WaPo: Joe Biden's Gun Control 'Terrible For Working Class Firearm Owners'

Don't let facts get in the way of truth, er, I mean, truth is better than facts....er

Here is Biden's gun control plan, in his 2020 platform:

A few states already do this and more. For instance, in Boston, you are not allowed to HAVE an AR-15 unless have a damned good reason. And the gunkooks can't qualify. California, you can't have an AR-15 unless you are cop on duty. There are other areas that either outlawed them outright or have severely limited the AR. While not outright outlawing the AR, many states have laws on the books to limit the AR.

And therein lies the crux. Unless the Feds can get Congress and the Courts to place the AR and the AK into the same reasoning that they used to slowly get rid of the Thompson Model 1921 then the Feds have no power to do what the Democratic Plank wants. It's not up to the Feds who are limited by at least 3 Articles in the US Constitution, it's up the States and lower governments to do it if they feel that it's for the best of the community under the State's Constitutions.

That aside, Biden did not say he was going to treat the AR like the Thompson. And idiot called it "Assault Rifles". Won't stand up in court. Now, had he said "AR-15/AK-47 and the various clones" most of that might stand. We have many of those laws in Colorado already and you can still go out and buy an AR or Clone by passing a simple background check. What's funny, the Gunshops and Pawn Shops have tons of these at some really good prices but they mostly just gather dust. The AR Cult was broken and now the gun has to stand on it's own and falls dramatically short unless you are going to have 4 mags of 30 rounds and are going to shoot up a school.

The reality is, the AR is a cult gun, nothing more. And the term Assault Weapon has been bounced by every court it's been presented to. It's not the gun, so much, it's the cult and the fruitcakes that are part of that Cult that keeps shooting masses of People.
Don't know where you get your info.
You shit for brains I live in ca. and you can own ar 15s

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