Warning: Graphic: It's been 50 years since AP photographer Nick Ut captured image of 9-year-old girl running naked from a napalm attack during Vietnam

These gimps never complain about Soviet aid or Red Chinese aid, just American aid. this is one big reason they can't be taken seriously; they're clearly just commies and totalitarians trying to clothe themselves in fake moral superiority claims. They're miserable little vermin.
They have the right to decide which kind of government they want.
Good point, it takes a bigger man to admit when they have been wrong, a Cousin of mine an American served twice in Vietnam with the US Marines, i met him a few times in my life, i think he was a real believer in all the bullshit, he was a nice guy but totally brainwashed to think his Country couldn't possibly be wrong.
he was not brainwashed , YOU are.

No one belives the US could not possibly be wrong.

You are iunable to accept that fact that sometimes the US is in fact correct.
This was the result you clown, there are still babies born today that are damaged and deformed.
There are damaged and deformed babies everywhere in the world.

No evidence of any kind proves it was due tyo a specific cause such as defoliant. Third world countres ALWAYS have greater health problems due to a myriad of causes.

Your efforts are a massive failure
Screw you

The communists invaded the South and were responsible for all the deaths after the French left
We were responsible for most of the deaths. We should have left that country alone. Most of the Vietnamese wanted Ho Chi Minh as their ruler.
We were responsible for most of the deaths. We should have left that country alone. Most of the Vietnamese wanted Ho Chi Minh as their ruler.
Only because “Uncle Ho” was a hero of the fights against both the Japanese and French. The average Vietnamese certainly didn’t want to live in a communist dictatorship.
he was not brainwashed , YOU are.

No one belives the US could not possibly be wrong.

You are iunable to accept that fact that sometimes the US is in fact correct.
Well they were not correct on Vietnam, Vietnam is 12k miles from the US it was no threat to them, it was just naked US Imperialism, after what happed to the French Colonialists the US should have kept out.
Only because “Uncle Ho” was a hero of the fights against both the Japanese and French. The average Vietnamese certainly didn’t want to live in a communist dictatorship.
How do you know what the average Vietnamese wanted? What gives you the right to determine what the average Vietnamese wanted? We killed at least a million Vietnamese to prevent the ascension of a leader most of the Vietnamese wanted. That was shameful.
We were responsible for most of the deaths. We should have left that country alone. Most of the Vietnamese wanted Ho Chi Minh as their ruler.
The communiostys were responsible for most deaths not us

The average Vietnamese peasant did not want us OR ho chi minh. The average vientamese peasant was illiterate and just wanted to sit in their hamlets harvesting rice and eating the occasional pig.
How do you know what the average Vietnamese wanted? What gives you the right to determine what the average Vietnamese wanted? We killed at least a million Vietnamese to prevent the ascension of a leader most of the Vietnamese wanted. That was shameful.
No we did not.

Most of the deatsh were caused by the communists who started the war.

The same standards apply to him and to you. He hasd no right to establish rule over them

How the hell would you know what they wanted?
It was liberated were you asleep? and the usual suspects said there would be a bloodbath, it never happened.

It was not liberated it was invaded and ultimately conquered by a brutal dicastor'

Your efforts to white wash history are a failure. Ut abslutely DID happen

You clearly know little about that war
Well they were not correct on Vietnam, Vietnam is 12k miles from the US it was no threat to them, it was just naked US Imperialism, after what happed to the French Colonialists the US should have kept out.
They were correct.

South Vietnam was our ally with a legally ratified treaty and they were invaded by a hostile country to the north
Educate yourself
I am educated on the matter, that's a problem for people like you who live in some alternative reality, Vietnam was not two seperate Countires no matter how much you bark, the dividing line was only temporary until elections could be held under UN supervision to unify the Country, read and learn.
The communiostys were responsible for most deaths not us

The average Vietnamese peasant did not want us OR ho chi minh. The average vientamese peasant was illiterate and just wanted to sit in their hamlets harvesting rice and eating the occasional pig.
Nice racist stereotype, i expect you think black people are not fit to vote?

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