war in syria

And if...if the Crooked Witch of the Left becomes President.... you can all get ready for WW3.....she is itching for it

May she burn in hell!
Assad wants Putin there. He does not want the US who is helping to fund and fight the coup.

Great point - the 'aggressor' who has allied himself with rebels/terrorists in trying to overthrow a sovereign government's Presisent is the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, President Barak Obama.

Assad, the legal President of Syria, has asked Russia to help defeat the architects and facilitators of the attempted coup / on-going war.
Why aren't Liberals demanding Obama 'pull out' of Syria as they demanded we pull out Iraq?
And we have been helping. I personally think the Gulf States and America should be charged with crimes against humanity for causing this massive refugee nightmare. Think about it. What could possibly go wrong letting the Muslim Brotherhood vet the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels.

Bullshit. This mess belongs to Russia. Putin's support of Assad and his attempt to eradicate Syria's Sunni population created the refugee crisis.

End the conflict - end the refugee crisis. Not rocket science. This bloody mess belongs to Russia.

You don't have a bloody clue what you are talking about. The time line backs up the fact that Syria was part of the bullshit "Arab Spring".

And the Arab Spring was part of the Sunni uprisings to take over Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Syria. Miserable failures that had JACK FREAKING SHIT to do with Russia but everything to do with the Sunni Gulf states and NATO, EU and the west.

Pfffffffffffffft. Give me a break and learn some real history. Russia didn't even enter the dance until last year when the Chechen terrorists pledged allegiance to ISIS. And ISIS was taking over large swathes of Afghanistan from the Taliban.

That's when Putin entered the picture. No option but to fight ISIS in Syria rather than in Moscow.
Europe should sue the Russians in the world court.

For what? By the way, Sunni's are the terrorists. Assad wants Putin there. He does not want the US who is helping to fund and fight the coup.

If murdering civilians is the definition of terrorist, Assad fits the bill. The majority of Syrians want him out and Russia is keeping him there. The Europeans should sue Russia for cash to help resettle all of the refugees that Putin is helping Assad to create.
Assad wants Putin there. He does not want the US who is helping to fund and fight the coup.

Great point - the 'aggressor' who has allied himself with rebels/terrorists in trying to overthrow a sovereign government's Presisent is the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, President Barak Obama.

Assad, the legal President of Syria, has asked Russia to help defeat the architects and facilitators of the attempted coup / on-going war.

And Russia truly has skin in this game where none of us do in Syria. He's got those Chechen bastard terrorists now aligned with ISIS and ISIS at his back door in Afghanistan with many Chechen terrorists fighting for them, he's doing the right thing by trying to eradicate them in Syria rather than on home turf.
And we have been helping. I personally think the Gulf States and America should be charged with crimes against humanity for causing this massive refugee nightmare. Think about it. What could possibly go wrong letting the Muslim Brotherhood vet the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels.

Bullshit. This mess belongs to Russia. Putin's support of Assad and his attempt to eradicate Syria's Sunni population created the refugee crisis.

End the conflict - end the refugee crisis. Not rocket science. This bloody mess belongs to Russia.

You don't have a bloody clue what you are talking about. The time line backs up the fact that Syria was part of the bullshit "Arab Spring".

And the Arab Spring was part of the Sunni uprisings to take over Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Syria. Miserable failures that had JACK FREAKING SHIT to do with Russia but everything to do with the Sunni Gulf states and NATO, EU and the west.

Pfffffffffffffft. Give me a break and learn some real history. Russia didn't even enter the dance until last year when the Chechen terrorists pledged allegiance to ISIS. And ISIS was taking over large swathes of Afghanistan from the Taliban.

That's when Putin entered the picture. No option but to fight ISIS in Syria rather than in Moscow.
All the more reason for us to walk away and leave Russia holding that bloody bag. They apparently WANT to be there.
And we have been helping. I personally think the Gulf States and America should be charged with crimes against humanity for causing this massive refugee nightmare. Think about it. What could possibly go wrong letting the Muslim Brotherhood vet the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels.

Bullshit. This mess belongs to Russia. Putin's support of Assad and his attempt to eradicate Syria's Sunni population created the refugee crisis.

End the conflict - end the refugee crisis. Not rocket science. This bloody mess belongs to Russia.

You don't have a bloody clue what you are talking about. The time line backs up the fact that Syria was part of the bullshit "Arab Spring".

And the Arab Spring was part of the Sunni uprisings to take over Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Syria. Miserable failures that had JACK FREAKING SHIT to do with Russia but everything to do with the Sunni Gulf states and NATO, EU and the west.

Pfffffffffffffft. Give me a break and learn some real history. Russia didn't even enter the dance until last year when the Chechen terrorists pledged allegiance to ISIS. And ISIS was taking over large swathes of Afghanistan from the Taliban.

That's when Putin entered the picture. No option but to fight ISIS in Syria rather than in Moscow.
All the more reason for us to walk away and leave Russia holding that bloody bag. They apparently WANT to be there.

They want to be there and there is only one reason: the leviathon fields.
Europe should sue the Russians in the world court.

For what? By the way, Sunni's are the terrorists. Assad wants Putin there. He does not want the US who is helping to fund and fight the coup.

If murdering civilians is the definition of terrorist, Assad fits the bill. The majority of Syrians want him out and Russia is keeping him there. The Europeans should sue Russia for cash to help resettle all of the refugees that Putin is helping Assad to create.

Bullshit. There was never a true uprising. It was planned and we helped the Sunni Gulf states try to overthrow Assad. We have no business trying to overthrow anyone else in the ME. We fucked up Egypt. We fucked up mega time in Yemen. We completely screwed up in Libya.

And now we are monumentally fucking up Syria. There were never rebels. FSA was aligned with Al Nusra who is AQ in Syria right from the get go. And ISIS is an offshoot of AQ in Syria.

You really don't have a clue do you?
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Kiddo. It's the Syrian people who need to be listened to, not the oligarchs, Assad included, who want to control their resources.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Kiddo. It's the Syrian people who need to be listened to, not the oligarchs, Assad included, who want to control their resources.

The real syrian people? Yes. O watched as they burned though and let ISIS go in and pick them apart, along with every other piece of shit terrorist group.
And we have been helping. I personally think the Gulf States and America should be charged with crimes against humanity for causing this massive refugee nightmare. Think about it. What could possibly go wrong letting the Muslim Brotherhood vet the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels.

Bullshit. This mess belongs to Russia. Putin's support of Assad and his attempt to eradicate Syria's Sunni population created the refugee crisis.

End the conflict - end the refugee crisis. Not rocket science. This bloody mess belongs to Russia.

You don't have a bloody clue what you are talking about. The time line backs up the fact that Syria was part of the bullshit "Arab Spring".

And the Arab Spring was part of the Sunni uprisings to take over Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Syria. Miserable failures that had JACK FREAKING SHIT to do with Russia but everything to do with the Sunni Gulf states and NATO, EU and the west.

Pfffffffffffffft. Give me a break and learn some real history. Russia didn't even enter the dance until last year when the Chechen terrorists pledged allegiance to ISIS. And ISIS was taking over large swathes of Afghanistan from the Taliban.

That's when Putin entered the picture. No option but to fight ISIS in Syria rather than in Moscow.

ETA: Joe please remember the time line. We were involved from the get go. Putin only entered the picture last fall.

And the refugee crisis started long long before last fall.
All the more reason for us to walk away and leave Russia holding that bloody bag. They apparently WANT to be there.

Russia has to be there. No option. Putin has some real skin in this game. We never did. We were just trying to over throw Assad for the same old players, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

Remember Chechen terror attacks in Russia? Remember the school massacre? All the children all the teachers? Well the right hand man to Bagdhadi is a Chechen. And he was the military brains that allowed ISIS to take over large portions of Syria and then was the commander during the takeover of large parts of Iraq. Omar al Shishani.

And there are many Chechen fighters with ISIS. It only makes sense for Putin to protect Russians by fighting ISIS in Syria.
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Disclaimer: I have never been a "blame America first" person. Ever. But what I've witnessed in the past few years yeah, damn straight I blame the USA, Canada, Britain all members of NATO and the EU for the bullshit that is going on.
And we have been helping. I personally think the Gulf States and America should be charged with crimes against humanity for causing this massive refugee nightmare. Think about it. What could possibly go wrong letting the Muslim Brotherhood vet the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels.

Bullshit. This mess belongs to Russia. Putin's support of Assad and his attempt to eradicate Syria's Sunni population created the refugee crisis.

End the conflict - end the refugee crisis. Not rocket science. This bloody mess belongs to Russia.

You don't have a bloody clue what you are talking about. The time line backs up the fact that Syria was part of the bullshit "Arab Spring".

And the Arab Spring was part of the Sunni uprisings to take over Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Syria. Miserable failures that had JACK FREAKING SHIT to do with Russia but everything to do with the Sunni Gulf states and NATO, EU and the west.

Pfffffffffffffft. Give me a break and learn some real history. Russia didn't even enter the dance until last year when the Chechen terrorists pledged allegiance to ISIS. And ISIS was taking over large swathes of Afghanistan from the Taliban.

That's when Putin entered the picture. No option but to fight ISIS in Syria rather than in Moscow.
Much of what you say is true. As I said, the rebels and Assad were already fighting, part of the Arab Spring movement.

Russia did already have its own problems with terrirists, but I think you are slightly overlooking Syria and Russia's long partnership. They have engaged in weapons sales, for example, for a long time. Putin was not going let Assad be overthrown.

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