Warning: Graphic: It's been 50 years since AP photographer Nick Ut captured image of 9-year-old girl running naked from a napalm attack during Vietnam

Why was the election not held ? and i have already shown you it was not another Country, the leadership went to war to liberate the Country because there was NO election to unify it.
You have not shown any such thing

your efforts were PROVEN to be false be me

It WAS another sovereign country.

Ask the Vietnasmese why it was never held.

They liberated nothing you silly FOOL. They siezed power and then invaded a neighboring country

Those are Historic TRUTHS
No that does not matter.

One opinion about who would win an election which was never held in the first place is irrelevant

it does not justify that person who might have won siexing power nor does it justify that person starting a war with a neighboring country.
The Vietnamese Communists, like the Taliban, could not have survived for ten and twenty years against the best financed and best equipped military in the wold without the support of the vast majority of the country in which they fought. It was their country, not ours. We did not belong there.
The Vietnamese Communists, like the Taliban, could not have survived for ten and twenty years against the best financed and best equipped military in the wold without the support of the vast majority of the country in which they fought. It was their country, not ours. We did not belong there.
You mean the communists could not have survived without supplies from the world communist front

Bullets from red china that the viet cong used to murder any village leaders that were not pro communist
You have not shown any such thing

your efforts were PROVEN to be false be me

It WAS another sovereign country.

Ask the Vietnasmese why it was never held.

They liberated nothing you silly FOOL. They siezed power and then invaded a neighboring country

Those are Historic TRUTHS
I have already posted this. Read it this time:

Final declaration, dated July 21, 1954, of the Geneva Conference on the problem of restoring peace in Indochina, in which the representatives of Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam, France, Laos, the People's Republic of China, the State of Viet-Nam, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom and the United States of America took part...

6. The Conference recognizes that the essential purpose of the agreement relating to Viet-Nam is to settle military questions with a view to ending hostilities and that the military demarcation line should not in any way be interpreted as constituting a political or territorial boundary.

You mean the communists could not have survived without supplies from the world communist front

Bullets from red china that the viet cong used to murder any village leaders that were not pro communist
We still out gunned and out spent the Communists. They out fought us and had the support of the vast majority of the Vietnamese. Don't argue with me about that. Argue with President Eisenhower. I have posted this before. Read it this time.


This page from President Eisenhower's Memoires, Mandate for Change, page 372, shows that he believed Ho Chi Minh would have won any free election in Vietnam in 1954. This is certainly why the U.S. did not permit such an election, though the Geneva Convention of 1954 required it.

"Reviewing the entire episode in retrospect, I find that four questions merit consideration:
(1) Why, with the superiority in manpower and resources available, were the French unable to win?
(2) Why was the very considerable amount of material American aid not more effective in helping the French?
(3) Why, when the French were in difficulty and the interests of the Free World affected, at least indirectly, were the successive French governments unwilling to take logical and reasonable steps to bring United States' and other support to their assistance?
(4) What lessons or benefits, if any, accrued to the Free World as a result?
I am convinced that the French could not win the war because the internal political situation in Vietnam, weak and confused, badly weakened their military position. I have never talked or corresponded with a person knowledgeable in Indochinese affairs who did not agree that had elections been held as of the time of the fighting, possibly 80 per cent of the populations would have voted for the Communist Ho Chi Minh as their leader rather than Chief of State Bao Dai.

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The Vietnamese Communists, like the Taliban, could not have survived for ten and twenty years against the best financed and best equipped military in the wold without the support of the vast majority of the country in which they fought. It was their country, not ours. We did not belong there.
Yes they could have and did.

It was not theirs.
We still out gunned and out spent the Communists. They out fought us and had the support of the vast majority of the Vietnamese. Don't argue with me about that. Argue with President Eisenhower. I have posted this before. Read it this time.


This page from President Eisenhower's Memoires, Mandate for Change, page 372, shows that he believed Ho Chi Minh would have won any free election in Vietnam in 1954. This is certainly why the U.S. did not permit such an election, though the Geneva Convention of 1954 required it.

They did not have the support of the vast majority. They had to torture murder and rape to coerce the vast majority to help them
The US neither permited not forbade the elction.

His opinion was just opnion.
I have already posted this. Read it this time:

Final declaration, dated July 21, 1954, of the Geneva Conference on the problem of restoring peace in Indochina, in which the representatives of Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam, France, Laos, the People's Republic of China, the State of Viet-Nam, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom and the United States of America took part...

6. The Conference recognizes that the essential purpose of the agreement relating to Viet-Nam is to settle military questions with a view to ending hostilities and that the military demarcation line should not in any way be interpreted as constituting a political or territorial boundary.

We did not sign it try reading that
A fair vote in Viet-Nam. After the assassinations, after the mass killings. Every Marxist revolution includes mass killings, not only of an enemy. Marxist revolutions result in the killing of the competition withing the party, Not only the competition, but also the dead weight. All Marxist governments are founded on the blood of their own.

I am sure the poor peasants of Viet-Nam are not stupid, they obviously would vote for the people who are so ruthless, they kill their own.

Bui Quang Chieu, why did Ho Chi Minh kill this man?
Ta Tu Thau?

In 1945, the marxists were murdering thousands in Viet-Nam.
We still out gunned and out spent the Communists. They out fought us and had the support of the vast majority of the Vietnamese. Don't argue with me about that. Argue with President Eisenhower. I have posted this before. Read it this time.


This page from President Eisenhower's Memoires, Mandate for Change, page 372, shows that he believed Ho Chi Minh would have won any free election in Vietnam in 1954. This is certainly why the U.S. did not permit such an election, though the Geneva Convention of 1954 required it.

Some of those Vietnamese fighters had been in the jungle for thirty years fighting one invader after another, that's because they were fighting for their land and families.
Admitting we lost has nothing to do with how it started
We know how it started it ws a continuation of those Fench Colonialist morons and the US thought they would have a go, we know how it finished, with NVA tanks liberating what was Saigon.
We know how it started it ws a continuation of those Fench Colonialist morons and the US thought they would have a go, we know how it finished, with NVA tanks liberating what was Saigon.
It started with a communist country waging war against another country. It ended with an invasion.

It was NOT liberation
The Vietnamese Communists, like the Taliban, could not have survived for ten and twenty years against the best financed and best equipped military in the wold without the support of the vast majority of the country in which they fought. It was their country, not ours. We did not belong there.
The NVA and VC terrorized the civilian population of the RVN. Look at what they did in Hue during their occupation for example. Torture and mass executions galore. They expected the South Vietnamese citizens to rise up in support of them and instead the civilians either supported the government forces or stayed neutral. The VC were destroyed in the in the Tet Offensive and it took the NVA years and billions of dollars of Soviet aid to recover.
The NVA and VC terrorized the civilian population of the RVN. Look at what they did in Hue during their occupation for example. Torture and mass executions galore. They expected the South Vietnamese citizens to rise up in support of them and instead the civilians either supported the government forces or stayed neutral. The VC were destroyed in the in the Tet Offensive and it took the NVA years and billions of dollars of Soviet aid to recover.
Both sides committed atrocities.
Both sides committed atrocities.
Atrocities were doctrine and very common for both the NVA and VC. They were rare for the ARVNs and almost unheard of by US troops. My Lai was very nearly a singular event, that’s why it was so widely publicized.

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