War on Christmas

I say find it!

:lol: So you can't just clarify?

I'll try to remember where it was, but I remember distinctly you mentioned your wife and someone else called it to your attention and then you deflected, much like you're doing right now.

Oh, I get it! You're a lesbian???

Whatever, I really don't really care what you are, honestly.
:lol: So you can't just clarify?

I'll try to remember where it was, but I remember distinctly you mentioned your wife and someone else called it to your attention and then you deflected, much like you're doing right now.

Oh, I get it! You're a lesbian???

Whatever, I really don't really care what you are, honestly.

maybe you should get yer memory checked,, if you can remember it surely you can remember where it was?? or maybe you'll admit to a faulty memory! :lol:
maybe you should get yer memory checked,, if you can remember it surely you can remember where it was?? or maybe you'll admit to a faulty memory! :lol:

My apologies if I'm remembering incorrectly. Funny you can't just answer the question, though. :eusa_whistle: I don't care enough to go looking for it, sorry.
My apologies if I'm remembering incorrectly. Funny you can't just answer the question, though. :eusa_whistle: I don't care enough to go looking for it, sorry.

you didn't ask a question, you made an assertion, then an accusation,, as if being a lesbian were a bad thing?? you like skydancer are a very dishonest person..
you didn't ask a question, you made an assertion, then an accusation,, as if being a lesbian were a bad thing?? you like skydancer are a very dishonest person..

Really? You think? You are a funny one Weeping Willow, I'll give you that.

I asked you to clarify my confusion about your gender.

So are you going to tell me whether or not you are really a woman?

Wishing them a Merry Christmas is rude?

Probably better manners to wish people happy holidays when you don't know what they celebrate.

The point was simple. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, but, I am not going to change who I am or try and great each person with a different slogan based on their personal views.

So, in other words, you don't care about the people to whom you're extending wishes.... this is about YOU!

Perhaps you might want to re-think that if, in fact, you're wishing well to others? But, ultimately, as I said earlier, no one really cares about this issue except for the loonies.
Probably better manners to wish people happy holidays when you don't know what they celebrate.

So, in other words, you don't care about the people to whom you're extending wishes.... this is about YOU!

Perhaps you might want to re-think that if, in fact, you're wishing well to others? But, ultimately, as I said earlier, no one really cares about this issue except for the loonies.

Hey Jillian, Happy Hanukkah! ;)
I can not believe I just spent the past 45 minutes reading through the last 20 pages of this thread. It certainly deteriorated.

I used to work at Kohl's. I loved working during Christmas because (usually) people were nice and friendly. It was also busy busy which made the time fly by. I always wished people Merry Christmas, not because I was trying to insult them but because that is what I believe and extended to others. Never once did anyone get mad, annoyed, or complained that I said this. Not once. More often than not they would reply with Happy Holidays and I would smile and say enjoy the rest of your day. And I was not offended by their greeting to me. But the replys that always struck me were the ones where the customer would lean in to me and say 'Oh Merry Christmas hun. It's so nice to hear that. You never know what to say these days because everyone gets so offended'. I would also have my greeting returned with 'Happy Hanukkah' or 'Happy Kwanzza' and I would smile and be happy in their greeting to me. I wasn't offended that they didn't wish me Merry Christmas, I was glad they were extending their beliefs to me and well. . . . it was all good.

The 'war on Christmas' isn't about some arbitrary greeting in a store, it's about the slow erosion of Christ from Christmas. For Christians, Christmas is a holy day first and a holiday second. For those who don't believe that, it's fine. But the majority of this country is Christian and replacing 'Christmas' with 'Holidays' in everything diminishes the importance of Christmas (the religious aspect). Some people want to pretend that Christmas is equal to Kwanzaa, that Christmas is equal to Hanukkah. It isn't. All Christians want is for Christ to remain in Christmas. Is that so hard? If you do not believe then pay no attention to the religious aspect and just enjoy the secular part of the season.

It seems to me that there is a determined effort by our culture to make this 'holiday' season all one big, happy picture - which in and of it'self is fine. The problem with this is that in the process, Christ is trivialized and getting knocked out of the picture. Posters on this thread knock Christmas (the religious part) constantly by bringing up the pagan aspects of Christmas, implying that these paganisms mean that Christmas isn't holy at all. Whatever the history and background of Christmas, today it is celebrated by vast majority of this country as a religious celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. They like to call Christianity just a myth. Again, if you do not believe that's fine but why insult someone else's beliefs?
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Probably better manners to wish people happy holidays when you don't know what they celebrate.

So, in other words, you don't care about the people to whom you're extending wishes.... this is about YOU!

Perhaps you might want to re-think that if, in fact, you're wishing well to others? But, ultimately, as I said earlier, no one really cares about this issue except for the loonies.

LOL ........... your just as ignorant as the other one. Go reread it try to get it.

I suppose I should stop each person and ask them, excuse me, please explain your religious and political feelings to me so I can address you correctly and then say hi to them?

You dumbass!

I greet people warmly and openly. And clearly unlike people like you, when they return that greeting in a fashion which works for them, I accept it warmly and openly, no matter how they phrase it, unless it is rude.

Get a life moron! LOL
Really? You think? You are a funny one Weeping Willow, I'll give you that.

I asked you to clarify my confusion about your gender.

So are you going to tell me whether or not you are really a woman?

I thought you said you didn't care? and you think I'm funny? :lol:
I can not believe I just spent the past 45 minutes reading through the last 20 pages of this thread. It certainly deteriorated.

I used to work at Kohl's. I loved working during Christmas because (usually) people were nice and friendly. It was also busy busy which made the time fly by. I always wished people Merry Christmas, not because I was trying to insult them but because that is what I believe and extended to others. Never once did anyone get mad, annoyed, or complained that I said this. Not once. More often than not they would reply with Happy Holidays and I would smile and say enjoy the rest of your day. But the replys that always struck me were the ones where the customer would lean in to me and say 'Oh Merry Christmas hun. It's so nice to hear that. You never know what to say these days because everyone gets so offended'. I would also have my greeting returned with 'Happy Hanukkah' or 'Happy Kwanzza' and I would smile and be happy in their greeting to me. I wasn't offended that they didn't wish me Merry Christmas, I was glad they were extending their beliefs to me and well. . . . it was all good.


Thankfully you too understood that you cannot profile each person before greeting them! LOL

And thankfully you too are/were happy to accept their warm wishes, no matter what they represented.

That is the exact point, live and let live.
This thread is hilarious. It's like the Springer show playing all day long! lol

Oh and I didn't realize that gender was mandatory, but, I'm a male ........ today!
I agree with you. What opponents insist on is their right to say "Merry Christmas" because their holiday traditions are parmount to them.


I doubt Christ cares one way or the other about Christmas greetings. He was not born to originate the holiday of Christmas and start a culture war.

I agree... he'd have said Happy Chanukah.

One thing that would NEVER occur to me, is to take for granted that every person I see out and about shopping at this time is a Christmas- celebrating- Christian.

I agree... and while I don't care if someone says Merry Christmas, I do appreciate it when they acknowledge that I might celebrate something different.

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