War on Christmas

This is all a matter of people getting worked up over style and outward presentation rather than substance.

Religious views are intensely personal, and anyone who is in any way impacted by whether or not a retailer says Christmas, or Holidays, or anything at all has completely overlooked the fundamentally important aspects of the holiday and has instead focused on shallow cultural lip service to the holiday.

No one whose religious faith is worth a nickel will give a damn about this.

Actually, I think it's hypocritical to sell Christmas decorations and Christmas presents and then tell your employees they can't say "Merry Christmas". It's a national holiday and it's name is "Christmas". It's insulting to think that we can't call it what it is because it may offend some people.

I'm offended on the basis that this is America and to me it's a freedom of speech issue.

If you say happy Hanukkah, or Ramadan, or whatever, I will not be offended. Why would anyone be offended for being wished a happy Christmas? As I pointed out before, Christmas is a federal holiday.
Actually, I think it's hypocritical to sell Christmas decorations and Christmas presents and then tell your employees they can't say "Merry Christmas". It's a national holiday and it's name is "Christmas". It's insulting to think that we can't call it what it is because it may offend some people.

I'm offended on the basis that this is America and to me it's a freedom of speech issue.

If you say happy Hanukkah, or Ramadan, or whatever, I will not be offended. Why would anyone be offended for being wished a happy Christmas? As I pointed out before, Christmas is a federal holiday.

I concur, though I myself haven't celebrated it since I grew up and never will, it's not such a big deal over what it's called. It's still a ancient collection of pagan rituals combined with a few modern religious rituals from organized religions, the name is just a modern label and nothing more.
I concur, though I myself haven't celebrated it since I grew up and never will, it's not such a big deal over what it's called. It's still a ancient collection of pagan rituals combined with a few modern religious rituals from organized religions, the name is just a modern label and nothing more.

I asked my mother once why non-Christians celebrate Christmas. She said "Don't you think it's better that there be one day a year when everyone, regardless of their background, can come together and celebrate?"

I feel sorry for people who don't celebrate Christmas. It's like Thanksgiving, only with presents and a lot more decorations. For us, it's always been about family and friends and I think it should continue that way.

Even if the presents go away, I still love the decorations and the family get togethers.

And there is nothing quite like the look on a child's face when he gets up Christmas morning and finds presents under the tree.

My youngest, as you know is low functioning and when he was little, grandma would look at the wishbook with him trying to get him to tell us what he wanted. One day he pointed at a tin of popcorn and said "corn". So that Christmas, we bought him a big tin of popcorn. When he got up Christmas morning, he saw that tin, ran to it, opened it and stood there eating his popcorn. He wasn't interested in any of his other presents. It was funny. His older brother kept trying to get him to open his other presents, but no dice. He was just interested in that popcorn.:lol:
I asked my mother once why non-Christians celebrate Christmas. She said "Don't you think it's better that there be one day a year when everyone, regardless of their background, can come together and celebrate?"

I feel sorry for people who don't celebrate Christmas. It's like Thanksgiving, only with presents and a lot more decorations. For us, it's always been about family and friends and I think it should continue that way.

Even if the presents go away, I still love the decorations and the family get togethers.

And there is nothing quite like the look on a child's face when he gets up Christmas morning and finds presents under the tree.

My youngest, as you know is low functioning and when he was little, grandma would look at the wishbook with him trying to get him to tell us what he wanted. One day he pointed at a tin of popcorn and said "corn". So that Christmas, we bought him a big tin of popcorn. When he got up Christmas morning, he saw that tin, ran to it, opened it and stood there eating his popcorn. He wasn't interested in any of his other presents. It was funny. His older brother kept trying to get him to open his other presents, but no dice. He was just interested in that popcorn.:lol:

Meh, as I said, if you want to go ahead, no skin off my nose. I love Thanksgiving, the ONLY thing that pisses me off about christmas is it keeps starting earlier and earlier, canabalising all the other holidays.

For info, I live alone, single for life because I hate family, and a geek. Christmas is just a work day I can get paid more for.
The thing is, Shiela, as a non-christian I don't mind the supposed premise behind the christmas season of getting together with family and applying "the christmas spirit" and all that jazz.. But, and this is the distinction that I think many dogma junkies will never fathom, despite all the trite rockwellian imagery that is used to pain this holiday as some grand event seeping with good will the FACT remains that the numero uno issue dogma junkies let twist their panties is what door greeters say to shoppers on the way into a commercial business while walking over each other to buy the latest elmo doll. You wanna know what would speak more about the "real" meaning of xmas beyond talking heads on the radio? Letting your ACTIONS speak louder than your words.
I don't shop during this holiday season, can't stand the crowds. Instead I spend time in all the places I actually enjoy myself, while everyone is killing each other over the elmo dolls I am relaxing in the movies. *smiles* Oh I love when the morons go shopping, so nice to see a movie without crying babies, noisome children, and gabby yuppies.
I don't shop during this holiday season, can't stand the crowds. Instead I spend time in all the places I actually enjoy myself, while everyone is killing each other over the elmo dolls I am relaxing in the movies. *smiles* Oh I love when the morons go shopping, so nice to see a movie without crying babies, noisome children, and gabby yuppies.

Al Goldstein? Is that you?
for the rest of us!

I now challenge you to a wrestling match for this years airing of grievances.
newp! we don't shop for Holiday's if they don't say Christmas they can stuff it!

What will the progressives ever do if they finally figure out holidays is just another way to say holy days? Still promotes religion and God IMO.

I don't really have a problem with "Happy Holidays" as opposed to "Merry Christmas".
okay,, let me get this straight,, we say Happy Holiday so we don't offend anyone? that's yer arguement right? and then you ask me why I might be offended cause you won't say merry christmas??? just think about that for a little while..

I have thought about it and think your position makes no sense. I never said I won't say Merry Christmas. I said retailers are trying to be considerate of people of other religions. Some people think retailers should only be considerate of christians.

By the way, you didn't answer my question. What is so offensive about happy Holidays?

but, I'm not offended.. I respect their right to have a Holiday,, and they must respect my right not to Holiday shop.. If I can't go Christmas shopping I will forgo shopping.. Holiday shopping just dosen't do it for me. Holiday trees don't do it for me either... so I don't buy Holiday trees...llike I said.. I am so happy to have the burden of commercialism removed from my christmas,, It's so much nicer to just have good food, good family, good friends, good wine and to remember Chistmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Now enjoy you holiday.

So you'll only go shopping if everyone caters to YOUR needs? I guess the non-christians in the store can just go screw as long as you're happy, right?
The thing is, Shiela, as a non-christian I don't mind the supposed premise behind the christmas season of getting together with family and applying "the christmas spirit" and all that jazz.. But, and this is the distinction that I think many dogma junkies will never fathom, despite all the trite rockwellian imagery that is used to pain this holiday as some grand event seeping with good will the FACT remains that the numero uno issue dogma junkies let twist their panties is what door greeters say to shoppers on the way into a commercial business while walking over each other to buy the latest elmo doll. You wanna know what would speak more about the "real" meaning of xmas beyond talking heads on the radio? Letting your ACTIONS speak louder than your words.

Nope. What bothers us is the slow erosion of God from . . . . everything. You don't notice it because it isn't important to you.

BTW, what stores do you shop at that have Christmas greeters? The only store where I see greeters is Kohls . . .and they just want me to open a credit card account.


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What will the progressives ever do if they finally figure out holidays is just another way to say holy days? Still promotes religion and God IMO.

I don't really have a problem with "Happy Holidays" as opposed to "Merry Christmas".

Hows that?
Nope. What bothers us is the slow erosion of God from . . . . everything. You don't notice it because it isn't important to you.

Oh, please! As long as you want to have god with you, he will be with you and no one can stop that. The only limitation with your god is that he can't be endorsed by government. That's all. Aside from that small limitation, you can have him anywhere you go and pray to him wherever and whenever you want so stop the whining. What you people really want is for everyone to be exposed to your religion and only your religion.
Just like Christmas, seems we do this every year.

I get REALLY tired of hearing the denialists bleet "What war on Christmas?" when obviously there IS one.

At the same time, the Chiken Littles make it sound like we're being invaded by China.

Anyone ever consider actually discussing the topic without being asshats about it?
I have thought about it and think your position makes no sense. I never said I won't say Merry Christmas. I said retailers are trying to be considerate of people of other religions. Some people think retailers should only be considerate of christians.

Why not be considerate of both?

By the way, you didn't answer my question. What is so offensive about happy Holidays?

In itself, nothing. But when it's all that's said it slowly erodes Christ from Christmas. That's what people find offensive.

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