War on Christmas Silicon Valley style

Google ignores the another world holiday of the world's largest religion. Of course it is run by Sergey Brin what do you expect? These people have way too much power.

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Communist China at least put Santa Clauses.

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You realize that not even all Christians celebrate Christmas, right?

"One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind."
-- Romans 14:5

All Christians celebrate Christmas. Amateur Bible thumping aside.
Some small cults like Jehovahs Witnesses and Philadelphians and WWCOG dont. But even if they were to be considered Christian they are .0001% of Christianity.

Many of your comrades in Russia and other Eastern Orthodox countries celebrate Christmas on January 7. I guess Google should cater to them as well :rolleyes:
Google is the company whose smart-speaker doesn't respond to Merry Christmas, but responds to Happy Holidays. Even though only people who celebrate Christmas would say Merry Christmas to the speaker.

Google Doodles celebrate many things most of the world doesn't celebrate, just not Christian or conservative things.
Google is the company whose smart-speaker doesn't respond to Merry Christmas, but responds to Happy Holidays. Even though only people who celebrate Christmas would say Merry Christmas to the speaker.

Google Doodles celebrate many things most of the world doesn't celebrate, just not Christian or conservative things.

A Fox News holiday greeting from last year.
Google ignores the another world holiday of the world's largest religion. Of course it is run by Sergey Brin what do you expect? These people have way too much power.

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Communist China at least put Santa Clauses.

View attachment 167831

So the end all and be all of your holiday experience is whether or not Google says Merry fucking Christmas? You need a damn life. Seriously.

With anyone else I would call this ignorance or simple spite. But with you I know better than that...Was it a joke? You had to know what you were doing.
You linked not to Christians but to the United Church of God. A cult and completely non Christian. They are an offshoot of Herbert Armstrongs Worldwide Church of God...one of the tiny (about 7500 members) remnants resulting from dozens and dozens of schisms since their prophet died.
They reject the Trinity, Nicene, and Sunday worship, they take Campbellism to an extreme, believe in soul sleep, reject the doctrines of Heaven and Hell as fairy tales They believe the Jews are the spawn of Satan and that Anglo-Saxons are the real Jews as evidenced by the Stone of Scone, they believe the Law is still in effect and binding on Anglo-Saxons (as the real jews).
But without all that you can tell they are a cult simply by the fact that they spend all their time lambasting Christian beliefs. A sure and true sign.
And if you have ever read any of their parent groups literature, such as "The World Tomorrow", you recognize their tactic of short testimonials from church members signed only with initials.
and what about the people who celebrate but do not see it as a religious holiday?

Lots like that. Cultural Christians. I think they should not be ignored by Google either.
For the evil and Satanic... Christmas is an affront. For Christians a holy celebration. For those living in a culture defined and developed in a Christian milieu who dont believe it is a day their countrymen have always celebrated and a lot of fun with no conscious philosophy. One that brought social cohesion and they remember fondly from their childhood.
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