you don't know what you're talking about. most people are insured through work and are covered for chiropractic and actupuncture.

thanks for playing. and, for the record, both serve their purposes. march 1st will be 5 years since i quit smoking by using acupuncture. and when you have back pain, there's nothing wrong with an adjustment from a chiro.. nothing 'magical' about either.

but it's funny to see you call it magical when you think we should all live by *your* bible.

And now the government is going to mandate that everyone get that type of coverage. Want to tell me how that makes sense? You cannot even come up with a logical reason to cover birth control, are you seriously going to attempt to justify mandatory acupuncture coverage?

For the record, acupuncture had absolutely nothing to do with you quitting smoking, despite your beliefs. What ahppened is that you convinced yourself it would work, so it worked. I could have accomplished the same thing by having you dance naked under the full moon in a voodoo ceremony.

I still am wondering where I have ever insisted that everyone live by the Bible. Have you found any examples of that yet?

Didn't think so, so you should stop resorting to strawman arguments, it just makes it clear you are loosing.
My wife's insurance has always covered chiropractors.

I'd guess insurers would rather you go to a chiropractor for your back problems than have you pay a surgeon to cut your back open and perform expensive surgery with the oodles of potential complications that could jack costs up into the hundreds of thousands. Who the fuck woulda thought that insurance wants to save money? But hey - let's all ridicule options that cost far less than the western medical standard and then wonder why health care cost so damn much, shall we? If an acupuncturist can relieve your pain for dirt cheap that shouldn't be covered, you should only be covered for expensive medications and have expensive surgeries - that's how we keep costs down, eliminate the cheap options.

What does YOUR insurance cover?

the same things his wife's does... since he'd be covered by any plan she has, presumably.

He claims he is an astrophysicist working for a university, why would he be covered by his wife's plan? On top of that, he actually started a thread whinging about how his plan isn't paying for his son's shots. That means that neither one of you can now argue he is covered by his wife's plan.

So treatments that work for some people shouldn't be used until we can scientifically prove how they work.

Well that eliminates about half of all the drugs on the market.

You want 100% western medicine go for it - that's what I choose. But if an acupuncturist or chiropractor can relieve someone's pain and improve their quality of life I find it hard to have a problem with that.

Is that what I said? If idiots want to pay for con men to place magnets up their ass and dance around them wearing rats I have no problem with it. I do, however, have a problem with the government telling me I should pay for the those idiots to be conned.

Once again, people who use science as a way to understand the world have no problem understanding my point.

what on earth are you babbling about?

Why is this concept so hard for people to understand? If an insurance policy covers a procedure, then everyone who buys that policy is paying for that procedure, even if they don't use it. As for the magnets up the ass and the conman doing a dance while wearing rats, I was just pointing out how effective acupuncture and chiropractory are if you look at them with the proper scientific objectivity.
Thanks to Obamacare you can now get it.

I hope everybody that ever supported this monstrosity chokes on the stuff they have to pay for now. Please, keep telling me how I want people to die in the streets because I oppose government mandated insurance. This is the type of shit everyone who considers themselves rational should stand up and demand be excluded from insurance, not covered by it.

The chiropractors were out in force, lobbying for months to get their services included in every state’s package of essential health benefits that will be guaranteed under the new health care law.
“We’ve been in constant contact with our state chapters, just telling them, ‘Look, you’ve got to get in the room,’ ” said John Falardeau, senior vice president of government relations at the American Chiropractic Association.
The acupuncturists were modest by comparison, ultimately focusing on a few states, like California, where they had the best odds of being included.
“Our profession really didn’t have a million dollars to spend on a lobbyist,” said Jeannie Kang, the immediate past president of the American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Instead, they mobilized 20,000 acupuncturists and their patients in a letter-writing campaign.
Both efforts seem to have shown results. Most of the roughly two dozen states that have chosen their essential benefits — services that insurance will have to cover under the law — have decided to include chiropractic care in their package. Four states — California, Maryland, New Mexico and Washington — included acupuncture for treating pain, nausea and other ailments. It is also likely to be an essential benefit in Alaska and Nevada, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.

so all i have to do is move to one of those 4 states to get it?

You could call up your state legislature creatures and demand your state cover it also.
My wife's insurance has always covered chiropractors.

I'd guess insurers would rather you go to a chiropractor for your back problems than have you pay a surgeon to cut your back open and perform expensive surgery with the oodles of potential complications that could jack costs up into the hundreds of thousands. Who the fuck woulda thought that insurance wants to save money? But hey - let's all ridicule options that cost far less than the western medical standard and then wonder why health care cost so damn much, shall we? If an acupuncturist can relieve your pain for dirt cheap that shouldn't be covered, you should only be covered for expensive medications and have expensive surgeries - that's how we keep costs down, eliminate the cheap options.

What does YOUR insurance cover?

the same things his wife's does... since he'd be covered by any plan she has, presumably.

We each have separate coverage at our work.
I wouldn't object if only the chiros were legit and didn't just look at an xray, say you have a twisted spine or some shit, and then claim it'll take 6 sessions at $95 per session to fix the problem, and then have you walk out in worse shape than you walked in.

Chiropractors are bullshit artists.

sure they are.....mine has fixed problems on me that the other Doctors wanted to do surgery on or give me some drug for the rest of my life.....yea they are bullshit artists.....
Thanks to Obamacare you can now get it.

I hope everybody that ever supported this monstrosity chokes on the stuff they have to pay for now. Please, keep telling me how I want people to die in the streets because I oppose government mandated insurance. This is the type of shit everyone who considers themselves rational should stand up and demand be excluded from insurance, not covered by it.


most people already have insurance that covers acupuncture and chiropractic.

your point?

No they don't, most people are smart enough not to buy insurance that covers magical thinking.

Blue Shield covers both.....and like i said.....my Chiropractor has fixed problems on me that the other guys were stumped on and wanted to of course....give me a drug to take that would no doubt be as bad as the problem itself....gee i wonder which one is magical thinking?......
most people already have insurance that covers acupuncture and chiropractic.

your point?

No they don't, most people are smart enough not to buy insurance that covers magical thinking.

Blue Shield covers both.....and like i said.....my Chiropractor has fixed problems on me that the other guys were stumped on and wanted to of course....give me a drug to take that would no doubt be as bad as the problem itself....gee i wonder which one is magical thinking?......

Want to provide scientific studies that verify the efficacy of chiropractic treatments? I know lots of people that will swear that homeopathy works, and others that swear that aroma therapy works, so your heartfelt defense of chiropractic quackery doesn't mean anything.
No they don't, most people are smart enough not to buy insurance that covers magical thinking.

Blue Shield covers both.....and like i said.....my Chiropractor has fixed problems on me that the other guys were stumped on and wanted to of course....give me a drug to take that would no doubt be as bad as the problem itself....gee i wonder which one is magical thinking?......

Want to provide scientific studies that verify the efficacy of chiropractic treatments? I know lots of people that will swear that homeopathy works, and others that swear that aroma therapy works, so your heartfelt defense of chiropractic quackery doesn't mean anything.

so in other words....you had a shitty Chiropractor and so they all suck....right?.....i had a shitty regular Doctor that could not even diagnose Sciatica.....guess who cleared that up for me in 5 days time?.....and i was fucking limping.....but i dont say stay away from Doctors because one sucked at his job.....i also had a irregular heartbeat that a Cardiologist was going to put me on pills to treat......i went to my Chiropractor.....he straightened my ribcage,which i felt pop into place.....never had that problem again .....open up your mind and eyes QW.....your missing a lot.....
No they don't, most people are smart enough not to buy insurance that covers magical thinking.

Blue Shield covers both.....and like i said.....my Chiropractor has fixed problems on me that the other guys were stumped on and wanted to of course....give me a drug to take that would no doubt be as bad as the problem itself....gee i wonder which one is magical thinking?......

Want to provide scientific studies that verify the efficacy of chiropractic treatments? I know lots of people that will swear that homeopathy works, and others that swear that aroma therapy works, so your heartfelt defense of chiropractic quackery doesn't mean anything.

Much of my education and background is in allopathic medicine and I used to be just as closed minded as you. There was a time when I said that I'd rather go to my vet than one of the other disciplines. But, all of the above can and do work. Including homeopathy.
I find myself absolutely on the "other" side right now. I've often had problems accepting the idea that the only medical authorities are the ones the AMA approves of. There is a place for alternative medicine, including chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, herbology, etc. Why should everyone be shackled to the one-size-fits-all morbid pathology that pervades traditional Western medicine?
I prefer my chiropractor for a lot of reasons. He doesn't immediately resort to cutting or heavy-duty drugs. I personally practice herbal medicine, for myself and my livestock. Somehow, I doubt my animals feel better because they have convinced themselves of the efficacy of an herbal treatment.
The AMA was founded as a cartel of ( barelytrained) physicians to fight against the acceptance of homeopathy. In those days, everyone used homeopathic remedies with great success so the new non-scientific doctoring formed a cartel to combat it.
I find myself absolutely on the "other" side right now. I've often had problems accepting the idea that the only medical authorities are the ones the AMA approves of. There is a place for alternative medicine, including chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, herbology, etc. Why should everyone be shackled to the one-size-fits-all morbid pathology that pervades traditional Western medicine?
I prefer my chiropractor for a lot of reasons. He doesn't immediately resort to cutting or heavy-duty drugs. I personally practice herbal medicine, for myself and my livestock. Somehow, I doubt my animals feel better because they have convinced themselves of the efficacy of an herbal treatment.

Look into homeopathy for your animals. No one can say its a placebo effect and I've seen some amazing cures.
Blue Shield covers both.....and like i said.....my Chiropractor has fixed problems on me that the other guys were stumped on and wanted to of course....give me a drug to take that would no doubt be as bad as the problem itself....gee i wonder which one is magical thinking?......

Want to provide scientific studies that verify the efficacy of chiropractic treatments? I know lots of people that will swear that homeopathy works, and others that swear that aroma therapy works, so your heartfelt defense of chiropractic quackery doesn't mean anything.

so in other words....you had a shitty Chiropractor and so they all suck....right?.....i had a shitty regular Doctor that could not even diagnose Sciatica.....guess who cleared that up for me in 5 days time?.....and i was fucking limping.....but i dont say stay away from Doctors because one sucked at his job.....i also had a irregular heartbeat that a Cardiologist was going to put me on pills to treat......i went to my Chiropractor.....he straightened my ribcage,which i felt pop into place.....never had that problem again .....open up your mind and eyes QW.....your missing a lot.....

Actually, I have never been to a chiropractor because I understand they all are con men. Why don't you educate yourself and find out what an honest chiropractor thinks of the profession?

Science-Based Medicine » Following the Guidelines of Science: A Chiropractic Dilemma
Blue Shield covers both.....and like i said.....my Chiropractor has fixed problems on me that the other guys were stumped on and wanted to of course....give me a drug to take that would no doubt be as bad as the problem itself....gee i wonder which one is magical thinking?......

Want to provide scientific studies that verify the efficacy of chiropractic treatments? I know lots of people that will swear that homeopathy works, and others that swear that aroma therapy works, so your heartfelt defense of chiropractic quackery doesn't mean anything.

Much of my education and background is in allopathic medicine and I used to be just as closed minded as you. There was a time when I said that I'd rather go to my vet than one of the other disciplines. But, all of the above can and do work. Including homeopathy.


Close minded? :cuckoo:

I have this weird fetish that doctors actually use stuff that works even if the person that is being treated believes in evolution.

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