War on Christmas

I was thinking about this just the other day while I was shopping. I typically wish the cashier at the store "Merry Christmas" as I collect my bags and leave, and have noticed increasingly every year how startled and surprised they appear to be when I do so. I find this very sad.

I don't wish people a Merry Christmas because I'm trying to be in anyone's face, or because I'm assuming that everyone celebrates Christmas (although apparently over 90% of the US population DOES celebrate Christmas, either as a religious or a secular holiday). I wish them a Merry Christmas because that happens to be the holiday I celebrate. If someone wants to wish me a Happy Chanukkah or a Happy Ramadan or even a Happy Kwanzaa in return, because that's what THEY celebrate, then I take it in the spirit it's presumably intended.

It is incomprehensible to me that we have turned a simple wish for joy and happiness in the lives of others into a battleground. It's beyond ironic. It's pathetic. How do you get mad over someone wishing you happiness?[/QUOTE]

exactly :clap2:
And yet, the only ones who have stopped using the word christmas in their catalogues are the ones accusing others of attacking christmas while most everyone else is just enjoying the season, not caring, and often even using christmas in the greeting ... must be the backwards towns that this is happening because everywhere in the big cities all I hear and see is christmas and no one complains about it.
I was thinking about this just the other day while I was shopping. I typically wish the cashier at the store "Merry Christmas" as I collect my bags and leave, and have noticed increasingly every year how startled and surprised they appear to be when I do so. I find this very sad.

I don't wish people a Merry Christmas because I'm trying to be in anyone's face, or because I'm assuming that everyone celebrates Christmas (although apparently over 90% of the US population DOES celebrate Christmas, either as a religious or a secular holiday). I wish them a Merry Christmas because that happens to be the holiday I celebrate. If someone wants to wish me a Happy Chanukkah or a Happy Ramadan or even a Happy Kwanzaa in return, because that's what THEY celebrate, then I take it in the spirit it's presumably intended.

It is incomprehensible to me that we have turned a simple wish for joy and happiness in the lives of others into a battleground. It's beyond ironic. It's pathetic. How do you get mad over someone wishing you happiness?

Is the christmas spirit about doing good to others or is it all about YOU?
And why is it that people always insist on meaninglessly reverting to "They had a right!" Who said they didn't? Who even implied it? They have every right to take out any ad they can get people to accept. The city even has the right to accept it, I suppose, provided they ARE, in fact, willing to accept the same ad in reverse from religious groups.

My criticism comes from two things. One, I don't believe the city IS willing to accept the same ad in reverse from a religious group, which makes them hypocritical and also in violation of the law. Second, I don't think it's a good idea for the city to accept such ads, legal or not, because I don't think it's a prudent choice for a government agency to put itself in the position of offending taxpayers. I think it behooves them to remain as neutral as possible.

There's a big difference between "I have the right" and "It's a good idea".

Do you know if, in fact, this is true?

There are two common reactions to something that insults another person, the one targeted could either laugh it off with the strength in their knowledge that they are right (such as 'turn the other cheek' or some such manner) OR they can revel in playing the victim and take offense because they lack the conviction and affirmation that they are correct. Is it clearer now?
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Is the christmas spirit about doing good to others or is it all about YOU?

I don't wish people a Merry Christmas because I'm trying to be in anyone's face, or because I'm assuming that everyone celebrates Christmas (although apparently over 90% of the US population DOES celebrate Christmas, either as a religious or a secular holiday). I wish them a Merry Christmas because that happens to be the holiday I celebrate. If someone wants to wish me a Happy Chanukkah or a Happy Ramadan or even a Happy Kwanzaa in return, because that's what THEY celebrate, then I take it in the spirit it's presumably intended.

What part of this being about other's is unclear to you?
If you know your friend does not celebrate Christmas, why not simply wish your friend joy, peace and happiness in the coming year?

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate this holiday. And to all who don't, have a joyous New Year rich with meaning for you.

No need for a war. When I say "Merry Christmas" to someone, I consider it an offering to them. I don't celebrate Christmas. I say the greeting out of a spirit of generosity to Christians.

When someone who knows me returns the greeting with "Happy Holidays' or "Happy New Year" or Have a wonderful day", I feel they greet me with the same spirit of generosity and respect.

When a stranger says Merry Christmas to me, I say the same back.

Too bad Christians have so little interest in other peoples holidays. They would gain more respect by showing the same level of sensitivity to others that they expect every year.
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What part of this being about other's is unclear to you?

What part of "wishing them joy and happiness in their lives" is unclear to YOU? You think I'm doing that for MY benefit?

And while we're on the subject, I have no idea what has worked your shorts up into your crack in the last couple of days, but would you mind terribly picking them back out and not burdening ME with it?

Talk about a living, breathing example of what I was talking about.
I am wondering if Willow even reads all the posts or if she has taken the position of troll?

If you read her responses on other threads you can see she responds with one liners that definately fit the character of a troll..
I really have no problem with "Christmas" or "Christmas shopping" or "Christmas whatever". I do think that the Right protests a little too loud! I bet if you took a poll, you'll find that less than a third of the "protesters" actually attended Christmas Mass. I bet at least twice that number stood in freezing weather for hours to get the "Christmas" specials at the various stores. Christmas has gotten so commercialized that its laughable that the Right protests the so-called "War on Christmas", but says nothing about the commercial exploitation of this religious event.

The Right wing nutbags on FOX are the worst of the lot! Each December, Hannity and Bill O pick a couple of big-name stores on the "Christmas" vs "Holidays" issue! But they say nothing about their cohorts - Jamie Colby, Greta Van Sustren, Shep Smith - usually say "Holiday Greetings" or "Happy Holidays" (not Merry Christmas) on their final shows before Christmas. In fact, the local FOX affiliate uses the "Happy Holidays" greetings too!
I really have no problem with "Christmas" or "Christmas shopping" or "Christmas whatever". I do think that the Right protests a little too loud! I bet if you took a poll, you'll find that less than a third of the "protesters" actually attended Christmas Mass. I bet at least twice that number stood in freezing weather for hours to get the "Christmas" specials at the various stores. Christmas has gotten so commercialized that its laughable that the Right protests the so-called "War on Christmas", but says nothing about the commercial exploitation of this religious event.

The Right wing nutbags on FOX are the worst of the lot! Each December, Hannity and Bill O pick a couple of big-name stores on the "Christmas" vs "Holidays" issue! But they say nothing about their cohorts - Jamie Colby, Greta Van Sustren, Shep Smith - usually say "Holiday Greetings" or "Happy Holidays" (not Merry Christmas) on their final shows before Christmas. In fact, the local FOX affiliate uses the "Happy Holidays" greetings too!

Well, gee. So since I don't attend Mass, I'm not entitled to think this sort of thing is crap? Only Catholics need apply, you Protestants sit down and shut the hell up? And everyone else, you only get to care about injustice when it directly affects you?

Nice attitude. Very "Spirit of Christmas".

Oh, and I love that whole "It's hypocritical of you to care about what YOU think is important if you don't ALSO get offended over what I think is important. You should be outraged by 'commercialization', and if you're not, then your concerns don't matter at all!" And you get to shoehorn your priorities in there because why?
Well, gee. So since I don't attend Mass, I'm not entitled to think this sort of thing is crap? Only Catholics need apply, you Protestants sit down and shut the hell up? And everyone else, you only get to care about injustice when it directly affects you?

Nice attitude. Very "Spirit of Christmas".

Oh, and I love that whole "It's hypocritical of you to care about what YOU think is important if you don't ALSO get offended over what I think is important. You should be outraged by 'commercialization', and if you're not, then your concerns don't matter at all!" And you get to shoehorn your priorities in there because why?

God, you frickin drama queen. I bet Christmas is fun at your house....:eusa_whistle:

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