War on Christmas

The vast majority of Americans DO celebrate Christmas, and most "Holiday" warriors do nothing but slap Christians in the face, slap the celebrators of other holiday's in the face by making them feel like the nuisance that spoiled the fun, and do not respect or reflect anybody's true feelings about the phrase "Merry Christmas" or the use of the word "Christmas" in general.

I'm sorry you feel that way. It's too bad that the spirit of Christmas does not extend generosity toward people who don't celebrate that holiday.

It's not meant as a 'slap in the face' to Christians to admit that Christmas does not bring out my personal merriest best.

In the future, I'll just keep my mouth shut about my own experience of Christmas.

I do have the capacity to feel sympathetic joy for others and to wish everyone who celebrates Christmas the merriest best.
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I'm sorry you feel that way. It's too bad that the spirit of Christmas does not extend generosity toward people who don't celebrate that holiday.

It's not meant as a 'slap in the face' to Christians to admit that Christmas does not bring out my personal merriest best.

In the future, I'll just keep my mouth shut about my own experience of Christmas.

I do have the capacity to feel sympathetic joy for others and to wish everyone who celebrates Christmas the merriest best.

I'm going to do something about this NOW! OK..for starters, I'm getting rid of my Christmas tree... (this is a Prussian thingy anyway..and gosh it goes waaaaaaay back to those pagan - heathens celebrating winter) Now, what else...oh yes, my gosh...Good bye Santa! ......and....hmmm? I think I might just celebrate the birth of Christ in June! Now we are talking...really give Christ his birthday due! He deserves it, don't you all think?...instead of mixing up his birthday with all the other pagan holidays?

This war on Christmas is the STUPIDIST thing I have ever heard!
Get an Independent cat. They look after themselves quite nice.

I've got 2. Cement (he's got a really good reason for that name), and Tuxedo C. Underfoot.

Both are independent and don't mind telling me when I do good, and chew my ass when they're upset.
Get an Independent cat. They look after themselves quite nice.

I've got 2. Cement (he's got a really good reason for that name), and Tuxedo C. Underfoot.

Both are independent and don't mind telling me when I do good, and chew my ass when they're upset.

Cool names ABikerSailor.... My cat is named Pywakit, the others Theophile, Toulouse, and Panda Bear.

Panda is a "fat cat"...like those in Washington!

What is the name of your cat(s) Gunny?
Hey Gris--

Are you on my case about Christmas? I didn't start the war and I'm not interested in participating in one.

Peace on earth, goodwill to all.
Hey Gris--

Are you on my case about Christmas? I didn't start the war and I'm not interested in participating in one.

Peace on earth, goodwill to all.

Mithros was a Persian God worshipped by the Roman soldiers. Mithros birthday was supposed to be Dec. 25 because that is the winter solace in that part of the world!

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