Warning: Graphic: It's been 50 years since AP photographer Nick Ut captured image of 9-year-old girl running naked from a napalm attack during Vietnam

When you drop 74 millions ltrs of chemicals on a country it's chemical warfare you moron no matter how you spin it, how would you like it dumped on California?
Agent Orange was essentially industrial strength Roundup. At the time it was widely used to kill weeds and obnoxious plants all across the USA.
Agent Orange was essentially industrial strength Roundup. At the time it was widely used to kill weeds and obnoxious plants all across the USA.
Yes when millions of ltrs are dumped on people it's just like having a shower LOL!
Yes when millions of ltrs are dumped on people it's just like having a shower LOL!
The quantities were far smaller than that, normal exposure in Vietnam were teaspoons per person per year. It was mostly dropped on empty jungle so the VC and NVA couldn't hide there.
You really need to stop talking shit, the US dropped more bombs on Vietnam and Laos than were dropped by all sides in WW2, why can't some people face up to what their Government did? many Americans did face up to it and were branded by the lunatics in power as traitors, and agent orange was chemical warfare, what do you get out of trying to whitewash it?
It is amazing to me that anyone is still willing to defend American involvement in the War in Vietnam.
It is amazing to me that anyone is still willing to defend American involvement in the War in Vietnam.
It's worse than that, it's deranged, only thing i can think of that explains it is they are too young to remember the horror.
The quantities were far smaller than that, normal exposure in Vietnam were teaspoons per person per year. It was mostly dropped on empty jungle so the VC and NVA couldn't hide there.
This was the result you clown, there are still babies born today that are damaged and deformed.
It's worse than that, it's deranged, only thing i can think of that explains it is they are too young to remember the horror.
An alternative explanation is that they fought in the War in Vietnam, they lost friends there, they were permanently injured, and do not want to admit that the whole thing was a tragic mistake.
And rightly so. South Vietnam had just as much right to be free and independent as Taiwan and South Korea do.

Slashing funds instead of cutting them to zero is still depriving them of the level aid that they needed to survive.

These gimps never complain about Soviet aid or Red Chinese aid, just American aid. this is one big reason they can't be taken seriously; they're clearly just commies and totalitarians trying to clothe themselves in fake moral superiority claims. They're miserable little vermin.
We never found out in Vietnam, there should have been elections supervised by the UN as agreed in Geneva, Ho Chi Minh would probably have won, thats why the stooges in the South and the Americans didn't want that election, also the border between North and South was only supposed to be temporary until after those elections leading to the Country being unified, also Governments with an element of Marxism have been elected until they were overthrown by US backed coups, Chile, Nicaragua, attempts in Venezuela, there are quite a few others.
Two separate countries to be joined as one? or was it historically three countries, or four, or more. Why unify that which never was?

How do you have a fair vote for those who have no education.

What is sad, is we never cut off the head of the snake.
Two separate countries to be joined as one? or was it historically three countries, or four, or more. Why unify that which never was?

How do you have a fair vote for those who have no education.

What is sad, is we never cut off the head of the snake.
Do you know how arrogant you sound? who are you to say who is fit to vote?
We never found out in Vietnam, there should have been elections supervised by the UN as agreed in Geneva, Ho Chi Minh would probably have won, thats why the stooges in the South and the Americans didn't want that election, also the border between North and South was only supposed to be temporary until after those elections leading to the Country being unified, also Governments with an element of Marxism have been elected until they were overthrown by US backed coups, Chile, Nicaragua, attempts in Venezuela, there are quite a few others.
We never found out in Vietnam? We knew the people wanted freedom. Marxism is never freedom. The peasants wanted freedom. I am sure they would of voted for Marxism, believing they would be voting for freedom. Freedom they would never get. The Marxists, like Democrats (and some republicans) don't campaign on what they will do, they campaign on what the people want to believe.

We fought Marxism in Viet-Nam, and elsewhere, righteously so...
An alternative explanation is that they fought in the War in Vietnam, they lost friends there, they were permanently injured, and do not want to admit that the whole thing was a tragic mistake.
Good point, it takes a bigger man to admit when they have been wrong, a Cousin of mine an American served twice in Vietnam with the US Marines, i met him a few times in my life, i think he was a real believer in all the bullshit, he was a nice guy but totally brainwashed to think his Country couldn't possibly be wrong.
We never found out in Vietnam? We knew the people wanted freedom. Marxism is never freedom. The peasants wanted freedom. I am sure they would of voted for Marxism, believing they would be voting for freedom. Freedom they would never get. The Marxists, like Democrats (and some republicans) don't campaign on what they will do, they campaign on what the people want to believe.

We fought Marxism in Viet-Nam, and elsewhere, righteously so...
Bullshit! you have been brainwashed, you need to stop watching Red Dawn on a loop.
These gimps never complain about Soviet aid or Red Chinese aid, just American aid. this is one big reason they can't be taken seriously; they're clearly just commies and totalitarians trying to clothe themselves in fake moral superiority claims. They're miserable little vermin.
The Chinese and Russians didn't have hundreds of thousands of troops in Vietnam.
We never found out in Vietnam? We knew the people wanted freedom. Marxism is never freedom. The peasants wanted freedom. I am sure they would of voted for Marxism, believing they would be voting for freedom. Freedom they would never get. The Marxists, like Democrats (and some republicans) don't campaign on what they will do, they campaign on what the people want to believe.

We fought Marxism in Viet-Nam, and elsewhere, righteously so...

Same goal as in Korea; we had allies who needed to know we would have their backs. We ended up bankrupting the Soviet Union over Viet Nam, and at a critical time in history as well. Backing the Israelis against the Soviet's Arab allies was another nail in their coffin in 1973 when the Arab invasions failed miserably. The dumbass Arabs blamed Moscow for their idiotic losses, lol. They got rolled back in Africa and South America as well.
A fair vote in Viet-Nam. After the assassinations, after the mass killings. Every Marxist revolution includes mass killings, not only of an enemy. Marxist revolutions result in the killing of the competition withing the party, Not only the competition, but also the dead weight. All Marxist governments are founded on the blood of their own.

I am sure the poor peasants of Viet-Nam are not stupid, they obviously would vote for the people who are so ruthless, they kill their own.

Bui Quang Chieu, why did Ho Chi Minh kill this man?
Ta Tu Thau?

In 1945, the marxists were murdering thousands in Viet-Nam.

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