War on Christmas

No, I said I like to make my clients happy, he said he didn't care if he offended his. You really are stupid. Making your clients happy includes caring if you offend them or not.

Good luck getting through the pearly gates, I've got a feeling Jesus probably thinks you are a mean spirited twit.

And I personally won't be wishing you a Merry Christmas.

lol,, he said he would say Merry Christmas,, you countered with "if being rude""" bla bla bla,,, can't get out of it you said it..
No, I said I like to make my clients happy, he said he didn't care if he offended his. You really are stupid. Making your clients happy includes caring if you offend them or not.

Good luck getting through the pearly gates, I've got a feeling Jesus probably thinks you are a mean spirited twit.

And I personally won't be wishing you a Merry Christmas.

why should saying Merry Christmas offend anybody??
they call themselves atheists,, and I'm supposedly insulting them when I say atheist???:lol::lol::lol::lol: like I said,, you are just looking for something to be unhappy about,,, and btw there is nothing you can say that will hurt my feelings,, you don't have that kind of power over me. sorry..

Now I know you don't read everything in a post you respond to. At least read what you are responding because that response just makes you look like a fool.
No, I said I like to make my clients happy, he said he didn't care if he offended his. You really are stupid. Making your clients happy includes caring if you offend them or not.

Good luck getting through the pearly gates, I've got a feeling Jesus probably thinks you are a mean spirited twit.

And I personally won't be wishing you a Merry Christmas.[/QUOTE]

I think I'll survive..:lol:
It certainly doesn't send me. I might tell you, in response, to have a cool yule!

I have seen more people take offense when NOT responded to with "merry christmas" than I have ever seen people take offense at being wished one. Now THAT'S truly messed up.
You must be just looking for something to whine about this time of year. Here's a clue because no matter how bluntly something is said you don't get it, look at what you are quoting, then what that was a reply to ... etc.

I'm trying to find out why saying "Merry Christmas" is offensive!
I like to make my clients happy because when I do they give me money.

But if being rude to your customers keeps you thriving, go for it.


Wishing them a Merry Christmas is rude?

Are you not able to comprehend what you read?

The point was simple. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, but, I am not going to change who I am or try and great each person with a different slogan based on their personal views.

In turn, I take no offense as to how they greet me, unless they are rude. Then I toss their ass out.

In other words, it's called live and let live.

this is our 60th year in business, so thanks, I'll keep it up! :clap2:
I'm trying to find out why saying "Merry Christmas" is offensive!

Okay ... one more time though I know this won't be the last. No one is taking offense, the few (and very few) people that do are just being grumpy. Just don't get offended if someone doesn't say the same thing. That's what almost everyone has told you, no one cares what you say for a greeting. Hell, I often use "Boo!" as a generic greeting and even people who don't know me think it's cute. Point is, you just seem to WANT people to take offense even when they aren't. All those who think their is a "war on christmas" seem to want that as well. Most people don't care, the few who do care for logical reasons just stay home that day, the very few who do grumble about it are most likely just having a bad day and really don't care but just want something to whine about ... familiar as it is. The companies that changed their policies didn't do it because of pressure from anyone else, they did it to pander which is more offensive to those they are pandering to.

The phony concept of "war on christmas" would be if a bunch of people actually wanted to end all christmas celebrations and make it illegal, not ONE person can seriously want that. Also to accuse atheists of wanted to attack christmas is like accusing a shopper of not wanting to spend money. Pagans love christmas to, though many call it yule or some other name, since that's where the tree, log, candles, etc. are from. The gifts, well, who doesn't like free stuff.
No, I said I like to make my clients happy, he said he didn't care if he offended his. You really are stupid. Making your clients happy includes caring if you offend them or not.

Good luck getting through the pearly gates, I've got a feeling Jesus probably thinks you are a mean spirited twit.

And I personally won't be wishing you a Merry Christmas.

Willow, you are trying to debate with a person (see above quote) who either is not capable of comprehending what they read or who is simply pissed off at the world today and wants to fight about anything.

Either way, there is only one worthy answer for them.....:ahole-1:

I posted basically that I believe in live and let live. That I accept and understand that I cannot control anothers faith or what they find correct and that I have no desire to. This idiot above, is too stupid to understand that and claims that to be rude.

Get a life or here, let me help you with another option!

Wishing them a Merry Christmas is rude?

Are you not able to comprehend what you read?

The point was simple. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, but, I am not going to change who I am or try and great each person with a different slogan based on their personal views.

In turn, I take no offense as to how they greet me, unless they are rude. Then I toss their ass out.

In other words, it's called live and let live.

this is our 60th year in business, so thanks, I'll keep it up! :clap2:
No, I don't think wishing someone a Merry Christmas is rude unless you are doing it for some ulterior motive.

I was commenting on this post point of yours: If that offends them, too damn bad, that is their problem.

But if you don't care if you offend them, it hardly matters. It just isn't a way I would treat my clients.
It certainly doesn't offend me. I might tell you, in response, to have a cool yule!

There ya go!

That is my exact point. It is about acceptance of others.

Sadly not everyone got that message. But, I great people in a kind way which I am comfortable with and 99% of them return that greeting in the same fashion, in a manor which they are comfortable with. Everyone's happy!

But, not I, not you, not any of us can control what might offend another nor can we be expected to know ahead of time. So I don't give a damn about that. I worry about getting along. Most people agree and do the same, those who don't, they can leave my place of business, home or whatever.

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