War Drums: WWIII Could Start This Month: 350,000 Soldiers In Saudi Arabia Set To Invade Syria...

If you were going to gather forces for an invasion, this is precisely how you would do it

350,000 soldiers, 20,000 tanks, 2,450 warplanes and 460 military helicopters are massing in northern Saudi Arabia for a military exercise that is being called “Northern Thunder”.

According to the official announcement, forces are being contributed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Sudan, Kuwait, Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia, Oman, Qatar, Malaysia and several other nations. This exercise will reportedly last for 18 days, and during that time the airspace over northern Saudi Arabia will be closed to air traffic. This will be the largest military exercise in the history of the region, and it comes amid rumors that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are preparing for a massive ground invasion of Syria...

World War 3 Could Start This Month: 350,000 Soldiers In Saudi Arabia Stand Ready To Invade Syria

I'm not sure they will be willing to piss off Russia. Saudi likes to keep their hands clean.
Russia's economy is dependent on oil and gas revenue. Low prices for both commodities are hurting the Russian economy. The Ruble has undergone several devaluations.
Putin still continues to spend a significant among of its revenue on military spending.
It is entirely possible that Russia has a vested interest in an unstable Middle East. Geo political issues can easily cause a spike in oil prices.
If you were going to gather forces for an invasion, this is precisely how you would do it

350,000 soldiers, 20,000 tanks, 2,450 warplanes and 460 military helicopters are massing in northern Saudi Arabia for a military exercise that is being called “Northern Thunder”.

According to the official announcement, forces are being contributed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Sudan, Kuwait, Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia, Oman, Qatar, Malaysia and several other nations. This exercise will reportedly last for 18 days, and during that time the airspace over northern Saudi Arabia will be closed to air traffic. This will be the largest military exercise in the history of the region, and it comes amid rumors that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are preparing for a massive ground invasion of Syria...

World War 3 Could Start This Month: 350,000 Soldiers In Saudi Arabia Stand Ready To Invade Syria
I hope this report is true. ....... :cool:

Oh, it's true. The Saudi Royal Family is on very shaky ground these days. It's looking for a distraction. War with the Shiites would buy it some time. But i still think its collapse is inevitable.

My big problem with this is that my country will be fully involved. My Government will defend the Saudi Royal Family at all costs. More brutal war is coming.

What makes you so sure we would defend them? The guy from Egypt might have thought that once too.
If you were going to gather forces for an invasion, this is precisely how you would do it

350,000 soldiers, 20,000 tanks, 2,450 warplanes and 460 military helicopters are massing in northern Saudi Arabia for a military exercise that is being called “Northern Thunder”.

According to the official announcement, forces are being contributed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Sudan, Kuwait, Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia, Oman, Qatar, Malaysia and several other nations. This exercise will reportedly last for 18 days, and during that time the airspace over northern Saudi Arabia will be closed to air traffic. This will be the largest military exercise in the history of the region, and it comes amid rumors that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are preparing for a massive ground invasion of Syria...

World War 3 Could Start This Month: 350,000 Soldiers In Saudi Arabia Stand Ready To Invade Syria
I hope this report is true. ....... :cool:

Oh, it's true. The Saudi Royal Family is on very shaky ground these days. It's looking for a distraction. War with the Shiites would buy it some time. But i still think its collapse is inevitable.

My big problem with this is that my country will be fully involved. My Government will defend the Saudi Royal Family at all costs. More brutal war is coming.

What makes you so sure we would defend them? The guy from Egypt might have thought that once too.

I believe my Government will gladly sacrifice its men & women in uniform to save the Saudi Royals. Into the meat grinder they'll go. My feeling anyway.
Saudi is hurting from the down trend in oil prices so they will muster an army led by idiot Princes and pretend that they are invading Syria. Best advice for the U.S. is stay out of their way.
Saudi is hurting from the down trend in oil prices so they will muster an army led by idiot Princes and pretend that they are invading Syria. Best advice for the U.S. is stay out of their way.

I hear ya, but it won't stay out of the way. Does it ever? The U.S. will fully back anything the Saudi Royals do. It will dutifully kill its own American kids to keep the regime propped up. Sadly, it will be off to the meat grinder for our kids.
"Sunday’s announcement comes as Saudi Arabia, which is a member of the US-led coalition against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), deployed military jets and personnel to Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base.

"The base is already used by the US Air Force for their planes conducting sorties in Syria."

Riyadh claims this action's necessary to "intensify" its actions against IS; however, according to RT, the Saudi Foreign Minister "flatly stated that Assad will be toppled if he does not leave during a political transition."

Saudi Arabia to host ‘largest’ military exercises in region, 20 states invited
If you were going to gather forces for an invasion, this is precisely how you would do it

350,000 soldiers, 20,000 tanks, 2,450 warplanes and 460 military helicopters are massing in northern Saudi Arabia for a military exercise that is being called “Northern Thunder”.

According to the official announcement, forces are being contributed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Sudan, Kuwait, Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia, Oman, Qatar, Malaysia and several other nations. This exercise will reportedly last for 18 days, and during that time the airspace over northern Saudi Arabia will be closed to air traffic. This will be the largest military exercise in the history of the region, and it comes amid rumors that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are preparing for a massive ground invasion of Syria...

World War 3 Could Start This Month: 350,000 Soldiers In Saudi Arabia Stand Ready To Invade Syria
I hope this report is true. ....... :cool:

Cuz you are a Muslim and like war?
"Sunday’s announcement comes as Saudi Arabia, which is a member of the US-led coalition against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), deployed military jets and personnel to Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base.

"The base is already used by the US Air Force for their planes conducting sorties in Syria."

Riyadh claims this action's necessary to "intensify" its actions against IS; however, according to RT, the Saudi Foreign Minister "flatly stated that Assad will be toppled if he does not leave during a political transition."

Saudi Arabia to host ‘largest’ military exercises in region, 20 states invited

The ISIS it and Turkey created, and are still supporting. That ISIS? Oh boy, what a mess. I just pray no American kids get stuffed into that meat grinder.
If you were going to gather forces for an invasion, this is precisely how you would do it

350,000 soldiers, 20,000 tanks, 2,450 warplanes and 460 military helicopters are massing in northern Saudi Arabia for a military exercise that is being called “Northern Thunder”.

According to the official announcement, forces are being contributed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Sudan, Kuwait, Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia, Oman, Qatar, Malaysia and several other nations. This exercise will reportedly last for 18 days, and during that time the airspace over northern Saudi Arabia will be closed to air traffic. This will be the largest military exercise in the history of the region, and it comes amid rumors that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are preparing for a massive ground invasion of Syria...

World War 3 Could Start This Month: 350,000 Soldiers In Saudi Arabia Stand Ready To Invade Syria
InfoWars! The nut job makes up facts at will. Normally I don't attack the source, but this one is baseless.
Don't be so hasty.
People laughed at him when he warned about the Jade Helm 'exercises' as well.

Who's laughing now?
"Sunday’s announcement comes as Saudi Arabia, which is a member of the US-led coalition against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), deployed military jets and personnel to Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base.

"The base is already used by the US Air Force for their planes conducting sorties in Syria."

Riyadh claims this action's necessary to "intensify" its actions against IS; however, according to RT, the Saudi Foreign Minister "flatly stated that Assad will be toppled if he does not leave during a political transition."

Saudi Arabia to host ‘largest’ military exercises in region, 20 states invited

The ISIS it and Turkey created, and are still supporting. That ISIS? Oh boy, what a mess. I just pray no American kids get stuffed into that meat grinder.
We are about to witness the ineffectiveness of non-nuclear warfare.
If you were going to gather forces for an invasion, this is precisely how you would do it

350,000 soldiers, 20,000 tanks, 2,450 warplanes and 460 military helicopters are massing in northern Saudi Arabia for a military exercise that is being called “Northern Thunder”.

According to the official announcement, forces are being contributed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Sudan, Kuwait, Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia, Oman, Qatar, Malaysia and several other nations. This exercise will reportedly last for 18 days, and during that time the airspace over northern Saudi Arabia will be closed to air traffic. This will be the largest military exercise in the history of the region, and it comes amid rumors that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are preparing for a massive ground invasion of Syria...

World War 3 Could Start This Month: 350,000 Soldiers In Saudi Arabia Stand Ready To Invade Syria

Saudis are a bunch of pussies, the royals would never do anything that might endanger them.

If anyone does anything it will be the Egyptians and if anyone attacks anything it will be them going into Israel.

muslims don't care if muslims kill each other
If you were going to gather forces for an invasion, this is precisely how you would do it

350,000 soldiers, 20,000 tanks, 2,450 warplanes and 460 military helicopters are massing in northern Saudi Arabia for a military exercise that is being called “Northern Thunder”.

According to the official announcement, forces are being contributed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Sudan, Kuwait, Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia, Oman, Qatar, Malaysia and several other nations. This exercise will reportedly last for 18 days, and during that time the airspace over northern Saudi Arabia will be closed to air traffic. This will be the largest military exercise in the history of the region, and it comes amid rumors that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are preparing for a massive ground invasion of Syria...

World War 3 Could Start This Month: 350,000 Soldiers In Saudi Arabia Stand Ready To Invade Syria

Saudis are a bunch of pussies, the royals would never do anything that might endanger them.

If anyone does anything it will be the Egyptians and if anyone attacks anything it will be them going into Israel.

muslims don't care if muslims kill each other

I don't know, the Saudi Royals sure seem to be pushing for a bloody Sunni/Shiite War at this point. I think it's about distracting its People. Saudi Arabia is closer to collapse than most think. Many would like to see the Royals hang.
Whatever the Saudis are up to, can we please not jump in the middle of it? Seriously, i'm begging my Government. Please don't send our American kids into another horrific meat grinder.
Whatever the Saudis are up to, can we please not jump in the middle of it? Seriously, i'm begging my Government. Please don't send our American kids into another horrific meat grinder.

Of the 5 candidates on either side who seem to have a legitimate shot (Clinton Cruz Trump Rubio Sanders) I don't think any would send another massive ground force into that shit hole.

From this day on our military should ONLY be sent to defend old Western Europe or Canada. Fuck the rest of the world.
If you were going to gather forces for an invasion, this is precisely how you would do it

350,000 soldiers, 20,000 tanks, 2,450 warplanes and 460 military helicopters are massing in northern Saudi Arabia for a military exercise that is being called “Northern Thunder”.

According to the official announcement, forces are being contributed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Sudan, Kuwait, Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia, Oman, Qatar, Malaysia and several other nations. This exercise will reportedly last for 18 days, and during that time the airspace over northern Saudi Arabia will be closed to air traffic. This will be the largest military exercise in the history of the region, and it comes amid rumors that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are preparing for a massive ground invasion of Syria...

World War 3 Could Start This Month: 350,000 Soldiers In Saudi Arabia Stand Ready To Invade Syria
I love how some posters respond here just to say “oh, that source?” and then sometimes the “face palm” and dismiss it all as bunk. Yes, so noble. Meanwhile, who are you "smart people" taking your gospel from, CNN? FOX? PBS? How about CBS? Hey, guess what? None of them are telling us what is going on in this world? Didn’t you know that? Or isn’t it more you really do not care? Fine, the rest of us are used to complacency and ignorance in the West. After all, our president is the leader of such bullshit and obfuscation.

So, anyway, that is all I wanted to say, except if you did go to the article in InfoWars, either directly or indirectly they quote all of the articles I linked below from other sources. It is by no means exhaustive of the links --- but, hey, you know what? ----- some of us are that gullible that we just might take them seriously. Why? Because there are multiple international sources. Why else? Because we know all those liberal mainstream major networks and Fox are full of bullshit and agenda and fluff for news. Insulting to say the very least. Just like our leaders in D.C. So do as you please and so will we. ps - I do like what the article said here just for kicks.

I don’t know if I have ever seen a scenario which was more likely to initiate World War 3 than the one that we are watching unfold right now. So what has the mainstream media been saying about all of this?Incredibly, they have been almost entirely silent. When he went looking for news about these events,James Baileycould find almost nothing on either Fox News or CNN…

I just visited the home page for Foxnews.com and found not one single mention of the insane events now unfolding in the Middle East. I could not believe it, so I used my Find tool to search for Syria and Saudi Arabia. Not one mention! So I went to CNN and found just about the same thing with one news story about the Syrian cease fire, but when I read it there was no mention of any of the big events that have developed this week. This is truly an amazing media blackout!

But Fox News does have space to run headlines like these…
–Spanish man skipped work for 6 years, still got paid
–48 people rescued from stuck tram cars at New Hampshire ski resort
–Lovelorn elephant takes out his rage on more than a dozen cars

And CNN apparently thinks that these news stories are more important than the potential beginning of World War 3…
–Kanye West drops album, says he’s $53 million in debt
–Dutch cops train eagles to hunt drones
–Teen hands out 900 flowers to girls at school

---------------- Other news story links from the main article since InfoWars makes you cringe ----------

Saudi Arabia is preparing to launch its own intervention in Syria

World War III Starts In The Middle East? Saudi Arabia And Turkey Consider A Ground Invasion Of Syria

Turkey, Saudi Arabia Mull Syria Ground Invasion As Russia, Hezbollah Decimate Rebels | Zero Hedge

FINALLY! UAE and Saudi Arabia join fight against ISIS and WILL put boots on the ground

Erdogan Signals Turkey Prepared to Join Syria War If Asked

Saudi Arabia confirms that it will deploy troops to Syria

Saudi Arabia willing to send ground troops to Syria
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"Sunday’s announcement comes as Saudi Arabia, which is a member of the US-led coalition against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), deployed military jets and personnel to Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base.

"The base is already used by the US Air Force for their planes conducting sorties in Syria."

Riyadh claims this action's necessary to "intensify" its actions against IS; however, according to RT, the Saudi Foreign Minister "flatly stated that Assad will be toppled if he does not leave during a political transition."

Saudi Arabia to host ‘largest’ military exercises in region, 20 states invited

The ISIS it and Turkey created, and are still supporting. That ISIS? Oh boy, what a mess. I just pray no American kids get stuffed into that meat grinder.
Jordan, Chad, Egypt, and Pakistan have also committed assets to the Saudi maneuvers. It does not seem likely they would do so without consulting with the US. Maybe we need a Death Tax of 100% on all war profits after the first innocent child dies?
"Sunday’s announcement comes as Saudi Arabia, which is a member of the US-led coalition against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), deployed military jets and personnel to Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base.

"The base is already used by the US Air Force for their planes conducting sorties in Syria."

Riyadh claims this action's necessary to "intensify" its actions against IS; however, according to RT, the Saudi Foreign Minister "flatly stated that Assad will be toppled if he does not leave during a political transition."

Saudi Arabia to host ‘largest’ military exercises in region, 20 states invited

The ISIS it and Turkey created, and are still supporting. That ISIS? Oh boy, what a mess. I just pray no American kids get stuffed into that meat grinder.
Jordan, Chad, Egypt, and Pakistan have also committed assets to the Saudi maneuvers. It does not seem likely they would do so without consulting with the US. Maybe we need a Death Tax of 100% on all war profits after the first innocent child dies?

Yeah, it does look like Saudi Arabia wants a bloody Sunni/Shiite war. The only question now is, how much will we be involved? How many of our American kids will be sent to die for nothing again?
This story originated in the Economic Collapse blog. Go back to the OP and click the red line at the bottom of the page.
The Economic Collapse Blog? Now there is a well known and official outlet. I would not put a lot of faith in that stalwart publication. Probably the same guys that want you to send money to learn of the "new fuel" which is going to put the petroleum companies out of business. Of course if anyone has an inside track into Saudi Arabia it would be them. Then looking at the subject from another view. Have not many people on the USMB been screaming for the Saudis to do something, to pull their fair share? With 350,000 soldiers, 20,000 tanks, 2,450 warplanes and 460 helicopters, why would we need to get involved? With a force that size, Syria, ISIL would sue for a cease fire by weeks end. And Israel will stay put, count on it. They have the West Bank to deal with. The "sky is not falling yet".

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