War on Christmas

But is should matter to them because it matters to YOU? Well, pardon us!

Once again, missing the point. I'm not saying it should matter to you just because it matters to me. I'm saying . . . you don't see the disappearance of Christmas from the mainstream because it isn't important to you.
but you don't have jurisdiction over EVERYTHING. Welcome to fucking reality where, in fact, you have to share the world with others who don't share your faith. The world is not something for you dogma junkies to burn a jesus brand into just because you feel like peeing on territory. sorry to burst your bubble.

Who ever said we wanted jurisdiction over everything? How is 'Merry Christmas' burning a Jesus brand into things?
Use the relatively free market place to influence what you want. If you want the private sector to promote “Merry Christmas” rather than “Season’s Greetings” then write letters and threaten boycotts if the private businesses don’t comply with your wishes. Frequent those stores that do display nativity scenes and proclaim “Merry Christmas”.

Those who are bothered by industry pushing “Christmas” can do the flip side of the same coin. They are free to boycott such stores and write letters complaining about their focus on “Christmas”.
how does a retail greeter that says happy holidays extract the jesus from YOUR personal christmas experience? Should we all dress up like the fucking nativity scene before stepping out into public between dec. 12 and Jan1? Should we all be forced to recite the customary "peace be with you" instead of any other greeting just because you seem to need actors to validate your faith? Let's trade that turkey for some wine and crckers and feast on some blood of christ just because YOU don't think the world is saturated with christianity. We can force all other non-english speaking americans to speak in tongues instead of their primary language and make any newborn that pops out of a vagina during the entire season sleep in mangers. in barns. You know, anything less would be an obvious incitement of a war on christmas....

What is this obession with retail greeters? If someone wishes me 'happy holiday' I return the greeting with "Merry Christmas'. I am extending a Merry Christmas because that's what I believe; I am not offended by someone saying happy holidays, happy Hanukah. I am offended when this is the only greeting that is stated for fear of hurting someone's feelings. Are you so insecure in your non-Christianity that you would be offended if someone said Merry Christmas to you? Yet you don't think it should be included in any type of greeting, only 'happy holidays' because that's what you believe?

Yes I know, your argument is 'happy holidays' covers everything and everyone. What you don't see, again because it isn't important to you, that by elminiating the word 'Christmas' you are lumping it into the generic, catch all category of holiday. Please spare everyone the 'but it started out pagan not holy' blather; Christmas today is a Holy day and by implying it is nothing more than a holiday you de-emphasize Christmas as a religious celebration and reduce it's importance. You trivialize it. Sorry to burst your bubble but that just won't do.

When the weathermen put up their weather calendar during this time of year and Hanukah rolls around they put a picture of a menorah on the calendar. When Christmas rolls around they put up a picture of Santa, candy canes, maybe a tree. But they never put up a picture of baby Jesus in a manger, even though that is what the celebration of the day is about for 85% of the population. But I'm not suppose to notice or be offended. Changing it to 'holiday tree', calling it a 'holiday parade', no sign of Jesus anywhere on the horizon for fear of offending those who don't believe yet . . . offending the vast majority of those who do believe.

I see Christmas being replaced with holiday and someday there may be a generation that has no idea there ever was Christmas on mainstreet. In light of the fact that 85% of the country is Christian, how is this ok? Why is it ok for the 15% who are not Christian to force their view of the world on the 85% of those who are Christian? Why not have signs in stores saying 'Merry Christmas' and 'Happy Holidays' and 'Happy Hanukah'? If you want to be all inclusive then stop excluding Christmas.

BTW, you are such an angry basement cat. Is this how you look, cause it's sure how you sound. I hope you eat some holiday fowl as it may improve your disposition.


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Once again, missing the point. I'm not saying it should matter to you just because it matters to me. I'm saying . . . you don't see the disappearance of Christmas from the mainstream because it isn't important to you.

With the percentage of christians in this country, Christmas is hardly disappearing.

I think its just good manners to wish people a happy holiday if you don't know what they're celebrating.
Having some dealings with Jews I can say for the most part they wish me a Merry Christmas and I wish them a Happy Hanukkah. With the little shopping I've done this year in the malls, Merry Christmas is what I'm hearing and seeing, all over the place. My guess is with the economy they are appealing to years of old.
With the percentage of christians in this country, Christmas is hardly disappearing.

I think its just good manners to wish people a happy holiday if you don't know what they're celebrating.

:clap2: My sentiments exactly but I would be even more careful and say "Season's Greetings".
Once again, missing the point. I'm not saying it should matter to you just because it matters to me. I'm saying . . . you don't see the disappearance of Christmas from the mainstream because it isn't important to you.

When a greeter in a retail store sees you entering the store and doesn't know you, what is the problem with him saying Happy Holidays if he doesn't know what your religious beliefs are?
With the percentage of christians in this country, Christmas is hardly disappearing.

I think its just good manners to wish people a happy holiday if you don't know what they're celebrating.

My thooughts exactly. If christians are forcibly prevented from celebrating Christmas in their own homes or putting up a Christmas tree on their front lawn, THEN I will take this "war on christmas" bullshit seriously but so far I have not heard of any such thing happening.
When the weathermen put up their weather calendar during this time of year and Hanukah rolls around they put a picture of a menorah on the calendar. When Christmas rolls around they put up a picture of Santa, candy canes, maybe a tree. But they never put up a picture of baby Jesus in a manger, even though that is what the celebration of the day is about for 85% of the population. But I'm not suppose to notice or be offended. Changing it to 'holiday tree', calling it a 'holiday parade', no sign of Jesus anywhere on the horizon for fear of offending those who don't believe yet . . . offending the vast majority of those who do believe.

So you can't practice your religious beliefs in your own home because someone, somewhere isn't acknowledging your beliefs? Nothing is being taken away from you.
Once again, missing the point. I'm not saying it should matter to you just because it matters to me. I'm saying . . . you don't see the disappearance of Christmas from the mainstream because it isn't important to you.

Is seeing jesus on television and in the stores essential to your religious beliefs? That's what I don't understand. How does someone else's acknowledging your religious beliefs or not affect your ability to practice it? It shouldn't.
When Christians start wishing each other "Happy Jesus' Birthday" THEN I'll start really believing that Christmas is a religious holiday.

Until that time, it's a jolly grand excuse to celebrate December 25th.

Remember folks, the FIRST AMERICANS who banned Christmas were the PURITANS.

They banned the celebration of Christmas in 1659. The fine for celebrating Christmas was 5 shillings.

"The generality of Christmas-keepers observe that festival after such a manner as is highly dishonourable to the name of Christ. How few are there comparatively that spend those holidays (as they are called) after an holy manner. But they are consumed in Compotations, in Interludes, in playing at Cards, in Revellings, in excess of Wine, in mad Mirth ..."

- Reverend Increase Mather, 1687
Is seeing jesus on television and in the stores essential to your religious beliefs? That's what I don't understand. How does someone else's acknowledging your religious beliefs or not affect your ability to practice it? It shouldn't.

The sad thing is it does to them, their myths are so twisted they need as many to follow them as possible so each can say "well the majority believe it so it must be true" instead of having true faith. The funny thing is, christmas has nothing to do with their religion except one tiny story they added, the rest is all rituals from other religions older than theirs.
Who ever said we wanted jurisdiction over everything? How is 'Merry Christmas' burning a Jesus brand into things?

are you fucking dense? Insisting that wal mart greeters recite your partilucalr flavor of dogma greetings is, in fact, trying to brand this entire season as belonging solely to christians. Indeed, by evidence of this same trite fucking issue popping up every year that greeters don't fall in line with your opinion we can see how you want jurisdiction of the entire fucking nation. Go be glad my kind are not chasing you around with lions, dogma junkie.
What is this obession with retail greeters? If someone wishes me 'happy holiday' I return the greeting with "Merry Christmas'. I am extending a Merry Christmas because that's what I believe; I am not offended by someone saying happy holidays, happy Hanukah. I am offended when this is the only greeting that is stated for fear of hurting someone's feelings. Are you so insecure in your non-Christianity that you would be offended if someone said Merry Christmas to you? Yet you don't think it should be included in any type of greeting, only 'happy holidays' because that's what you believe?

Yes I know, your argument is 'happy holidays' covers everything and everyone. What you don't see, again because it isn't important to you, that by elminiating the word 'Christmas' you are lumping it into the generic, catch all category of holiday. Please spare everyone the 'but it started out pagan not holy' blather; Christmas today is a Holy day and by implying it is nothing more than a holiday you de-emphasize Christmas as a religious celebration and reduce it's importance. You trivialize it. Sorry to burst your bubble but that just won't do.

When the weathermen put up their weather calendar during this time of year and Hanukah rolls around they put a picture of a menorah on the calendar. When Christmas rolls around they put up a picture of Santa, candy canes, maybe a tree. But they never put up a picture of baby Jesus in a manger, even though that is what the celebration of the day is about for 85% of the population. But I'm not suppose to notice or be offended. Changing it to 'holiday tree', calling it a 'holiday parade', no sign of Jesus anywhere on the horizon for fear of offending those who don't believe yet . . . offending the vast majority of those who do believe.

I see Christmas being replaced with holiday and someday there may be a generation that has no idea there ever was Christmas on mainstreet. In light of the fact that 85% of the country is Christian, how is this ok? Why is it ok for the 15% who are not Christian to force their view of the world on the 85% of those who are Christian? Why not have signs in stores saying 'Merry Christmas' and 'Happy Holidays' and 'Happy Hanukah'? If you want to be all inclusive then stop excluding Christmas.

BTW, you are such an angry basement cat. Is this how you look, cause it's sure how you sound. I hope you eat some holiday fowl as it may improve your disposition.

hey, a store should be able to decide exactly what it wants it's employees to say. If Wal mart wants it's greetrs to wear a fucking tarzan suit and greet you with the cerimonial raindance of swahili tribes then so fucking be it. Mentioning xmas just because your pussy hurts hearing happy holidays is really neither here nor there. And yes, it IS ok to remove xmas from mainstreet since, again, you dogma junkie motherfuckers are not the sole entity that pays collective taxes to PAY for mainstreet. You heard it right.. get your fucking mangers and camel-leading nativity scenes off of the courthouse lawn. Get your fucking crying baby jesus out of the public square. If you don't like it then take your dogma junkie ass to some other nation that doesn't have a pesky fucking separation of church and state. NO ONE gives a flying, flaming fuck if your faith has a bruise on it just because you don't get to force everyone else to comply to your bullshit denominational opinion.

Hey, point another finger, crusader... It's just a matter of time before your kind lights a few torches and bombs a few stores to get your way any damn way.
This is the real American Christmas Spirit

Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede

A worker died after being trampled and a woman miscarried when hundreds of shoppers smashed through the doors of a Long Island Wal-Mart Friday morning, witnesses said.

The unidentified worker, employed as an overnight stock clerk, tried to hold back the unruly crowds just after the Valley Stream store opened at 5 a.m.

Witnesses said the surging throngs of shoppers knocked the man down. He fell and was stepped on. As he gasped for air, shoppers ran over and around him.

"He was bum-rushed by 200 people," said Jimmy Overby, 43, a co-worker. "They took the doors off the hinges. He was trampled and killed in front of me. They took me down too...I literally had to fight people off my back."

Only a few stopped.

"They're savages," said shopper Kimberly Cribbs, 27. "It's sad. It's terrible."
This is the real American Christmas Spirit

Sad but not surprising. How ironic is it to see people acting like barbarians in order to show their Christmas spirit? That's one reason I will never go to any store on Black Friday - not worth the aggravation of dealing with the assholes.
I can't find the dates for Christmas or Easter in the Bible, why is that?

Because those days were originally pagan holidays. Christmas is set for the Winter Solstice, and Easter is set for the Spring Solstice. The Catholics (after they ripped off the belief system of the Jews), wanted to get all the pagans involved in their religion (easier to control the masses that way), so, they moved events around to synch up with the pagans and attract them.

Face it.......BOTH holidays are based in pagan roots.

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