War on Christmas

I suppose I should stop each person and ask them, excuse me, please explain your religious and political feelings to me so I can address you correctly and then say hi to them?

You dumbass!

Or you could just wish them a Happy Holiday and cover all your bases without asking them about their religious beliefs. Retailers don't want to alienate customers so why risk it? I personally feel good if a business tries to be all inclusive instead of just catering to the majority. Of course if you're in the majority, you probably don't care about this but that is the problem. Also, if a business does soemething that irritates me, I won't usually say something, I will just quietly decide to take my business elsewhere next time I shop.
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Or you could just wish them a Happy Holiday and cover all your bases without asking them about their religious beliefs. Retailers don't want to alienate customers so why risk it? I personally feel good if a business tries to be all inclusive instead of just catering to the majority. Of course if you're in the majority, you probably don't care about this but that is the problem. Also, if a business does soemething that irritates me, I won't usually say something, I will just quietly decide to take my business elsewhere next time I shop.[/QUOTE]

why? If Merry Christmas" dosen't offend why??? :lol::lol: and you mocked me for saying that.(the bolded).. :lol::lol::lol:
Or you could just wish them a Happy Holiday and cover all your bases without asking them about their religious beliefs. Retailers don't want to alienate customers so why risk it? I personally feel good if a business tries to be all inclusive instead of just catering to the majority. Of course if you're in the majority, you probably don't care about this but that is the problem. Also, if a business does soemething that irritates me, I won't usually say something, I will just quietly decide to take my business elsewhere next time I shop.

Honestly, if me saying Merry Christmas to you would offend you so much that you would want to correct me, instead of simply being nice in your own fashion as well, then YES, you should take your business else where, because chances are you would be asked to.

Thankfully most people are not so petty and narrow minded and thankfully they have graced our doors for many years and they do so knowing, that petty people and people who just like to stir the pot for no good reason, don't stick around.

Thankfully, when I look down our counter I see people from all walks of life, religion, race, social status and so on, talking, telling stories and jokes and not getting their shorts bent of bull shit like this. And when someone does wander in and wants to be an idiot and start such petty bickering, the rest of us have a good laugh, after I kick them out.

Company Policy - Check your bull shit at the door, but, firearms are permitted!

Hey, thanks for the feedback! & enjoy being misserable because people wish something good to you! LOL

oh and we give every dog a free burger!
Or you could just wish them a Happy Holiday and cover all your bases without asking them about their religious beliefs. Retailers don't want to alienate customers so why risk it? I personally feel good if a business tries to be all inclusive instead of just catering to the majority. Of course if you're in the majority, you probably don't care about this but that is the problem. Also, if a business does soemething that irritates me, I won't usually say something, I will just quietly decide to take my business elsewhere next time I shop.[/QUOTE]

why? If Merry Christmas" dosen't offend why??? :lol::lol: and you mocked me for saying that.(the bolded).. :lol::lol::lol:

I didn't say it was Merry Christmas that would offend me. I said "Also, if a business does soemething that irritates me". That includes rude employees, not having enough sale items in stock, a restocking fee for returned items or ripping off customers with bait-and-switch advertising. The point that went right over your head was that I won't always make my unhappiness known to the store - I'll just go to another store. Sorry if that was too difficult a concept to grasp :razz:
I didn't say it was Merry Christmas that would offend me. I said "Also, if a business does soemething that irritates me". That includes rude employees, not having enough sale items in stock, a restocking fee for returned items or ripping off customers with bait-and-switch advertising. The point that went right over your head was that I won't always make my unhappiness known to the store - I'll just go to another store. Sorry if that was too difficult a concept to grasp :razz:


we all knew exactly what you meant,, yep yep yep
Honestly, if me saying Merry Christmas to you would offend you so much that you would want to correct me, instead of simply being nice in your own fashion as well, then YES, you should take your business else where, because chances are you would be asked to.

I wouldn't be offended by it but the fact remains that some people are. In times of financial hardship for retailers, are you willing to turn away potential customers just so you can be self-righteous?
That's no way to run a successful business.
I wouldn't be offended by it but the fact remains that some people are. In times of financial hardship for retailers, are you willing to turn away potential customers just so you can be self-righteous?
That's no way to run a successful business.

well, let's assume if his business is successful he knows how to run it!
we all knew exactly what you meant,, yep yep yep

I imagine everyone else did - you just couldn't resist being a smug asshole and jumping all over a statement that you misinterpreted. Oh, and figure out how to use the quote tags.

well, let's assume if his business is successful he knows how to run it!

You can ASSume all you like. I see a pigheaded store owner losing customers. He'll have plenty of opportunities to wish the unemployment clerk a Merry Christmas if that gets his rocks off.
You can ASSume all you like. I see a pigheaded store owner losing customers. He'll have plenty of opportunities to wish the unemployment clerk a Merry Christmas if that gets his rocks off.

When I hear him complaining I'll be sympathetic to your pathetic!
The 'war on Christmas' isn't about some arbitrary greeting in a store, it's about the slow erosion of Christ from Christmas. For Christians, Christmas is a holy day first and a holiday second. For those who don't believe that, it's fine. But the majority of this country is Christian and replacing 'Christmas' with 'Holidays' in everything diminishes the importance of Christmas (the religious aspect). Some people want to pretend that Christmas is equal to Kwanzaa, that Christmas is equal to Hanukkah. It isn't. All Christians want is for Christ to remain in Christmas. Is that so hard? If you do not believe then pay no attention to the religious aspect and just enjoy the secular part of the season.

It seems to me that there is a determined effort by our culture to make this 'holiday' season all one big, happy picture - which in and of it'self is fine. The problem with this is that in the process, Christ is trivialized and getting knocked out of the picture. Posters on this thread knock Christmas (the religious part) constantly by bringing up the pagan aspects of Christmas, implying that these paganisms mean that Christmas isn't holy at all. Whatever the history and background of Christmas, today it is celebrated by vast majority of this country as a religious celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. They like to call Christianity just a myth. Again, if you do not believe that's fine but why insult someone else's beliefs?

I would suggest to you that while the majority of this country is putatively Christian, the vast majority are secular in their lifestyles and practices. Why is Christ being eroded from Christmas? Because America is far less Christian than you believe.

By the way, why do you NEED secular affirmation of your religious views? Does the fact that you are not constantly reminded of Christ in Christmas impact your faith or make you believe less?

There is a church on every corner of this country. Remind me again why you need even greater affirmation of the truth of your beliefs from outsiders. It's so weirdly insecure.
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I would suggest to you that while the majority of this country is putatively Christian, the vast majority are secular in their lifestyles and practices. Why is Christ being eroded from Christmas? Because America is far less Christian than you believe.

If christ is being taken out of christmas, it is the fault of the christians celebrating it. I still don't see how someone celebrating it as a secular holiday can ruin it for a very religious christian. It smacks of "me,me,me,me"ism.
If christ is being taken out of christmas, it is the fault of the christians celebrating it. I still don't see how someone celebrating it as a secular holiday can ruin it for a very religious christian. It smacks of "me,me,me,me"ism.

I think he's just pouty because attendance at the Living Christmas Tree service is way, way down. And, it's so disappointing to all the senior citizens in their green appliqued sweatshirts.
I think he's just pouty because attendance at the Living Christmas Tree service is way, way down. And, it's so disappointing to all the senior citizens in their green appliqued sweatshirts.

This whole complaint about christmas being taken away from christians is ridiculous and I can't get a straight answer out of any of them as to why they think there is such a war. Sheila was the only one who outlined her specific complaints but when I asked her to show me where any of it was happening, she clammed up tighter than Pat Robertson's sphincter in a gay bar and ran away without answering. Does anyone have any specfics as to how anyone is taking christmas away from christians?
I wouldn't be offended by it but the fact remains that some people are. In times of financial hardship for retailers, are you willing to turn away potential customers just so you can be self-righteous?
That's no way to run a successful business.

Greeting people in a warm and happy way and accepting their same greetings in return, no matter how they express them, is being self righteous?

Go get a life.

your searching for something to piss and moan about.

By the way, the topic in this thread is Christmas and greetings, not all other types of complaints a person may have.

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