Want To See A REAL Hate Crime?

George Costanza

A Friendly Liberal
Mar 10, 2009
Los Angeles area.
Hate crimes have been discussed here for a long time. Much of the discussion is unfocused and many of the opinions expressed based upon incomplete information. Want to see what a real hate crime looks like? I just took this case in. The arrest report contains the following:

"The victim is standing in the rear alley of his apartment talking to friends. The suspects are also in the alley, and begin yelling at the victim, calling him a 'fag' and a 'faggot.' The victim, who is gay, ignores the suspects. The suspects then approach the victim and begin hitting him with their closed fists in the face and head area. The victm falls to the ground, and the suspects begin kicking the victim in the head. While the suspects are hitting and kicking the victim, the suspects continue to call the victim a 'fag' and 'fucking faggot.' One of the suspects also states, 'you should die' and 'go back to Mexico." The suspects then search the victims pants pockets, and one of the suspects removes the victim's immigration papers from his pants pockets. The suspects then flee on foot, W/B through the alley and out of sight."

Note that here is no question here as to WHY the suspects were attacking and robbing the victim - they SAY SO throughout the attack and the robbery.

All right, hate crime apologists - have at it. Come on and defend these animals.
where the FUCK is anyone not calling it hate you lying hunk of dog shit?
Hate crimes have been discussed here for a long time. Much of the discussion is unfocused and many of the opinions expressed based upon incomplete information. Want to see what a real hate crime looks like? I just took this case in. The arrest report contains the following:

"The victim is standing in the rear alley of his apartment talking to friends. The suspects are also in the alley, and begin yelling at the victim, calling him a 'fag' and a 'faggot.' The victim, who is gay, ignores the suspects. The suspects then approach the victim and begin hitting him with their closed fists in the face and head area. The victm falls to the ground, and the suspects begin kicking the victim in the head. While the suspects are hitting and kicking the victim, the suspects continue to call the victim a 'fag' and 'fucking faggot.' One of the suspects also states, 'you should die' and 'go back to Mexico." The suspects then search the victims pants pockets, and one of the suspects removes the victim's immigration papers from his pants pockets. The suspects then flee on foot, W/B through the alley and out of sight."

Note that here is no question here as to WHY the suspects were attacking and robbing the victim - they SAY SO throughout the attack and the robbery.

All right, hate crime apologists - have at it. Come on and defend these animals.

There is no doubt that this is a 'real hate crime,' or as we conservatives refer to it, a crime.

What strikes me, no pun intended, as unusual, is a seemingly intelligent poster summing up with 'Come on and defend these animals.'

So, is the point of the OP to show incensed you are with the episode in question???

And you expect some disagreement???

When you have this much time to waste you should be making toast with a hair dryer.


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Islamist extremists tell you who they are, too. They say so. But nobody wants to call that "hate."

Suggest you try some other thread - you obviously have no understanding whatsoever of what this one is about.

First of all. I'm confused what the vic gay or Mexican? Second of all, no doubt that was either a racially, or sexually (possibly both) fueled crime. But I am STILL opposed to hate crime legislation b/c it is completely the opposite of what our justice system is SUPPOSED to be, blind and equal justice for ALL.. Any reasonable person would admit that this is so.
sounds like an assault and battery took place, what a shame we dont already have laws against such things

oh wait, we DO
and what makes this more serious than if they did it to a Hetero person?

Some folks would like us to institute 'thought crimes.'

What makes it more serious is the MOTIVATION for the crime. This is a crime that would never have been commited but for the sexual orientation/ethnic origin of the victim. Had a straight, white guy been standing there, nothing would have happened.

Crimes such as these are more serious than "plain" assaults, because of the motivation for the attack. You may disagree - but the legislature feels hate crimes should be punished more severely, which is why hate crime legislation has been enacted.
and what makes this more serious than if they did it to a Hetero person?

Some folks would like us to institute 'thought crimes.'

So you are saying that the suspects in this case should NOT be punished more severely than anyone else who commits a "plain" assault on a victim? Sure sounds to me as if you are defending the animals in this case.
and what makes this more serious than if they did it to a Hetero person?

Some folks would like us to institute 'thought crimes.'

So you are saying that the suspects in this case should NOT be punished more severely than anyone else who commits a "plain" assault on a victim? Sure sounds to me as if you are defending the animals in this case.
they should recieve the full punishment for the crime, regardless of WHO it was done to

equal justice under the law
if someone attacks me they should receive the same punishment
and what makes this more serious than if they did it to a Hetero person?

Some folks would like us to institute 'thought crimes.'

What makes it more serious is the MOTIVATION for the crime. This is a crime that would never have been commited but for the sexual orientation/ethnic origin of the victim. Had a straight, white guy been standing there, nothing would have happened.

Crimes such as these are more serious than "plain" assaults, because of the motivation for the attack. You may disagree - but the legislature feels hate crimes should be punished more severely, which is why hate crime legislation has been enacted.

How do you know that?
Some folks would like us to institute 'thought crimes.'

So you are saying that the suspects in this case should NOT be punished more severely than anyone else who commits a "plain" assault on a victim? Sure sounds to me as if you are defending the animals in this case.
they should recieve the full punishment for the crime, regardless of WHO it was done to

equal justice under the law
if someone attacks me they should receive the same punishment

Wrong analysis. Hate crime legislation does not single out one class of citizens for punishment. Anyone (white, black or green) can commit a hate crime. If we had a hate crime statute that said: "Any white person who attacks any person of a minority race for racially motivated reasons is guilty of . . . " then there would be an equal protection argument. But that is not the way hate crime statutes are written.
All right, hate crime apologists - have at it. Come on and defend these animals.

Double strawman fail.

First, there is no such thing as a "hate crime apologist." Nice strawman :thup:

Second, opposition to hate crime laws has nothing to do with "defending" heinous acts such as this story describes. Again, nice strawman :thup:
Some folks would like us to institute 'thought crimes.'

What makes it more serious is the MOTIVATION for the crime. This is a crime that would never have been commited but for the sexual orientation/ethnic origin of the victim. Had a straight, white guy been standing there, nothing would have happened.

Crimes such as these are more serious than "plain" assaults, because of the motivation for the attack. You may disagree - but the legislature feels hate crimes should be punished more severely, which is why hate crime legislation has been enacted.

How do you know that?

Because of what the suspects said during the attack. Their motivation is clear here.
So it wouldn't have been assault, battery and robbery if the victim was straight?

We already have laws against such. Motivation behind the crime does not make the crime worse than if it was just a average straight joe who got beaten and robbed.
All right, hate crime apologists - have at it. Come on and defend these animals.

Double strawman fail.

First, there is no such thing as a "hate crime apologist." Nice strawman :thup:

Second, opposition to hate crime laws has nothing to do with "defending" heinous acts such as this story describes. Again, nice strawman :thup:

All right - I take it you are opposed to hate crime legislation. What is/are your objection(s)? Why do you feel hate crime legislation is wrong?
and what makes this more serious than if they did it to a Hetero person?

Some folks would like us to institute 'thought crimes.'

What makes it more serious is the MOTIVATION for the crime. This is a crime that would never have been commited but for the sexual orientation/ethnic origin of the victim. Had a straight, white guy been standing there, nothing would have happened.

Crimes such as these are more serious than "plain" assaults, because of the motivation for the attack. You may disagree - but the legislature feels hate crimes should be punished more severely, which is why hate crime legislation has been enacted.

'...never have been commited but for the sexual orientation/ethnic origin of the victim."
Of course, you have no way of verifying that...it's like 'jobs created or saved.'
How about we investigate the motivation behind self-serving assumptions?

"more serious than "plain" assaults, because of the motivation for the attack. You may disagree - but the legislature feels ..."
Could that legislature be...progressive, or liberal, or Democrat?
Could there be more of that self-serving motivation, i.e., make sure our 'protected' groups know where we stand.'

How about we make a hate crime any crime committed by a member of one racial, religious, ethnic group against a member of a different group?
Good idea?
Then we wouldn't have to claim to be mind readers.
You mean you wouldn't support that?

But, then, it wouldn't conform to the liberal motto, 'Feeling is as good as knowing.'

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