War Party Lying US Into Another War

One of the few things I agree with Ron Paul on is, leave them alone.

Another War in the Works
America Is Led and Informed by Liars

by Paul Craig Roberts

Does anyone remember all the lies that they were told by President Bush and the "mainstream media" about the grave threat to America from weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? These lies were repeated endlessly in the print and TV media despite the reports from the weapons inspectors, who had been sent to Iraq, that no such weapons existed.

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WAR! What is it good for?...A lot, for the Global Elite and Military Industrial Complex. They have no intention of ever ending their Wars.
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Let's just hope President Obama can get this dealt with before the election because both Nooten Mittens have said they want to go to war. Mittens just said he wants to spend even more on our military even though its NOW bigger than the next 13 country's militaries COMBINED.

If its left to President Obama, he would likely do what has become his signature - a surgical strike with no loss of American lives, no nation rebuilding, get in, get out, get it done.

... and then the pubs would try to take credit for it!
Let's just hope President Obama can get this dealt with before the election because both Nooten Mittens have said they want to go to war. Mittens just said he wants to spend even more on our military even though its NOW bigger than the next 13 country's militaries COMBINED.

If its left to President Obama, he would likely do what has become his signature - a surgical strike with no loss of American lives, no nation rebuilding, get in, get out, get it done.

... and then the pubs would try to take credit for it!

Yes, more War. WTG Dupe. :cuckoo:
Which is the War Party?

The one who lied and invaded the country that could never attack us?

Or the one who blew up a country that also couldn't attack us and Al Qaeda went in run things?

I can't tell the difference, help me out.
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Which is the War Party?

The one who lied and invaded the country that could never attack us?

Or the one who blew up a country and Al Qaeda went in run things?

I can't tell the difference, help me out.

It's One-Party rule. They just have most Americans duped on that whole Republican vs. Democrat sham. It's just entertainment for the sheople who don't know any better. Make no mistake about it, they're all on the same team.
Let's just hope President Obama can get this dealt with before the election because both Nooten Mittens have said they want to go to war. Mittens just said he wants to spend even more on our military even though its NOW bigger than the next 13 country's militaries COMBINED.

If its left to President Obama, he would likely do what has become his signature - a surgical strike with no loss of American lives, no nation rebuilding, get in, get out, get it done.

... and then the pubs would try to take credit for it!

Get in, get out, get it done?

When did the War in Afghanistan end?

When did the War on Terror end?

When did nation-building in Afghanistan end?

The Black Hole of Afghanistan Infrastructure Projects | A New Way Forward

Even your favorite media outlet disagrees.

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Oh relax. We won't be invading Iran. Obama will wait until...oh....about August or September...close to the election anyhow and then he will give Israel permission to go bomb them so he can campaign about how we stand in solidarity with Israel, how he's a friend of Israel, blah, blah, blah.
Let's just hope President Obama can get this dealt with before the election because both Nooten Mittens have said they want to go to war. Mittens just said he wants to spend even more on our military even though its NOW bigger than the next 13 country's militaries COMBINED.

If its left to President Obama, he would likely do what has become his signature - a surgical strike with no loss of American lives, no nation rebuilding, get in, get out, get it done.

... and then the pubs would try to take credit for it!

Get in, get out, get it done?

When did the War in Afghanistan end?

When did the War on Terror end?

When did nation-building in Afghanistan end?

The Black Hole of Afghanistan Infrastructure Projects | A New Way Forward

The 'War on Terror' is a Big Brother indefinite War. It's not supposed to ever end. That's the whole point. It is very sad but it is what it is. :(
The sanctions will force iran's hand and they know it on both sides. Once we back them into a corner and they lash out, we'll cry foul and then attack them with the support of a negligent, misinformed and highly fucking stupid population. team America, fuck yeah!
We should leave Isreal to fight its own fight here. We are better off fostering diplomacy with Iran instead of hostility. But we're an arrogant bunch that believes in complete nonsense like "American Exceptionalism". We're exceptional alright, exceptionally fucking stupid. We won't learn until we completely break what was built here.

Anyone ever read in detail the history of the Roman republic to Empire to bankrupt? True story. Apparently we'd like to model our existence after them.
The sanctions will force iran's hand and they know it on both sides. Once we back them into a corner and they lash out, we'll cry foul and then attack them with the support of a negligent, misinformed and highly fucking stupid population. team America, fuck yeah!

Yes, the aggressor will cry 'Self-Defense.' That's standard operating procedure. But in reality, it's Iran who will have to retaliate in self-defense.
We should leave Isreal to fight its own fight here. We are better off fostering diplomacy with Iran instead of hostility. But we're an arrogant bunch that believes in complete nonsense like "American Exceptionalism". We're exceptional alright, exceptionally fucking stupid. We won't learn until we completely break what was built here.

Anyone ever read in detail the history of the Roman republic to Empire to bankrupt? True story. Apparently we'd like to model our existence after them.

Bingo! :clap2:
Oh relax. We won't be invading Iran. Obama will wait until...oh....about August or September...close to the election anyhow and then he will give Israel permission to go bomb them so he can campaign about how we stand in solidarity with Israel, how he's a friend of Israel, blah, blah, blah.

Let me expand on this statement a bit. It will really depend on the polling in late summer/early autumn. If Obama is way ahead of Romney (presumably) then Iran will likely be left alone because Obama will not want to negatively rile the passions of the super-doves that are strongly aligned with the Democratic party.

If it's close he will have Israel do it. That way he can deny direct responsibility (pacifying the super-doves) but make a strong statement of support for Israel drawing support from Jewish Americans.

If he is getting slaughtered in the polls you may see the US bomb Iran ourselves so Obama can gain strong support from the Jewish voters and super-hawks and also incite a sense of patriotism tied to Obama which may pull him closer to a win.

So essentially, it's going to come down to what is in Obama's best political interests shortly before the election.
Oh relax. We won't be invading Iran. Obama will wait until...oh....about August or September...close to the election anyhow and then he will give Israel permission to go bomb them so he can campaign about how we stand in solidarity with Israel, how he's a friend of Israel, blah, blah, blah.

Sounds like a Spot-On prediction. I guess we'll see.
The sanctions will force iran's hand and they know it on both sides. Once we back them into a corner and they lash out, we'll cry foul and then attack them with the support of a negligent, misinformed and highly fucking stupid population. team America, fuck yeah!

completely agree
"U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Iran is prepared to launch terrorist attacks inside the United States in response to perceived threats from America and its allies, the U.S. spy chief said Tuesday."

Shit, lets also invade Iran under false pretenses.

I mean, we can afford it , we are only in the hole by 15 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion dollars.

If the natives get restless they will impose martial fucking law.

As Always, Heil Hitler.


To hek with Hitler!

any way it will be a shame if a Neo-Con gets his hands on our military and we end up with another "911." I mean the world trade center hand good foundation it was structurally sound some thing else happened that day other than the planes.

But I do believe if we continue down the road of imperialism eventually the masses will indeed get feed up with it and might over the U.S. government. Not to mention the other problems that already riddle our society.

Except that the floors that initially collasped and started the buildings falling just happened to be the floors that the planes crashed into. But do tell what else you think may have happened that day......:eusa_whistle:
Which is the War Party?

The one who lied and invaded the country that could never attack us?

Or the one who blew up a country that also couldn't attack us and Al Qaeda went in run things?

I can't tell the difference, help me out.

I know, I know. It's the Republicrats! :eusa_angel:

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