Warning: Graphic: It's been 50 years since AP photographer Nick Ut captured image of 9-year-old girl running naked from a napalm attack during Vietnam

The NVA and VC terrorized the civilian population of the RVN. Look at what they did in Hue during their occupation for example. Torture and mass executions galore. They expected the South Vietnamese citizens to rise up in support of them and instead the civilians either supported the government forces or stayed neutral. The VC were destroyed in the in the Tet Offensive and it took the NVA years and billions of dollars of Soviet aid to recover.
Don't you think American bombs and agent orange terrorized Vietnamese civilians?
Don't you think American bombs and agent orange terrorized Vietnamese civilians?
Bimbs certianly did.

Agent Organe did not.

We have settled that little bit of mythology on this thread. It was just a defoliant which means weed killer
Don't you think American bombs and agent orange terrorized Vietnamese civilians?
Most of the bombs and all of the Agent Orange were dropped on uninhabited jungl. Now we did a good job of bombing The PRVN back to the Stone Age. By the time the Paris Peace Accords were signed, North Vietnam couldn’t even feed itself and was totally dependent on supplies from the PRC and USSR,
Most of the bombs and all of the Agent Orange were dropped on uninhabited jungl. Now we did a good job of bombing The PRVN back to the Stone Age. By the time the Paris Peace Accords were signed, North Vietnam couldn’t even feed itself and was totally dependent on supplies from the PRC and USSR,
The VA estimates that as many as 2.8 million Vietnam veterans could have been exposed to Agent Orange while between 2.1 and 4.5 million Vietnamese civilians may have been affected by exposure.

The United States sprayed 19.5 million gallons of Agent Orange over the course of the Vietnam War. The goal was to deny Vietcong fighters and North Vietnamese troops forest cover and food supplies. “The Vietnam Red Cross estimates that three million Vietnamese have been affected by dioxin, including at least 150,000 children born after the war with serious birth defects,” said Wells-Dang, referring to the toxic chemical in Agent Orange. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers were also exposed.

This study found that the legacy of wartime Agent Orange application continues to this day, with ongoing adverse effects on the current lives of Vietnamese people more than 30 years after the end of the war. Our estimates suggest that such adverse effects are experienced mostly by females: a female living in an area that was subject to high-intensity Agent Orange application is more likely to report a serious disability in hearing, mobility, or memory than her counterpart living in an area without Agent Orange exposure.
Most of the bombs and all of the Agent Orange were dropped on uninhabited jungl. Now we did a good job of bombing The PRVN back to the Stone Age. By the time the Paris Peace Accords were signed, North Vietnam couldn’t even feed itself and was totally dependent on supplies from the PRC and USSR,
Look at my comment #185.
Atrocities were doctrine and very common for both the NVA and VC. They were rare for the ARVNs and almost unheard of by US troops. My Lai was very nearly a singular event, that’s why it was so widely publicized.
Bullshit!! some of those POW camps for NVA and Viet Cong were like concentration camps, some men were kept in cages sunk into the ground where prisoners couldn't stand up or lie down, as for Hue those people executed were Collaborator officials, 20,000 Vietnamese POWs died on Con Son Island and its estimated there are 200,000 North Vietnamese POWs and Viet Cong unaccounted for to this day.
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The VA estimates that as many as 2.8 million Vietnam veterans could have been exposed to Agent Orange while between 2.1 and 4.5 million Vietnamese civilians may have been affected by exposure.

The United States sprayed 19.5 million gallons of Agent Orange over the course of the Vietnam War. The goal was to deny Vietcong fighters and North Vietnamese troops forest cover and food supplies. “The Vietnam Red Cross estimates that three million Vietnamese have been affected by dioxin, including at least 150,000 children born after the war with serious birth defects,” said Wells-Dang, referring to the toxic chemical in Agent Orange. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers were also exposed.

This study found that the legacy of wartime Agent Orange application continues to this day, with ongoing adverse effects on the current lives of Vietnamese people more than 30 years after the end of the war. Our estimates suggest that such adverse effects are experienced mostly by females: a female living in an area that was subject to high-intensity Agent Orange application is more likely to report a serious disability in hearing, mobility, or memory than her counterpart living in an area without Agent Orange exposure.
The VA is worthless and interested only keeping their funding.

The estimate your link cites is worthless. There were Only 2.4 vietnam veterans TOTAL and some are blue water navy vets whichj means less than 2 million served on Vietnamese soil.

The red cross estimate is also worthless as it clearly says their study SUGGESTS. It has no empircal or scientific basis
The VA is worthless and interested only keeping their funding.

The estimate your link cites is worthless. There were Only 2.4 vietnam veterans TOTAL and some are blue water navy vets whichj means less than 2 million served on Vietnamese soil.

The red cross estimate is also worthless as it clearly says their study SUGGESTS. It has no empirical or scientific basis
Bullshit!! some of those POW camps for NVA and Viet Cong were like concentration camps, some men were kept in cages sunk into the ground where prisoners couldn't stand up or lie down, as for Hue those people executed were Collaborator officials, 20,000 Vietnamese POWs died on Con Son Island and its estimated there are 200,000 North Vietnamese POWs and Viet Cong unaccounted for to this day.
The people slaughtered at Hue were innocents muerdered by communists you liar

No one on the US side were as savage as the VC and NAV.

With the isolated exception of MY Lai the US fought the war humanely

Your programmed talking points are fiction you brainwashed TWAT
All we had to do o avoid that immoral, futile war was to sign and honor the Geneva Agreement of 1954.
The lack of signature did not justify or cause Ho Chi Minhs aggressive invasion of a foreign nation

You are wrong and full of shit and making excuses
The people slaughtered at Hue were innocents muerdered by communists you liar

No one on the US side were as savage as the VC and NAV.

With the isolated exception of MY Lai the US fought the war humanely

Your programmed talking points are fiction you brainwashed TWAT
You are in a state of total denial, humanely fought LOL!! My Lai was just the one that came to light there were others, it was common practice to torch villages Nazi style, ever hear of this mass murder and torture?
What was the Phoenix Program in Vietnam?

Phoenix utilizes military and CIA intelligence and identifies Viet Cong operatives to target for arrest, defection, or assassination. Phoenix agents employ extremely controversial methods, and both military and civilian leaders eventually question its effectiveness.
The people slaughtered at Hue were innocents muerdered by communists you liar

No one on the US side were as savage as the VC and NAV.

With the isolated exception of MY Lai the US fought the war humanely

Your programmed talking points are fiction you brainwashed TWAT
Your demented anger shows i hit a nerve with the truth.
You are in a state of total denial, humanely fought LOL!! My Lai was just the one that came to light there were others, it was common practice to torch villages Nazi style, ever hear of this mass murder and torture?
What was the Phoenix Program in Vietnam?

Phoenix utilizes military and CIA intelligence and identifies Viet Cong operatives to target for arrest, defection, or assassination. Phoenix agents employ extremely controversial methods, and both military and civilian leaders eventually question its effectiveness.

\The fact is that the media was virtually unrestricted and all over that country looking specifically for stories of nazi style atrocities that you describe.

They never found them.

If it was common proctice as you ignorantly claim they would have uncovered many such stories but they did niot

this is proof you are full of shit and repeating nothing more than knee jerk propoganda.

The fact remains that the US fought the war hunaely and crimes such as My Lai were outliers and isolated exceptions.

FACT and you can scream otherwise all day but your screams are just unsupported smear.

Questioning the effectiveness of anything is not proof of atrocity and the phoenix program was shown to be both effective and nothing like what you describe
Your demented anger shows i hit a nerve with the truth.
No it does not boy

You always repeat rumor and myth proving you are uneducated and merely spouting talking points which have no relation to the truth

That is proven as i have systematically destroyed your claims with FACTS

You know this is true

I habvbe owned you BOY

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