war in syria

To imagine if you will, once upon a time people who aided and abetted the enemy were executed. Once, if a white man sold guns or whiskey to an Indian, he was hanged. Once upon a time a traitor was set before a firing squad. Today, we elect them President.
And we have been helping. I personally think the Gulf States and America should be charged with crimes against humanity for causing this massive refugee nightmare. Think about it. What could possibly go wrong letting the Muslim Brotherhood vet the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels.

Bullshit. This mess belongs to Russia. Putin's support of Assad and his attempt to eradicate Syria's Sunni population created the refugee crisis.

End the conflict - end the refugee crisis. Not rocket science. This bloody mess belongs to Russia.

You don't have a bloody clue what you are talking about. The time line backs up the fact that Syria was part of the bullshit "Arab Spring".

And the Arab Spring was part of the Sunni uprisings to take over Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Syria. Miserable failures that had JACK FREAKING SHIT to do with Russia but everything to do with the Sunni Gulf states and NATO, EU and the west.

Pfffffffffffffft. Give me a break and learn some real history. Russia didn't even enter the dance until last year when the Chechen terrorists pledged allegiance to ISIS. And ISIS was taking over large swathes of Afghanistan from the Taliban.

That's when Putin entered the picture. No option but to fight ISIS in Syria rather than in Moscow.
Much of what you say is true. As I said, the rebels and Assad were already fighting, part of the Arab Spring movement.

Russia did already have its own problems with terrirists, but I think you are slightly overlooking Syria and Russia's long partnership. They have engaged in weapons sales, for example, for a long time. Putin was not going let Assad be overthrown.

Oh I agree that they have been allies for decades on end now. Somewhere around the 1940's or 1950's. What I find startling is that we in the west have allies but heavens forbid that any other country on the planet can have an ally. No way Putin was going to let Assad down.

And for all the morons who keep touting that Putin is the "bad guy" holy toledo he's done nothing compared to the bullshit we've kicked up in the ME
the Ukraine and elsewhere.
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We should walk away from that conflict and let the other superpower (Russia) take full responsibility for that blood-bath.
The total responsibility must be laid on the anti-Assad forces that are using civilians as willing human shields. If they had a conscience instead of a lust for power, they would surrender because of the hopeless situation they brought upon themselves.
I disagree. Assad fired the first shot and he is the one committing war crimes like chemical weapons and barrel bombing civilians to hold on to power.

History will hold him and his benefactor Putin responsible for both the blood-bath and the refugee crisis.

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