Want to buy a toothbrush?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
A man with a speech impediment applies for a job as a salesman. The sales manager interviews him and tells him......I don’t think someone with your handicap can handle a sales job

The man says......I,I try real hard. You, you give me chance and I show you

So the sales manager says..... we have a shipment of tooth brushes nobody has been able to sell. If you can sell a case I will hire you

So the man says...... Thank, thank you very much and takes a case. He comes back at the end of the day and takes two more cases and by the end of the week has sold every toothbrush they had in stock

The sales manager calls him into his office and asks how he did it

The man says......I, I go to the airport and put up a BIG sign. It, it says “Free Candy”
People eat the candy and say.....Hey, this candy tastes like shit!
I say......Well, it is shit
Wanna buy a toothbrush?

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