War on Christmas

What part of this being about other's is unclear to you?

This part:

I wish them a Merry Christmas because that happens to be the holiday I celebrate.

If I know someone celebrates a certain holiday, I use their holiday greeting.
This part:

I wish them a Merry Christmas because that happens to be the holiday I celebrate.

If I know someone celebrates a certain holiday, I use their holiday greeting.

Y -- if you don't know what holiday someone celebrates, how do you greet them? Happy Holidays? Season's Greetings? Happy Solstice? Why? Because that's how you choose to extend season well-wishes to someone. If I celebrate Christmas, I say Merry Christmas therefore extending my season well-wishes to someone. Does that mean it is all about ME? No. Does it mean I am forcing my beliefs on you? No. Does it mean anything other than the fact that I am extending season well-wishes to you? No.

Read the following posts made by myself and Cecilie. Do you really, truly not get what we are saying? What part of 'I take it [and give it] in the spirit it's presumably intended' do you not get? Why do you insist on playing this 'it's all about you' game?

I used to work at Kohl's. I loved working during Christmas because (usually) people were nice and friendly. It was also busy busy which made the time fly by. I always wished people Merry Christmas, not because I was trying to insult them but because that is what I believe and extended to others. Never once did anyone get mad, annoyed, or complained that I said this. Not once. More often than not they would reply with Happy Holidays and I would smile and say enjoy the rest of your day. And I was not offended by their greeting to me. But the replys that always struck me were the ones where the customer would lean in to me and say 'Oh Merry Christmas hun. It's so nice to hear that. You never know what to say these days because everyone gets so offended'. I would also have my greeting returned with 'Happy Hanukkah' or 'Happy Kwanzza' and I would smile and be happy in their greeting to me. I wasn't offended that they didn't wish me Merry Christmas, I was glad they were extending their beliefs to me and well. . . . it was all good.

I don't wish people a Merry Christmas because I'm trying to be in anyone's face, or because I'm assuming that everyone celebrates Christmas (although apparently over 90% of the US population DOES celebrate Christmas, either as a religious or a secular holiday). I wish them a Merry Christmas because that happens to be the holiday I celebrate. If someone wants to wish me a Happy Chanukkah or a Happy Ramadan or even a Happy Kwanzaa in return, because that's what THEY celebrate, then I take it in the spirit it's presumably intended.

Edited to add: If I know someone does not celebrate Christmas but celebrates Hanukkah, I wish them a Happy Hanukkah. Likewise if I know they do not celebrate Christmas, then I would wish them Happy Holidays. But if I do not know, then I extend to them Merry Christmas and hope they are sure enough of themselves to receive it in the holiday spirit in which it was given.
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You know.......being intolerant of others during this season is really stupid........

I thought Christmas was about sharing and union, not strife and discord.

"All I want for Christmas is 2 happy Ho's, 2 Happy Hos, 2 Happy Ho's. La la la la la la lah la lah la la.........."
From what I see, a few who do celebrate christmas (a very few) WANT there to be a war just so they can be victims, otherwise most people, even those who dont' celebrate it, just don't seem to give a rats ass how you to celebrate it.
From what I see, a few who do celebrate christmas (a very few) WANT there to be a war just so they can be victims, otherwise most people, even those who dont' celebrate it, just don't seem to give a rats ass how you to celebrate it.

There are always those few who spoil it for the masses. Most people who complain about this just want Christ kept in Christmas and Christmas kept in the picture. Really, is that asking so much?
There are always those few who spoil it for the masses. Most people who complain about this just want Christ kept in Christmas and Christmas kept in the picture. Really, is that asking so much?

That's the problem, first any of the christs (I put Imhotep Christ in it) can be in any holiday, as long as they aren't claimed as fact. Secondly, no one wants to really get rid of christmas. Most of the atheists celebrate it, others who do not have another religious holiday that are not christian often celebrate it as well. The few who are whining about it are by no means a 'war' on it. Many I wouldn't doubt are just looking for their 15 minutes of fame and use it more to that end than anything, because ever notice how their complain never makes it much further than a blip on the media?

It's not and never was a christian holiday, it's a celebration, as one pointed out it's just something to do in the winter and has been for many cultures since even before the christian cults existed. The name has been unified (instead of calling it separate names for every culture that celebrates it) but it's an everyone holiday. The jesus stuff was just the only christian aspect there is, every other part of it comes from another culture.
What about it? If you celebrate Christmas, be merry. Wish others well, whether they are Christians or not.

Peace on earth, good will to all.
That's the problem, first any of the christs (I put Imhotep Christ in it) can be in any holiday, as long as they aren't claimed as fact. Secondly, no one wants to really get rid of christmas. Most of the atheists celebrate it, others who do not have another religious holiday that are not christian often celebrate it as well. The few who are whining about it are by no means a 'war' on it. Many I wouldn't doubt are just looking for their 15 minutes of fame and use it more to that end than anything, because ever notice how their complain never makes it much further than a blip on the media?

What does the bolded part say? Can't make heads or tails of it.

'Any of the christs?' There is only one Christ, Jesus Christ 'can be in any holiday as long as they aren't claimed as fact'. What?

It's not and never was a christian holiday, it's a celebration, as one pointed out it's just something to do in the winter and has been for many cultures since even before the christian cults existed. The name has been unified (instead of calling it separate names for every culture that celebrates it) but it's an everyone holiday. The jesus stuff was just the only christian aspect there is, every other part of it comes from another culture.

There ya go again with the pagan, winter celebration thing. Yes we all know about the pagan aspects and rituals incorporated into Christmas. Regardless of how it was, today Christmas is celebrated by the vast majority of this country as the birth of Jesus Christ. Do you really think that by bringing up the pagan stuff you diminish the religious aspect of this day? lol

Love how you twist and turn this all around to try and make Christmas into something it is not. As long as there are people trying to do this, rather than just letting those who celebrate it do so without yapping from non-believers, we will continue to yap about the war. lol, no war . . . post 1073 . . . and counting.
What does the bolded part say? Can't make heads or tails of it.

'Any of the christs?' There is only one Christ, Jesus Christ 'can be in any holiday as long as they aren't claimed as fact'. What?

There ya go again with the pagan, winter celebration thing. Yes we all know about the pagan aspects and rituals incorporated into Christmas. Regardless of how it was, today Christmas is celebrated by the vast majority of this country as the birth of Jesus Christ. Do you really think that by bringing up the pagan stuff you diminish the religious aspect of this day? lol

Love how you twist and turn this all around to try and make Christmas into something it is not. As long as there are people trying to do this, rather than just letting those who celebrate it do so without yapping from non-believers, we will continue to yap about the war. lol, no war . . . post 1073 . . . and counting.

Hmm ... if it's just his name then really, you chose the wrong person to worship because christ is a title and nothing more. If it's just the one you chose, cool, I choose Imhotep as my christ and thus he gets the title from me. You have poor comprehension skills it seems. Christmas is a collection of pagan rituals, many of which originate in Europe, just renaming them doesn't change what they are or where they came from. The nativity is the only part that is purely christian, and you are welcome to keep that part in if you want, since everyone else has already contributed to it.
What does the bolded part say? Can't make heads or tails of it.

'Any of the christs?' There is only one Christ, Jesus Christ 'can be in any holiday as long as they aren't claimed as fact'. What?

There ya go again with the pagan, winter celebration thing. Yes we all know about the pagan aspects and rituals incorporated into Christmas. Regardless of how it was, today Christmas is celebrated by the vast majority of this country as the birth of Jesus Christ. Do you really think that by bringing up the pagan stuff you diminish the religious aspect of this day? lol

Love how you twist and turn this all around to try and make Christmas into something it is not. As long as there are people trying to do this, rather than just letting those who celebrate it do so without yapping from non-believers, we will continue to yap about the war. lol, no war . . . post 1073 . . . and counting.

The bolded is some god the Egyptians worshiped. We are still gonna have Christmas and celebrate the birth of Christ. No matter what war is waged. Yep
The bolded is some god the Egyptians worshiped. We are still gonna have Christmas and celebrate the birth of Christ. No matter what war is waged. Yep

Meh, if that's how you chose to celebrate. Many people just celebrate christmas as something to do, some because of the pagan connections. Imhotep was the myth that the Jesus myth was based on, it was told that when he died he was taken to Ras side and became a god himself because of how good he was.
Hmm ... if it's just his name then really, you chose the wrong person to worship because christ is a title and nothing more. If it's just the one you chose, cool, I choose Imhotep as my christ and thus he gets the title from me. You have poor comprehension skills it seems. Christmas is a collection of pagan rituals, many of which originate in Europe, just renaming them doesn't change what they are or where they came from. The nativity is the only part that is purely christian, and you are welcome to keep that part in if you want, since everyone else has already contributed to it.

No, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, Saviour, King of Kings. You go on ahead and hug your godless beliefs. BTW, thanks for not explaining the bolded part.

The bolded is some god the Egyptians worshiped. We are still gonna have Christmas and celebrate the birth of Christ. No matter what war is waged. Yep

Thank you for answering my question to koder. Apparently she is incapable of just providing simple answers. Yes we shall all have a merry, merry Christmas. My pagan tree is up and beautifully decorated. The nativity set next to it -- the reason for the season! Merry Christmas Willow!!
No, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, Saviour, King of Kings. You go on ahead and hug your godless beliefs. BTW, thanks for not explaining the bolded part.

Thank you for answering my question to koder. Apparently she is incapable of just providing simple answers. Yes we shall all have a merry, merry Christmas. My pagan tree is up and beautifully decorated. The nativity set next to it -- the reason for the season! Merry Christmas Willow!!

she argues just for the sake of arguing..
The only ones who think there's a "war" are the nutters who think if everyone isn't celebrating their holiday, that they're somehow being put upon.

Most of us couldn't care less.

So go enjoy your holiday without annoying everyone else. ;)
The vast majority of Americans DO celebrate Christmas, and most "Holiday" warriors do nothing but slap Christians in the face, slap the celebrators of other holiday's in the face by making them feel like the nuisance that spoiled the fun, and do not respect or reflect anybody's true feelings about the phrase "Merry Christmas" or the use of the word "Christmas" in general.

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