War on Christmas

well then we have no disagreement then,, I can say Merry Christmas and no one should get upset.. finally this is cool.. Merry Merry Christmas

I say Merry Christmas to you, and you say to me? (Hint: -You know I'm not a Christian).
Okay, googled, all I see are people whining that not everyone celebrates it, about 100 references to O'Rielly (most call it his war). The only non-sided ones are those saying that it's all made up, a catch phrase, nothing real. Next.

did you find storeis of towns and citities??? or not???
I say Hello you very dishonest person,,

Why not just say 'Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all' as an answer when I wish you Merry Christmas?

Is that so difficult? It's still a Christmas spirit wish, is it not? It's a wish that is inclusive to all human beings.

Consider it a Christmas gift to non-Christians.
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Why not just say Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all as an answer when I wish you Merry Christmas?

Is that so difficult? It's still a Christmas spirit wish, is it not? It's a wish that is inclusive to all human beings.

because you are a dishonest person,, that's why,, your intent is to misrepresent and argue something for the sake of creating controversy not like any buddhist I know..
I say Hello you very dishonest person,,

You almost sounded logical ... almost, until this. This is exactly why people don't trust what the whiners say, because even when we are on your side or take no sides you choose to go and attack, just because they disagreed with you on one topic or because they are not of the same beliefs as you. You really don't get it, and that's why many are becoming annoyed by the majority of christians. Get it through your heads, no one else (for the majority) really gives a shit about your religion, just don't expect everyone to follow it in any way.
Zen is a particular school of Mahayana Buddhism and originated in Japan. The Theravadin school which originated in South East Asia.

I practice Mahayana/Vajrayana which originated in Tibet. All Buddhsim share some common teachings--what is emphasized in the teachings and the specific practices that accompany these teachings differ.

The koan is a specific method in Zen.

All Buddhist practice has some commonality and the goal is to liberate the mind and heart.

You almost sounded logical ... almost, until this. This is exactly why people don't trust what the whiners say, because even when we are on your side or take no sides you choose to go and attack, just because they disagreed with you on one topic or because they are not of the same beliefs as you. You really don't get it, and that's why many are becoming annoyed by the majority of christians. Get it through your heads, no one else (for the majority) really gives a shit about your religion, just don't expect everyone to follow it in any way.

he is dishonest, he says I said something I did not say,, that is dishonest.. all day long and all week end too. you will be annoyed and offended cause that's what you choose to do,, it's your choice of attitude and no one can do anything about it but you.. Merry Bah Humbug.. kittie kat
I say Merry Christmas to everyone who comes in our business. If that offends them, too damn bad, that is their problem. I don't really care how they great me in return, that is their choice, not mine. Well, unless they are rude. They can say happy holidays, they can say hi, hey, ho, I could careless.

As for the Atheist sign in debate. I have one problem with it, it does nothing to support/celebrate evolution. It is a bitch sign. There is no reason to take shots at others, to express what you believe in. I feel the same way about Christians or those of any faith. Their sign is not a celebration of what they believe, it is a political bitch sign. Period. Put up a sign which represents the belief.

Ah well, I'm also one of these people who don't care much for organized religion. Most of it is all simply big money makers I don't give a damn which faith it is or a place for people to go and group up to talk about others. I can go to a PTA meeting and get that or a political message board! LOL

I have found that most religions are based on good. Most are based on values which can help people lead decent peaceful lives. Further, my faith is mine. I don't expect my faith to be right for anyone else but me! Nor do I expect myself for force my faith on anyone else. And so long as another persons faith doesn't interfere with my life, I could careless what they believe in or don't believe in. They have to live with that, not me!

So Merry Christmas Everyone!
he is dishonest, he says I said something I did not say,, that is dishonest.. all day long and all week end too. you will be annoyed and offended cause that's what you choose to do,, it's your choice of attitude and no one can do anything about it but you.. Merry Bah Humbug.. kittie kat

Annoyed is better than carrying something someone said once so long that it turns into a stone you carry up a hill you can never climb. Even the christians have a forgiveness policy, why not go by that. Clearly SkyDances has put it behind him and moved on, why is it hard for you to as well. But then it's not even just him, when I defended your position several times you still tossed insults out instead of realizing that I was actually posting to your benefit. I am just hoping that you will see this flaw and realize that it's the reason that many non-christians sometimes get defensive against many christians. It's that attitude. Even if someone agrees with you on only ONE topic, at least acknowledge that instead of attacking them just for spite.
Annoyed is better than carrying something someone said once so long that it turns into a stone you carry up a hill you can never climb. Even the christians have a forgiveness policy, why not go by that. Clearly SkyDances has put it behind him and moved on, why is it hard for you to as well. But then it's not even just him, when I defended your position several times you still tossed insults out instead of realizing that I was actually posting to your benefit. I am just hoping that you will see this flaw and realize that it's the reason that many non-christians sometimes get defensive against many christians. It's that attitude. Even if someone agrees with you on only ONE topic, at least acknowledge that instead of attacking them just for spite.

what insults??? what insulted you?? exactly??
I like to make my clients happy because when I do they give me money.

But if being rude to your customers keeps you thriving, go for it.

so we are back to saying "Merry Christmas" is seen as rude! oh the intolerance of it all!
what insults??? what insulted you?? exactly??

Alright, I did some of the research for you to refresh you memory, though none was truly insulting the intent of being an insult is what makes me not care if I hurt your feelings:

you are probably one of those who are easily baffled!

no it's not going in circles,, you atheists haven't deviated from yer message.

this holiday does not belong to christians

christians are selfish

christians are exclusive of others feelings

bla bla bla bla bla bla

I'm just not buying it,, and it's making you nuts! :lol::lol::lol:

Though the second should offend atheists, calling someone who believes in spirits and afterlife an atheist is generally offensive to their ilk, and yet even they didn't fight back.
Alright, I did some of the research for you to refresh you memory, though none was truly insulting the intent of being an insult is what makes me not care if I hurt your feelings: oh but somehow you know intent????

Though the second should offend atheists, calling someone who believes in spirits and afterlife an atheist is generally offensive to their ilk, and yet even they didn't fight back.

Alright, I did some of the research for you to refresh you memory, though none was truly insulting the intent of being an insult is what makes me not care if I hurt your feelings:

Though the second should offend atheists, calling someone who believes in spirits and afterlife an atheist is generally offensive to their ilk, and yet even they didn't fight back.

they call themselves atheists,, and I'm supposedly insulting them when I say atheist???:lol::lol::lol::lol: like I said,, you are just looking for something to be unhappy about,,, and btw there is nothing you can say that will hurt my feelings,, you don't have that kind of power over me. sorry..
It's right up there,, you exactly said that..
No, I said I like to make my clients happy, he said he didn't care if he offended his. You really are stupid. Making your clients happy includes caring if you offend them or not.

Good luck getting through the pearly gates, I've got a feeling Jesus probably thinks you are a mean spirited twit.

And I personally won't be wishing you a Merry Christmas.

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