War on Christmas

Nope. What bothers us is the slow erosion of God from . . . . everything. You don't notice it because it isn't important to you.

BTW, what stores do you shop at that have Christmas greeters? The only store where I see greeters is Kohls . . .and they just want me to open a credit card account.

Uh, if your God is that powerful, can she not take care of the problem herself:lol:
you might wanna go ahead and educate yourself about the origin of our written law before assuming shit about the ten commandments, yo. Western culture's LAW is still rooted in Hamurabi. I can show you his image on the supreme court if you are too stupid to figure this out for yourself. Western culture is not based on the ten commandments or, AGAIN, I could not name more than half of them that we do not have laws to maintain. Also, christian holy days are not the standard of FEDERALLY observed holidays. Hence the mention of Labor day. For real, tell me more about who is not following along.

Actually, our laws have a lot more in common with the laws of ancient Rome and Greece, and those of the Germanic tribes in the early middle ages. Of course, still pagan. ;)
Muahahahaha the war on christmas has begun and we have won the first battle. Next we will insist that Happy Holidays is replaced with words that have no holy etymology, namely "Happy Vacation Days!"

Then we will remove Days from the greeting, as it will be deemed an infringement on personal liberties to decide for others how long one should recognize the season. Happy Vacation!

Then for the penultimate battle, we will remove Happy from the greeting because the etymology of happy shares a root with lucky, muahahaa, so lucky is an appeal to fortune, or forces outside the natural realm.

The greeting will be simply, "Vacation!"

The exclamation point has to go, it is too emotive. The greeting will be "Vacation." Said in a monotone. Under some circumstances, Walmart employees may simply greet people with a shortened version as they enter the store, "Vacate."

God cannot possibly survive such an onslaught! Muahahahahaha!!!!!!!

<giggle> sorry, I obviously fall on the side of feeling very unthreatened by whatever people wish to say at Christmas.
go backwards and read in sequence,, then if you can't keep up we'll send you cliff notes.

I already read the crap you postd. You either don't understand what is being discussed or you're being deceitful to avoid admitting that you're wrong.
I didn't say Christmas is not fair, you dumbass.
What is not fair is you whiney christians wanting retailers to wish Merry Christmas to everyone just because it suits you.

Who gives a fuck? The holiday is Christmas. What is it you goobs tell me about the garbage that's on my TV? If you don't like it, turn it off?

If you don't like something that says Merry Christmas then don't fucking look. Or is there some rightwing religious fanatic with 26" biceps walking behind you every step of the way and twisting your head and forcing you to look?

This is a bunch of whining and snivelling from those who just feel compelled to attack anything they don't believe in.

Don't celebrate Christmas. Don't get presents, have a nice feast and sit outside by the fire and party your ass off. I'm going to. You can watch reruns of the movie you starred in --"The Caine Mutiny"-- all night for all I give a shit.
Here is a synopsis of the controversy: It falls into 2 categories.
1. Religious displays on government property
There are complaints that Christmas is being ruined for some christians because Christian religious displays are not permitted on government property. It is not persecution of christians because other religions can't have their display on government property either. It is a constitutional violation. If having your own religious displays on your own property is not enough and you can't enjoy your Christmas without seeing a Christmas display on the town hall lawn, then that is YOUR problem.
2. Retailers using generic holiday displays/greetings.
I see no problem with this. The retailer doesn't know the religious beliefs of each individual customer, so in order to avoid alienating customers, a generic greeting is used. Retailers give their employees the discretion to use a specific holiday greeting if they know that the customer celebrates a certain holiday. People like Bill O'Reilly would have us believe that every retailer should wish every customer a Merry Christmas but why would the retailer risk losing non-christian customers if he can address everyone with a generic greeting? If your christmas is ruined because someone wished you a Happy Holiday instead of Merry Christmas, then you have some issues. It gets tiring to hear some christians whine when someone doesn't cater exlusively to christians and intead is respectful of all beliefs (being respectful and fair to all? - what a horrible thing to do!).
I see no evidence of it. I see Christmas trees in the stores and on people's front lawns. I saw Santa Claus in the mall and he was not being led away in cuffs. I actually hear people talking about Christmas without being arrested. Imagine that.

Of course you don't. You don't want to. Doesn't suit your agenda.
If you don't like something that says Merry Christmas then don't fucking look. Or is there some rightwing religious fanatic with 26" biceps walking behind you every step of the way and twisting your head and forcing you to look?

Wow, that's not even the issue, Gomer.
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Of course there's a war. But to those who don't care about God they don't see it because it doesn't matter to them.

My guess is that every year someone new will come along and stir the pot on this topic. Chicken littles? Some are; most aren't. I think most are just fed up with all the PC crap.

IMO, we as a society have lost the meaning of Christmas from any religious standpoint. Perhaps individually some have not. When I was a kid, Christmas WAS about celebrating the birth of Christ. This however WAS a far different nation that what it has devolved into.

Christmas now is about getting the coolest, best, most expensive presents. It's about commercialism and having to start buying gifts in June just to make sure everybody gets one.

When I say chiken littles, I refer to the people who see every little change as "OMG ... it's the War on Christmas."

I like caligirl's natural progression that ends with just the word "vaction." That's what PC will do to it.
Originally Posted by YWN666
I see no evidence of it. I see Christmas trees in the stores and on people's front lawns. I saw Santa Claus in the mall and he was not being led away in cuffs. I actually hear people talking about Christmas without being arrested. Imagine that.

Of course you don't. You don't want to. Doesn't suit your agenda.

Listen to your argument. I said I see christmas trees in stores so that means I see no evidence of a war on christmas. You then say I don't see it because I don't want to? I don't see what - the absence of christmas trees? Of coure not because they are there, you idiot. Think about what you write before you post it.
Originally Posted by YWN666
I see no evidence of it. I see Christmas trees in the stores and on people's front lawns. I saw Santa Claus in the mall and he was not being led away in cuffs. I actually hear people talking about Christmas without being arrested. Imagine that.

Listen to your argument. I said I see christmas trees in stores so that means I see no evidence of a war on christmas. You then say I don't see it because I don't want to? I don't see what - the absence of christmas trees? Of coure not because they are there, you idiot. Think about what you write before you post it.

I have a better idea, Einstein ... why don't you pick the post I responded to and not one I didn't before you try any more of your disengenuous bullshit on me?

Edit: I reread the post. My response was to your saying you see no evidence of it, not that other blather you tacked on to the end. I see a Christmas tree so there's no war on Christmas. Sure thing. Want to buy some West Texas swampland?
IMO, we as a society have lost the meaning of Christmas from any religious standpoint. Perhaps individually some have not. When I was a kid, Christmas WAS about celebrating the birth of Christ. This however WAS a far different nation that what it has devolved into.

So someone in a department store saying Happy Holiday to another customer is going to ruin the meaning of Christmas for YOU? Rather selfish, don't you think?
So someone in a department store saying Happy Holiday to another customer is going to ruin the meaning of Christmas for YOU? Rather selfish, don't you think?

Where'd you learn reading and comprehension? I said nothing of the sort. Not even close enough for any rational person to get YOUR take on it.
LOL!!! This is one funny thread. Oh well, may you all have a great Thankgiving. Gain ten pounds. Tell the people that are important to you that they are. Reflect on the wonder of life and seasons. Love well and live happily, my freinds.
And that ruins Christmas for you? Does a store have to have jesus displayed in order for you and your family to celebrate christmas at home?

No it doesn't ruin anything for me but you are missing the point. The focus of Christmas isn't Santa and trees and presents and candy canes. Sure all those things are part of Christmas, but the big shebang is about the birth of Jesus Christ and because the minority of non-Christians bellyached about it 'not being fair calling it Christmas' it all disappeared and changed to holidays. THAT's what people object to. It isn't 'holiday', it's the lack of Christmas.

Does the store patronized by people of many different religions have to cater exclusively to christians??

Of course not but a store that is patronized by people of many different religions should cater to ALL and not exclude Christmas because some may find it offensive.

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