War Drums: Obama Hints At Military Intervention In Syria...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Smells like something's cooking. And it appears it will happen right before the Election. War with Iran, Syria, or some sort of large-scale domestic disturbance now seems very likely. Definitely stay tuned.

President Obama held a surprise press conference today. It was wide ranging, but in the last few minutes Obama laid down the goal posts for direct American military intervention in Syria. And it would seem we are likely headed for war as the conditions he cited have already been met.

A few quotes from the press conference:

“At this point the likelihood of a soft landing is remote.”

“We cannot have a situation where chemical or biological weapons are falling into the hands of the wrong people.”

“A red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized, that would change my calculus, that would change my equation.”

Some Headlines from the last month:

“Syria's Chemical Weapons Threat Demands A Response” CNN Aug. 16 2012

“Securing Syria chemical weapons may take tens of thousands of troops” Reuters Aug. 16 2012

“Israel fears Syria's chemical weapons could be seized by Hezbollah or al-Qaida” HAARETZ July 22 2012

“Syria: Assad regime 'ready to use chemical weapons'” BBC July 17 2012

“Syria has begun moving its chemical weapons stockpile out of storage, U.S. warns” UK Mail Online July 17 2012

“Syria Moving Parts of Chemical Arsenal, U.S. Says” NYT July 13 2012

“U.S. Concerned as Syria Moves Chemical Stockpile” WSJ July 13 2012

U.S. intervention in Syria would seem a virtual certainty since that the “Red Line” has already been crossed. Chemical stockpiles are already being moved and it has been widely reported. In fact one month ago The Guardian reported “Syrian regime makes chemical warfare threat”, saying “The Syrian regime has threatened to use its chemical and biological weapons in case of a foreign attack, in its first-ever acknowledgement that it possesses weapons of mass destruction.”

Read More:
Obama Hints At Military Intervention In Syria
obama puffed out his sunken chest and China and Russia told him to sit in a corner.
obama puffed out his sunken chest and China and Russia told him to sit in a corner.

Yeah, i read about that, but i think the decisions have already been made. It now appears there will be a big 'October Surprise.'
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I don't think anything more is going to happen with Syria than what we are already doing, arming and funding the rebels. Directly bombing Syria or anything direct like that would cause a hell storm throughout the region.
From the way I heard the press conference, which was yesterday http://www.c-span.org/Events/President-Obama-Answers-Questions-at-WH-Briefing/10737433283-1/, Obama said basically we are not doing anything yet and nothing is new. I would be surprised if we direct military intervention in Syria. Why the hell is there not a no-fly-zone over that country is what I would ask.

(Obama arrives some minutes after the press conference begins.)

We'll see i guess. But in my opinion, something is in the works. I just hope it's not what i think they're cooking up. An awful domestic attack/disturbance would be exactly what this country doesn't need. But i'm never surprised at the evil men can do. Anything is possible these days.
I don't think anything more is going to happen with Syria than what we are already doing, arming and funding the rebels. Directly bombing Syria or anything direct like that would cause a hell storm throughout the region.

I thanked you for your post but I do think we could and should do more.
From the way I heard the press conference, which was yesterday Error | C-SPAN, Obama said basically we are not doing anything yet and nothing is new. I would be surprised if we direct military intervention in Syria. Why the hell is there not a no-fly-zone over that country is what I would ask.

(Obama arrives some minutes after the press conference begins.)

We'll see i guess. But in my opinion, something is in the works. I just hope it's not what i think they're cooking up. An awful domestic attack/disturbance would be exactly what this country doesn't need. But i'm never surprised at the evil men can do. Anything is possible these days.

I am way this side of that level of conspiracy but I hope like hell no one is trying to 'time' anything. Stupid shit like that costs unnecessary life.
I don't think anything more is going to happen with Syria than what we are already doing, arming and funding the rebels. Directly bombing Syria or anything direct like that would cause a hell storm throughout the region.

I thanked you for your post but I do think we could and should do more.

What do you think we should do? everytime we try and help a Muslim country it never ends well.
I have a feeling their 'October Surprise' is gonna be another terrible tragedy for this Nation. I'm dreading what may await us.
If obama sees his loss as inevitable he will undoubtably order a strike on Syria in order to leave Romney with a major war on his hands. It's called revenge and obama has had a lifetime to think about it.
I don't think anything more is going to happen with Syria than what we are already doing, arming and funding the rebels. Directly bombing Syria or anything direct like that would cause a hell storm throughout the region.

I thanked you for your post but I do think we could and should do more.

What do you think we should do? everytime we try and help a Muslim country it never ends well.

I will admit I am not following the situation indepth. I think that if a gunship strikes civilians we could take it out of the sky.

Nothing ever ends well. It's the law of who rewrote history last.
I don't think anything more is going to happen with Syria than what we are already doing, arming and funding the rebels. Directly bombing Syria or anything direct like that would cause a hell storm throughout the region.

I thanked you for your post but I do think we could and should do more.

What do you think we should do? everytime we try and help a Muslim country it never ends well.

The one thing to consider is that air strikes would probably be very effective. The Syrian Army is out in the open trying to supress the rebels, making them relatively easy targets.
I thanked you for your post but I do think we could and should do more.

What do you think we should do? everytime we try and help a Muslim country it never ends well.

The one thing to consider is that air strikes would probably be very effective. The Syrian Army is out in the open trying to supress the rebels, making them relatively easy targets.

We would have to do this completely on our own, there are no countries lined up like with Libya to help.
What do you think we should do? everytime we try and help a Muslim country it never ends well.

The one thing to consider is that air strikes would probably be very effective. The Syrian Army is out in the open trying to supress the rebels, making them relatively easy targets.

We would have to do this completely on our own, there are no countries lined up like with Libya to help.

Good point. I guess it would take a serious recorded massacre to bring in anyone else from the outside.
I don't think anything more is going to happen with Syria than what we are already doing, arming and funding the rebels. Directly bombing Syria or anything direct like that would cause a hell storm throughout the region.

I thanked you for your post but I do think we could and should do more.

What do you think we should do? everytime we try and help a Muslim country it never ends well.

Bombing Iran is his only possible path to re-election, as a war President.
From the way I heard the press conference, which was yesterday President Obama Answers Questions at WH Briefing | C-SPAN, Obama said basically we are not doing anything yet and nothing is new. I would be surprised if we direct military intervention in Syria. Why the hell is there not a no-fly-zone over that country is what I would ask.

(Obama arrives some minutes after the press conference begins.)

China and Russia have veto power in the UNSC and they supports their customer, um I mean client, er, the current regime.
It's a tough call. It's possible some of those chemical weapons could reach us or our allies. That would be the only reason I'd be for intervention. As far as the rest of the ME goes, let them duke it out all by their little selves.

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