War on Christmas

Mithros was a Persian God worshipped by the Roman soldiers. Mithros birthday was supposed to be Dec. 25 because that is the winter solace in that part of the world!

Happy Mithros. I love Solstice by the way. I used to go the the local planetarium for a Solstice Show. They also had a nice Crhstiams one too, with local singers.
Happy Mithros. I love Solstice by the way. I used to go the the local planetarium for a Solstice Show. They also had a nice Crhstiams one too, with local singers.

A few more days away.... Well, I find the whole history of Christmas fascinating... Ancient culture is represented throughout the holiday in some aspect. I'm sure you know. Love Planetarium shows! I haven't been in quit sometime... We usually went to the show at Griffith Park in LA.
Like I said, he only goes out when he can be watched. He likes going outside. We have a wooden privacy fence so there's not much risk. Besides, the dog goes out with him and no stray cat in its right mind would come in the yard with her.

Put a little Christmas bell around his neck. I live in a rural area...lots of coyotes and mountain lions...etc....AND hawks as well as other birds of prey... We can't allow our kitties out, EVER! Terrible I know...but it's too big of a risk, especially when a hawk grabs one up!
What kind of dumbass Scrooge sanctimonious douchebag tries to avoid Christmas?

Just a question.:razz:

The Pilgrims.

The puritanical pilgrims migrated to North America to practice their ultra conservative brand of Christianity. They did NOT believe in celebrating Christmas. They abhorred it as a matter of fact. In 1669 the descendants of the original pilgrims outlawed Christmas! The holiday was looked down upon during the entire Revolutionary War.
The Pilgrims.

The puritanical pilgrims migrated to North America to practice their ultra conservative brand of Christianity. They did NOT believe in celebrating Christmas. They abhorred it as a matter of fact. In 1669 the descendants of the original pilgrims outlawed Christmas! The holiday was looked down upon during the entire Revolutionary War.
Show me.....THE EVIDENCE!!! (buh buh BUHHHHH)
Show me.....THE EVIDENCE!!! (buh buh BUHHHHH)

Honey, this is history! Did you not know this? The Pilgrims came over to America for religious freedom. I'm sure you have heard this? Religious freedom was to practice ultra conservative Christianity. One of their disputes with European Christians was the celebration of Christmas...they thought it was a pagan holiday....which in many many ways, it is...
Honey, this is history! Did you not know this? The Pilgrims came over to America for religious freedom. I'm sure you have heard this? Religious freedom was to practice ultra conservative Christianity. One of their disputes with European Christians was the celebration of Christmas...they thought it was a pagan holiday....which in many many ways, it is...
Your explanation is starting to lean in the direction that I thought you meant, and that you were misleading at first. But so far, no evidence.
Put a little Christmas bell around his neck. I live in a rural area...lots of coyotes and mountain lions...etc....AND hawks as well as other birds of prey... We can't allow our kitties out, EVER! Terrible I know...but it's too big of a risk, especially when a hawk grabs one up!

I live in a similar area. I let my cat go out, but only if I'm home. She's precious to me, and I don't want to lose her. She comes when I call her. I do worry about her being out, but I never let her stay out all night. And I can't have a kitty door, or I would have skunks, racoons and possumes visiting.

We have eagles, hawks and osprey, cougar, foxes, coyotes and bears. Recently we had a local problem with rabid foxes. Those suckers were attacking people!
I live in a similar area. I let my cat go out, but only if I'm home. She's precious to me, and I don't want to lose her. She comes when I call her. I do worry about her being out, but I never let her stay out all night. And I can't have a kitty door, or I would have skunks, racoons and possumes visiting.

We have eagles, hawks and osprey, cougar, foxes, coyotes and bears. Recently we had a local problem with rabid foxes. Those suckers were attacking people!

There are feral cats living on our property..born and raised. I found my cat Theophile when he was a feral kitten stuck in the fence... If they are feral and grown up in the wild, they are usually pretty safe. We don't have foxes or bears.... We do have racoons and they can be very nasty. One entered my brother's house through a cat door.
Your explanation is starting to lean in the direction that I thought you meant, and that you were misleading at first. But so far, no evidence.

Misleading to where? This is simple history... It isn't my job to educate you. You are welcome to google it, check a book out of the library...etc.! If you would like I will gather information for you and post it.

btw, the Southern aristocrats LOVED celebrating Christmas...they were at odds with the puritanical north. In fact, Christmas was not a holiday and lawmakers in Washington always worked on this day. It had no special meaning to their lives....
Show me.....THE EVIDENCE!!! (buh buh BUHHHHH)

"For preventing disorders, arising in several places within this jurisdiction by reason of some still observing such festivals as were superstitiously kept in other communities, to the great dishonor of God and offense of others: it is therefore ordered by this court and the authority thereof that whosoever shall be found observing any such day as Christmas or the like, either by forbearing of labor, feasting, or any other way, upon any such account as aforesaid, every such person so offending shall pay for every such offence five shilling as a fine to the county."

From the records of the General Court,
Massachusetts Bay Colony
May 11, 1659

When Christmas Was Banned
"For preventing disorders, arising in several places within this jurisdiction by reason of some still observing such festivals as were superstitiously kept in other communities, to the great dishonor of God and offense of others: it is therefore ordered by this court and the authority thereof that whosoever shall be found observing any such day as Christmas or the like, either by forbearing of labor, feasting, or any other way, upon any such account as aforesaid, every such person so offending shall pay for every such offence five shilling as a fine to the county."

From the records of the General Court,
Massachusetts Bay Colony
May 11, 1659

When Christmas Was Banned
Thank you!!
God, you frickin drama queen. I bet Christmas is fun at your house....:eusa_whistle:

I'll cop to being a drama queen at the point where I start taking people to court because I got my panties in a ruffle over the "horror" of being forced to see their holiday decorations, so spare me the hypocrisy, okay?

Christmas is lots of fun at my house, by the way, because we don't invite any jerkwad atheists who want to turn a simple holiday into a culture war, and then pretend they have no idea what everyone's mad at them for.
I could never hope to compete with you, dear.

Cecelie, on every thread: "My beliefs are under attack, woe is me. Christmas is under attack! Evil unbelievers are stealing Christmas!"

Skydancer, on every thread: "I don't celebrate Christmas, you bitches! How dare you expose me to your evil Christian beliefs! You people are knowingly hurtful and cruel! This is a difficult time for me!"

I'd like to dedicate this song to both of you:

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/m8xAve8vQgY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/m8xAve8vQgY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

And your latest stand seems to be, "Ohmigod, people are on political message boards TALKING ABOUT THEIR BELIEFS! YOU FRIGGING DRAMA QUEENS! SHUT UP ABOUT WHAT YOU BELIEVE! HOW DARE YOU HOLD AN OPINION!"

Sorry, why are you here again, if you think it's so damned stupid to argue and debate beliefs and positions? Maybe instead of telling everyone to shut up every time they dare to espouse their opinions, you should just go the hell away so you can't hear them.


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