War on police, by the police?


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Most cities have more than one district office for police. They spread the police stations around to provide better coverage. These areas sometimes overlap a bit in high crime neighborhoods or areas. A fairly normal situation right? Not in Detroit.

Here’s the situation. Cops in one district were planning on arresting drug buyers so they could seize the cars, to be sold at auction later. So not only do they get the arrest, but they get to sell the cars to further fund the city. Cops in another district were planning on arresting dealers, so they could seize the drugs, and any cash the dealers had for the same funding ideals. I won’t suggest that cops from the second district were hoping to keep some of the cash. I think we all know someone was going to pocket something right?

Well the problem arose when cops from the second district tried to buy drugs from cops of the first district. Actually they were Districts 11 and 12, but you get the point. A scuffle ensued and guns were drawn and punches were thrown. The job of the police is apparently very dangerous, when they are dealing with other cops.

Now, in a large department you can kind of forgive the officers for not recognizing each other. I mean, they may never have been in contact before. But you would think that the bosses in one district would call and say they were working on the edge of the district. This basic coordination would have been easy to manage. It’s not like the cell phone is a new invention.

Or if the cops were acting like we expect them to. When they pulled their pistols they would display their badges, or at least shout “Police Officer, you are under arrest”. We don’t have video of this kerfluffle yet. But I just bet the guys who pulled the pistols first just started shouting out of the car and don’t move simultaneously. Conflicting orders is of course a common event when the police are shouting commands. One usually shouts don’t move, another shouts let me see your hands, and a third is shouting get down.

Anyway, the Internal Affairs and superiors of the Detroit Police are right now investigating to see what happened. Having a bunch of cops fighting in the street each trying to arrest the others is of course, not a great way to spend your evening. Not very productive for the whole catching criminals activity we want to believe the cops are up to.

Detroit police officers fight each other in undercover operation gone wrong
Most cities have more than one district office for police. They spread the police stations around to provide better coverage. These areas sometimes overlap a bit in high crime neighborhoods or areas. A fairly normal situation right? Not in Detroit.

Here’s the situation. Cops in one district were planning on arresting drug buyers so they could seize the cars, to be sold at auction later. So not only do they get the arrest, but they get to sell the cars to further fund the city. Cops in another district were planning on arresting dealers, so they could seize the drugs, and any cash the dealers had for the same funding ideals. I won’t suggest that cops from the second district were hoping to keep some of the cash. I think we all know someone was going to pocket something right?

Well the problem arose when cops from the second district tried to buy drugs from cops of the first district. Actually they were Districts 11 and 12, but you get the point. A scuffle ensued and guns were drawn and punches were thrown. The job of the police is apparently very dangerous, when they are dealing with other cops.

Now, in a large department you can kind of forgive the officers for not recognizing each other. I mean, they may never have been in contact before. But you would think that the bosses in one district would call and say they were working on the edge of the district. This basic coordination would have been easy to manage. It’s not like the cell phone is a new invention.

Or if the cops were acting like we expect them to. When they pulled their pistols they would display their badges, or at least shout “Police Officer, you are under arrest”. We don’t have video of this kerfluffle yet. But I just bet the guys who pulled the pistols first just started shouting out of the car and don’t move simultaneously. Conflicting orders is of course a common event when the police are shouting commands. One usually shouts don’t move, another shouts let me see your hands, and a third is shouting get down.

Anyway, the Internal Affairs and superiors of the Detroit Police are right now investigating to see what happened. Having a bunch of cops fighting in the street each trying to arrest the others is of course, not a great way to spend your evening. Not very productive for the whole catching criminals activity we want to believe the cops are up to.

Detroit police officers fight each other in undercover operation gone wrong
Shit happens....... :dunno:
Just one more problem related to the drug war, which happens to be our Nation's most destructive internal problem. Watch any police reality documentary and you will see that 90% of police activity is related to drugs -- and is wholly counterproductive.

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