War on Christmas

This whole complaint about christmas being taken away from christians is ridiculous and I can't get a straight answer out of any of them as to why they think there is such a war. Sheila was the only one who outlined her specific complaints but when I asked her to show me where any of it was happening, she clammed up tighter than Pat Robertson's sphincter in a gay bar and ran away without answering. Does anyone have any specfics as to how anyone is taking christmas away from christians?

Christ can NEVER be taken out of Christmas for someone who holds that within their heart. However, this artificial need to have EVERYONE ELSE affirm your beliefs is just strange.

Will your god shrivel up and die if I don't acknowledge this as a spiritual holiday?
You can ASSume all you like. I see a pigheaded store owner losing customers. He'll have plenty of opportunities to wish the unemployment clerk a Merry Christmas if that gets his rocks off.

Willow, as you can see, here is another one who simply can't enjoy themselves.

They are pissing and moaning about anything, most of all someone like me who not only greets people warmly, but, accepts all like greetings I get, no matter the political or religious implications.

They want to argue just to argue.

I would chase business away, business like them!
Greeting people in a warm and happy way and accepting their same greetings in return, no matter how they express them, is being self righteous?

Go get a life.

your searching for something to piss and moan about.

By the way, the topic in this thread is Christmas and greetings, not all other types of complaints a person may have.

they have something to piss and moan about,, it's called Christmas.. :lol:
I would suggest to you that while the majority of this country is putatively Christian, the vast majority are secular in their lifestyles and practices. Why is Christ being eroded from Christmas? Because America is far less Christian than you believe.

And you know this to be true by . . . .?

By the way, why do you NEED secular affirmation of your religious views?

Not sure of your question. You mean why do we need trees and gifts and santa? So because we view Christmas as a holy day it means we cannot also enjoy it as a holiday?

Does the fact that you are not constantly reminded of Christ in Christmas impact your faith or make you believe less?

Not at all, catz. What I'm saying is that by removing Christ from Christmas in the public forum (stores, commercials, etc.), Christmas loses it's religious meaning. It gets lumped into Hanukka, Kwanzza, New Years and becomes 'just another holiday'. It is not just another holiday, at least not to Christians.

There is a church on every corner of this country. Remind me again why you need even greater affirmation of the truth of your beliefs from outsiders. It's so weirdly insecure.

You either didn't read or didn't understand my previous post. Go back and reread the part where I worked at Kohl's.

Insecure? No, we just refuse to let Christ slip through the cracks no matter how hard some may want Him to.
If christ is being taken out of christmas, it is the fault of the christians celebrating it. I still don't see how someone celebrating it as a secular holiday can ruin it for a very religious christian. It smacks of "me,me,me,me"ism.

no .............. YOU smack of me, me, me'ism

because you want me (or anyone) to greet you in a particular way, instead of accepting mine gracefully and me accepting yours gracefully and learning to live and let live.

Your so petty you reek!
Willow, as you can see, here is another one who simply can't enjoy themselves.

They are pissing and moaning about anything, most of all someone like me who not only greets people warmly, but, accepts all like greetings I get, no matter the political or religious implications.

They want to argue just to argue.

I would chase business away, business like them!

yes, I know,, and he thinks he knows without a shadow of a doubt that if you continue to say "Merry Christmas" yer business will fail and you will be in the poor house.. I have never :lol::lol: so long or so hard in my life.. I know I know,, I'm easily entertained.
And you know this to be true by . . . .?

Your bleating and moaning. If there has been a loss of spiritual significance to this holiday, one can assume it bled away from Christianity. It was never the role of secular society to prop up the church, it is the role of the church to infuse the world with spirituality. Perhaps your light is in a bushel?

Not at all, catz. What I'm saying is that by removing Christ from Christmas in the public forum (stores, commercials, etc.), Christmas loses it's religious meaning. It gets lumped into Hanukka, Kwanzza, New Years and becomes 'just another holiday'. It is not just another holiday, at least not to Christians.

It isn't the public forum's job to sustain your religious beliefs.

That responsibility lies upon you and your fellow church members. It is the role of the public forum to cater to the marketplace, and that's precisely what it has done. If public companies are selling more hannukah and kwanzaa and santa supplies, that's due to public demand, and not some kind of evil conspiracy.

You either didn't read or didn't understand my previous post. Go back and reread the part where I worked at Kohl's.

Of course I understood it. You apparently need to have outsiders tell you how wonderful your faith is so you don't lose it is duly noted.

Insecure? No, we just refuse to let Christ slip through the cracks no matter how hard some may want Him to.

The rest of us aren't aggressively attacking christianity. We simply don't care about your beliefs. We aren't atheists, we're apatheists. Don't know, don't care, now have some eggnog and string up some lights.

Any excuse for a party...
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Christ can NEVER be taken out of Christmas for someone who holds that within their heart. However, this artificial need to have EVERYONE ELSE affirm your beliefs is just strange.
Will your god shrivel up and die if I don't acknowledge this as a spiritual holiday?

You are turning the argument again. No one is asking that you affirm our beliefs. But in a country where the vast majority of people who celebrate Christmas believe it is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, why is it ok for the minority of non-believers to push their secular agenda and shove Christ aside?
You are turning the argument again. No one is asking that you affirm our beliefs. But in a country where the vast majority of people who celebrate Christmas believe it is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, why is it ok for the minority of non-believers to push their secular agenda and shove Christ aside?

So, by telling someone happy holidays, a store clerk is shoving Jesus aside?

Tell me, what do you need from us in order to keep Christ in your Christmas, Zoom? Do you need us to stand beside you, raising our hands in adoration? Do you need me to put a manger scene in my front yard? Do you need me to sing carols outside your house?

How can Christ possibly be shoved ANYWHERE in your heart, if you aren't doing the shoving? I am completely at a loss to understand how Christians will somehow lose faith if the secular state doesn't endorse their views.
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Yep. But since his business centers around selling candles that smell like Jesus he's probably okay.

What part of Jesus, though? I can't imagine that unbathed Jewish carpenter is a scent that people are beating down the doors for.
Greeting people in a warm and happy way and accepting their same greetings in return, no matter how they express them, is being self righteous?

No, demanding that you're always right regardless of what the customer wants is self-righteous, not to mention stupid.

By the way, the topic in this thread is Christmas and greetings, not all other types of complaints a person may have.

So now you're dictating what I can and cannot post? Someone mentioned retailers not getting any negative feedback from customers and I mentioned a situation where you might not get negative customer feedback and still lose a customer.

I'll be sure to file a request form in triplicate with you next time I want to make a comment that you don't think is relevant.
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What part of Jesus, though? I can't imagine that unbathed Jewish carpenter is a scent that people are beating down the doors for.
I think toes and grubby sandals is the basic fragrance. There is also one that smells of thorns and sweat.
Greeting people in a warm and happy way and accepting their same greetings in return, no matter how they express them, is being self righteous?{/quote]

No, demanding that you're always right regardless of what the customer wants is self-righteous, not to mention stupid.

So now you're dictating what I can and cannot post? Someone mentioned retailers not getting any negative feedback from customers and I mentioned a situation where you might not get negative customer feedback and still lose a customer.

I'll be sure to file a request form in triplicate with you next time I want to make a comment that you don't think is relevant.

now yer whining jest a bit! :eusa_shhh:
yes, I know,, and he thinks he knows without a shadow of a doubt that if you continue to say "Merry Christmas" yer business will fail and you will be in the poor house..

You're not even comprehending what is being discussed here, are you?

If strawman arguments are all you have, then that speaks volumes about you. Well, at least you got the synapses responsible for quoting tags to fire.
Your bleating and moaning. If there has been a loss of spiritual significance to this holiday, one can assume it bled away from Christianity. It was never the role of secular society to prop up the church, it is the role of the church to infuse the world with spirituality. Perhaps your light is in a bushel?

Thank you for not answering the question.

It isn't the public forum's job to sustain your religious beliefs.

Never said it was. It also isn't the public forum's job to ignore the religious importance of Christmas that the majority of Christians hold. I'd think they would want to be all inclusive.

That responsibility lies upon you and your fellow church members. It is the role of the public forum to cater to the marketplace, and that's precisely what it has done. If public companies are selling more hannukah and kwanzaa and santa supplies, that's due to public demand, and not some kind of evil conspiracy.

Evil conspiracy?

Of course I understood it. You apparently need to have outsiders tell you how wonderful your faith is so you don't lose it is duly noted.

Once again, misreading, misunderstanding or intentionally playing dumb. Go back and reread my posts.

The rest of us aren't aggressively attacking christianity. We simply don't care about your beliefs. We aren't atheists, we're apatheists. Don't know, don't care, now have some eggnog and string up some lights.

If you don't care then why so insistant that it be 'holidays' for all? Why so reluctant to have Christ kept in Christmas? If you truly don't care, why aren't you off having some eggnog yourself?

Any excuse for a party...

Yup and the biggest party will be celebrated on December 25.
You are turning the argument again. No one is asking that you affirm our beliefs. But in a country where the vast majority of people who celebrate Christmas believe it is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, why is it ok for the minority of non-believers to push their secular agenda and shove Christ aside?

Can you give us an example where you think the secular agenda is pushing christ aside? Is it something that is preventing YOU from celebrating the holiday in the manner that you like?
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:lol:so,, in conclusion.. there is no war on christmas and nobody is offended by Merry Christmas...

so merry merry christmas to each and everyone of youse! :lol:

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