Ahh Serpent Lady, the forked tongue preacher for the New World Order. I see I have drawn out, you and your fellow Antisemites.

Globalism is Fascism and is a self consuming cancer. Do not partake of that plague nor help to spread that disease.

You cannot divide a body to save it. You cannot covet a thing and hope to gain it.
If it’s jealous owner sees that you lust for his property, and you try to take that which is not yours, he shall surely destroy you utterly.

Go and wash in The River Jordan 7 times and you will see again.
Congragulations! Trump has awarded you a collection of personal selfies of his own ass, autographed & framed. As a bonus, he's included a collection of wallet size to hand out to all your friends.

Nice going, Ace!
Congragulations! Trump has awarded you a collection of personal selfies of his own ass, autographed & framed. As a bonus, he's included a collection of wallet size to hand out to all your friends.

Nice going, Ace!
Congratulations, Satan has awarded you with an Eternal Hell.
Includes an Eternal Lifetime Membership in Darkness, Gnashing of Teeth, Wailing, Torment over Your Sins you never repented of, and Complete Separation from God, and anything Good that ever existed.

Soon, Joe Biden will not only bring Famine and Poverty to the US, but WAR, DEATH, and PESTILENCE. Hell itself will be unleashed on America, and Joe is just the guy to get the ball rolling on unleashing The 4 Horseman of The Apocalypse.
Iran Named Israel Involved in January 29 Attack
- Israel was involved in the attack on the Iranian Defense Ministry facility. Iran's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Saeed Iravani said: "The results of the preliminary investigation show that the Zionist regime is responsible for the terrorist attack on the Defense Ministry facility in Isfahan," the statement said. It is specified that Iran reserves the right to defend national security and to respond decisively to any threat from Israel.

The actions of the Zionist regime violate international law, and Iran condemns them, the ambassador said. The letter from Iravani was sent to the UN Secretary General and the chairman of the Security Council.

He also said that Israeli FM Benjamin Netanyahu had earlier avoided answering the question of the Jewish state's participation in the strike on Iran in his interview to CNN TV channel.

On the night of January 29, unidentified drones attacked an Iranian Defense Ministry facility in Isfahan. Later, there were reports of a fire at a factory in the city of Azarshahr and explosions in Karaj. It became known that Kurdish groups were involved in the drone attack, as they had smuggled parts to Iran, from which the drones were assembled.
Azerbaijan bought the Drones from Israel....they fear Russian invasion and they also do not like the way that Iran is destabilizing the neighborhood by practically giving away munitions to every terrorist group.

So they drone attacked Iranian munitions factories.
How many Arab Prisoners have been put to death or been killed in Israeli jails or Prisons since 1950 ?
How many Arab Prisoners have been put to death or been killed in Israeli jails or Prisons since 1950 ?

Can you name one?

There's no death sentence in Israel,
it's only now that a bill is being discussed.

Hamas was shooting rockets yesterday, in response
to the new sheriff - removing TV's and bakeries from prisons...
Iran Named Israel Involved in January 29 Attack
- Israel was involved in the attack on the Iranian Defense Ministry facility. Iran's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Saeed Iravani said: "The results of the preliminary investigation show that the Zionist regime is responsible for the terrorist attack on the Defense Ministry facility in Isfahan," the statement said. It is specified that Iran reserves the right to defend national security and to respond decisively to any threat from Israel.

The actions of the Zionist regime violate international law, and Iran condemns them, the ambassador said. The letter from Iravani was sent to the UN Secretary General and the chairman of the Security Council.

He also said that Israeli FM Benjamin Netanyahu had earlier avoided answering the question of the Jewish state's participation in the strike on Iran in his interview to CNN TV channel.

On the night of January 29, unidentified drones attacked an Iranian Defense Ministry facility in Isfahan. Later, there were reports of a fire at a factory in the city of Azarshahr and explosions in Karaj. It became known that Kurdish groups were involved in the drone attack, as they had smuggled parts to Iran, from which the drones were assembled.

Iran is officially at war with Israel.

International law specifically defines
military installations as legitimate targets.
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Can you name one?

There's no death sentence in Israel,
it's only now that a bill is being discussed.

Hamas was shooting rockets yesterday, in response
to the new sheriff - removing TV's and bakeries from prisons...
I can’t think of one , but they did execute that Nazi in early 60s
I can’t think of one , but they did execute that Nazi in early 60s

Indeed, that one.

That aside, on another note,
in the '50s Arab rapists were also
dumped castrated on the side of a road...

But those don't fit the category of jail execution.
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Unofficial-Official at this point. I have a feeling it's going to heat up soon.

In Tehran they have/had the big "end of Israel" clock on public display,
I say had, because it also stopped several times, along with
other "strange incidents" reported by Iran.

Anyway, in Israel, we have a different clock,
nothing flamboyant, but it is guarded.
And in Tehran they also follow the
news about that clock.

No administration has coddled Iran and lied to The American people about it more than Obama but The Biden Regime is on a fast track to surpass Obama’s treachery.

Enabling a Terrorist State to obtain Nuclear weapons, practically paying for it and helping Iran to buy Russian Nuclear Scientists to help is a Mortal Sin and Grievous error.

Experts now claim that Iran could already have as many as 7 nuclear weapons or at the very least enough refined nuclear material to build that many.

WWIII may be upon us.

This is beyond stupid. Israel is to blame.

Do you think Jews are a race?
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Azerbaijan bought the Drones from Israel....they fear Russian invasion and they also do not like the way that Iran is destabilizing the neighborhood by practically giving away munitions to every terrorist group.

So they drone attacked Iranian munitions factories.

Israel has been threatening Iran every quarter since 1992. They are ridiculous.
This is beyond stupid. Israel is to blame.

Because Islamists are never responsible for their own degeneracy?

Muslims blame infidels even when stealing each other's slippers in the Mosques...
Because Islamists are never responsible for their own degeneracy?

Muslims blame infidels even when stealing each other's slippers in the Mosques...

Oh come on now. Palestinian Christians and Muslims didn't migrate from Russia or Europe.

Koestler was Jewish by birth, but he did not practise the religion. In an interview published in the British newspaper The Jewish Chronicle in 1950 he argued that Jews should either emigrate to Israel or assimilate completely into the majority cultures they lived in.[102][103][104]

In The Thirteenth Tribe (1976) Koestler advanced a theory that Ashkenazi Jews are descended, not from the Israelites of antiquity, but from the Khazars, a Turkic people in the Caucasus that converted to Judaism in the 8th century and was later forced westwards. Koestler argued that a proof that Ashkenazi Jews have no biological connection to biblical Jews would remove the racial basis of European anti-Semitism.
Oh come on now. Palestinian Christians and Muslims didn't migrate from Russia or Europe.

Koestler was Jewish by birth, but he did not practise the religion. In an interview published in the British newspaper The Jewish Chronicle in 1950 he argued that Jews should either emigrate to Israel or assimilate completely into the majority cultures they lived in.[102][103][104]

In The Thirteenth Tribe (1976) Koestler advanced a theory that Ashkenazi Jews are descended, not from the Israelites of antiquity, but from the Khazars, a Turkic people in the Caucasus that converted to Judaism in the 8th century and was later forced westwards. Koestler argued that a proof that Ashkenazi Jews have no biological connection to biblical Jews would remove the racial basis of European anti-Semitism.

Attacking a strawman, race has nothing to do with it.

Arabs came from the very same countries they expelled the Jews.
So what was their excuse for mass violence and degeneracy before Zionism?

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Attacking a strawman, race has nothing to do with it.

Arabs came from the very same countries they expelled the Jews.
So what was their excuse for mass violence and degeneracy before Zionism?

Arabs have been in Palestine since long before Islam.

Sargon2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile.

Degeneracy? They weren't chased out of 200 countries.

That's the problem with Jewish Nationalism. You claim entitlement and superiority.

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