War on Christmas

Thank you for not answering the question.

Lame. I did answer the question. thanks for the non-response, though.

Never said it was. It also isn't the public forum's job to ignore the religious importance of Christmas that the majority of Christians hold. I'd think they would want to be all inclusive.

I was in Target yesterday. I saw plenty of Jesuses. it seems like the public forum is allowing y'all plenty of latitude to make purchases of your choice. There were also hannukah candles and some kwanzaa decorations. Being part of the smorgasbord of choices isn't what you want, though, is it? You need to be special, set apart, you're asking for different treatment, aren't you?

If you don't care then why so insistant that it be 'holidays' for all? Why so reluctant to have Christ kept in Christmas? If you truly don't care, why aren't you off having some eggnog yourself?

I'm explaining why you have nothing to worry about. As long as YOU keep Christ in Christmas, isn't that all that matters between you and God?

Yup and the biggest party will be celebrated on December 25.

Says you. My solstice party on the 20th will kick your party's ass.
Says you. My solstice party on the 20th will kick your party's ass.

Hey, I didn't get an invitation!
I promise I won't let Willow know where you live.
Seriously, an excellent series of posts from you :clap2:
Can you give us an example where you think the secular agenda is pushing christ aside?

Changing 'Christmas' to 'holidays' - as in 'holiday tree', 'holiday parade'. Not having a Nativity scene in any 'holiday' parade. Never even saying the word 'Christmas' in advertising but always referring to it as 'holidays'. This is where Christ is taken out of Christmas. I know to you (meaning non-believers) this is a joke, a moot point. But to a believer, it smacks us in the face. I asked this before that if there was a Nativity scene in a parade would you be offended? I believe you said no you wouldn't. Then why is there an argument going on at all? Who would it harm if this were in a parade? Why completely eliminate the word 'Christmas' from everything at . . . . Christmas time? Why is it ok to have it just be 'holiday' but not ok for it to be 'holiday' and 'Christmas'? And no, I am NOT referring to some door greeter.

Is it something that is preventing YOU from celebrating the holiday in the manner that you like?

Please stop jumping back on the 'why do you Christians need public affirmation in order for you to have faith' wagon. You continually like to turn the argument around and around. Go back and really read the posts.
I would suggest to you that while the majority of this country is putatively Christian, the vast majority are secular in their lifestyles and practices. Why is Christ being eroded from Christmas? Because America is far less Christian than you believe.

By the way, why do you NEED secular affirmation of your religious views? Does the fact that you are not constantly reminded of Christ in Christmas impact your faith or make you believe less?

There is a church on every corner of this country. Remind me again why you need even greater affirmation of the truth of your beliefs from outsiders. It's so weirdly insecure.

Your bleating and moaning. If there has been a loss of spiritual significance to this holiday, one can assume it bled away from Christianity. It was never the role of secular society to prop up the church, it is the role of the church to infuse the world with spirituality. Perhaps your light is in a bushel?

It isn't the public forum's job to sustain your religious beliefs.

That responsibility lies upon you and your fellow church members. It is the role of the public forum to cater to the marketplace, and that's precisely what it has done. If public companies are selling more hannukah and kwanzaa and santa supplies, that's due to public demand, and not some kind of evil conspiracy.

Of course I understood it. You apparently need to have outsiders tell you how wonderful your faith is so you don't lose it is duly noted.

The rest of us aren't aggressively attacking christianity. We simply don't care about your beliefs. We aren't atheists, we're apatheists. Don't know, don't care, now have some eggnog and string up some lights.

Any excuse for a party...

Lame. I did answer the question. thanks for the non-response, though.

I was in Target yesterday. I saw plenty of Jesuses. it seems like the public forum is allowing y'all plenty of latitude to make purchases of your choice. There were also hannukah candles and some kwanzaa decorations. Being part of the smorgasbord of choices isn't what you want, though, is it? You need to be special, set apart, you're asking for different treatment, aren't you?

I'm explaining why you have nothing to worry about. As long as YOU keep Christ in Christmas, isn't that all that matters between you and God?

Says you. My solstice party on the 20th will kick your party's ass.

Please provide links for the information bolded in your first and second quotes.
So, by telling someone happy holidays, a store clerk is shoving Jesus aside?

This statement tells me that despite your telling me differently, you never did read or understand my post where I said I worked at Kohl's.

Tell me, what do you need from us in order to keep Christ in your Christmas, Zoom? Do you need us to stand beside you, raising our hands in adoration? Do you need me to put a manger scene in my front yard? Do you need me to sing carols outside your house?

Nice trying to spin things around yet again. We'd be thrilled if the word 'Christmas' was used in conjunction with 'holidays' in the public forum (I italicized the 'in conjunction' part so you will not be confused and spin this into some 'it has to be only Christmas' post later on). And from what I've seen this season, it is being used more than in previous years.

How can Christ possibly be shoved ANYWHERE in your heart, if you aren't doing the shoving? I am completely at a loss to understand how Christians will somehow lose faith if the secular state doesn't endorse their views.

Again, turning the argument and not hearing what is being said. Please go back and read my previous posts.
Changing 'Christmas' to 'holidays' - as in 'holiday tree', 'holiday parade'. Not having a Nativity scene in any 'holiday' parade. Never even saying the word 'Christmas' in advertising but always referring to it as 'holidays'. This is where Christ is taken out of Christmas. I know to you (meaning non-believers) this is a joke, a moot point. But to a believer, it smacks us in the face. I asked this before that if there was a Nativity scene in a parade would you be offended? I believe you said no you wouldn't. Then why is there an argument going on at all? Who would it harm if this were in a parade? Why completely eliminate the word 'Christmas' from everything at . . . . Christmas time? Why is it ok to have it just be 'holiday' but not ok for it to be 'holiday' and 'Christmas'? And no, I am NOT referring to some door greeter.

Please stop jumping back on the 'why do you Christians need public affirmation in order for you to have faith' wagon. You continually like to turn the argument around and around. Go back and really read the posts.

Why don't you enter a float with a nativity scene in the parade? If you want to put Christ back into Christmas, rather than whining about how it is being taken out, do something to put it back in. For instance, one local church here has a living nativity scene every year that draws tens of thousands of people. And, if you are kept from having a float for religious reasons, that's discrimination. I'd call the ACLU. I bet they'd take your case.
Changing 'Christmas' to 'holidays' - as in 'holiday tree', 'holiday parade'. Not having a Nativity scene in any 'holiday' parade. Never even saying the word 'Christmas' in advertising but always referring to it as 'holidays'. This is where Christ is taken out of Christmas. I know to you (meaning non-believers) this is a joke, a moot point. But to a believer, it smacks us in the face. I asked this before that if there was a Nativity scene in a parade would you be offended? I believe you said no you wouldn't. Then why is there an argument going on at all? Who would it harm if this were in a parade? Why completely eliminate the word 'Christmas' from everything at . . . . Christmas time? Why is it ok to have it just be 'holiday' but not ok for it to be 'holiday' and 'Christmas'? And no, I am NOT referring to some door greeter.

Please stop jumping back on the 'why do you Christians need public affirmation in order for you to have faith' wagon. You continually like to turn the argument around and around. Go back and really read the posts.

You also realize that by using the tree and most other aspects of christmas is also a smack in the face of many pagans right? Since many of the old pagan religions started all that. Difference is, instead of making a big issue out of small things then blowing it so far out of proportion, we are content to say say 'meh.' Most places still use the word christmas, so unless your area has a majority of people who don't WANT to call it (and now the majority ruling is a bad thing to you I see) then perhaps it may be so, but almost everywhere I have been or seen, this is NOT the case.
Why don't you enter a float with a nativity scene in the parade? If you want to put Christ back into Christmas, rather than whining about how it is being taken out, do something to put it back in. For instance, one local church here has a living nativity scene every year that draws tens of thousands of people. And, if you are kept from having a float for religious reasons, that's discrimination. I'd call the ACLU. I bet they'd take your case.

Catz, this is an excellent idea. If my life permitted me to have the time to be involved in parades you can be sure I would be getting a Nativity float in there. Maybe even a giant baby Jesus balloon. ;)

Excellent point about individuals putting Christ back in Christmas too. I do this in my own small way by sending religious Christmas cards and by wishing people Merry Christmas. I'm also on the lookout for a Nativity display I can put up outside but haven't found anything that works for me yet. And like I said in a previous post, I've seen several Target commercials, two Victoria's Secret commericials, a handful of furniture commericials and several news stations (no, I'm not referring to Fox but to local news stations) all refer to 'Christmas' rather than 'holiday'. It's really nice to hear it again.
Catz, this is an excellent idea. If my life permitted me to have the time to be involved in parades you can be sure I would be getting a Nativity float in there. Maybe even a giant baby Jesus balloon. ;)

Well, you can't bitch about what you aren't personally willing to do...

Excellent point about individuals putting Christ back in Christmas too. I do this in my own small way by sending religious Christmas cards and by wishing people Merry Christmas. I'm also on the lookout for a Nativity display I can put up outside but haven't found anything that works for me yet. And like I said in a previous post, I've seen several Target commercials, two Victoria's Secret commericials, a handful of furniture commericials and several news stations (no, I'm not referring to Fox but to local news stations) all refer to 'Christmas' rather than 'holiday'. It's really nice to hear it again.

Can I recommend:

Outdoor NATIVITY SET SILHOUETTE-Lights-Wood-Yard Decor - eBay (item 350134356959 end time Dec-07-08 20:01:08 PST)
You also realize that by using the tree and most other aspects of christmas is also a smack in the face of many pagans right? Since many of the old pagan religions started all that. Difference is, instead of making a big issue out of small things then blowing it so far out of proportion, we are content to say say 'meh.'

Do pagans have dibs on trees and wreaths and the like? I wasn't aware these things were trademarked. Since pagan doesn't entail Christ, I'm not sure what the arguing point here would be.

Most places still use the word christmas, so unless your area has a majority of people who don't WANT to call it (and now the majority ruling is a bad thing to you I see) then perhaps it may be so, but almost everywhere I have been or seen, this is NOT the case.

Again, I never once said it should be a majority of one thing or another. Please go back and actually read my posts. Just in a post to Catz, a few up from this one, I specifically italicized the words 'in conjunction' when referring to using the terms Christmas and holidays. Go back and read my post where I said what I did when I worked at Kohl's. Actually, in the quote of mine you responded to, I wrote "Why is it ok to have it just be 'holiday' but not ok for it to be 'holiday' and 'Christmas'?' Read before you wrongly assume things about what I said.

And you're right, I have seen the word Christmas used more this year than in recent years. Target, Victoria's Secret, furniture stores, local news -- all these things have referred to Christmas. I've also heard it referred to as holidays as well.
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Well, you can't bitch about what you aren't personally willing to do...

Can I recommend:

Outdoor NATIVITY SET SILHOUETTE-Lights-Wood-Yard Decor - eBay (item 350134356959 end time Dec-07-08 20:01:08 PST)

Again, read my post. I said 'if my life permitted me to have the time . . . '. You know nothing about me yet assume that I am not 'personally willing to do' anything. And you're saying that I cannot voice my opinion because I cannot take action?

Thanks for the link, I will look into . . . as my time permits. ;)
Again, read my post. I said 'if my life permitted me to have the time . . . '. You know nothing about me yet assume that I am not 'personally willing to do' anything. And you're saying that I cannot voice my opinion because I cannot take action?

Thanks for the link, I will look into . . . as my time permits. ;)

I'm saying that if Christ has disappeared from Christmas, rather than blaming those of us who are secular, the believers should take ownership of the perceived problem and solve it themselves.

If you wait for me to put Christ back into Christmas, you're going to be waiting a long fucking time.
As far as I'm concerned Christmas is an American tradition and if you don't like our traditions you can get out of our country.

As far as I'm concerned, if you aren't willing to uphold our constitution and bill of rights, the one created by our founding fathers, don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
I'm saying that if Christ has disappeared from Christmas, rather than blaming those of us who are secular, the believers should take ownership of the perceived problem and solve it themselves.

We are. Of course, the seculars are the ones who took Him out but . . . that's ok. We'll put Christ back where He belongs.

If you wait for me to put Christ back into Christmas, you're going to be waiting a long fucking time.

Not waiting for you, personally, to do anything. You've made your point quite clear Catz.
Are we still having the war on Christmas?? I thought youse lefties said we aren't having a war on Christmas?? And, in addition didn't ya keep saying no one but absolutely no one is offended by "Merry Christmas" :lol::lol::lol:

hypo hypocrites,, that's what yez is!
Are we still having the war on Christmas?? I thought youse lefties said we aren't having a war on Christmas?? And, in addition didn't ya keep saying no one but absolutely no one is offended by "Merry Christmas" :lol::lol::lol:

hypo hypocrites,, that's what yez is!

Okay, this time (since each time I just point it out to you you don't seem to get it) point to at least two posts that say they are offended when some says that ... otherwise admit you are NOT reading anything and just posting to rile things up.
Okay, this time (since each time I just point it out to you you don't seem to get it) point to at least two posts that say they are offended when some says that ... otherwise admit you are NOT reading anything and just posting to rile things up.

so we can stop the war on Christmas??? No one is offended by "Merry Christmas" Am I reading this right?? Tell me the truth now!:eusa_pray:

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