Warning: Graphic: It's been 50 years since AP photographer Nick Ut captured image of 9-year-old girl running naked from a napalm attack during Vietnam

You are excused for ignoring that bombing empty jungle is meaningless
According to the reports I listed we destroyed most of the infrastructure of North Vietnam. We bombed the harbors. We poisoned forests in the South with Agent Orange.
According to the reports I listed we destroyed most of the infrastructure of North Vietnam. We bombed the harbors. We poisoned forests in the South with Agent Orange.
That is ridiculous as they had next to nothing in infrastructure to bomb.
We defoliated some of the forests it is true but they quickly grew back
That is ridiculous as they had next to nothing in infrastructure to bomb.
We defoliated some of the forests it is true but they quickly grew back
At least two million Vietnamese were killed in that war. We killed most of them. Most Vietnamese did not want your idea of freedom. Neither did the Afghans. That is why we lost the War in Vietnam after ten years, and the War in Afghanistan in twenty years.


In spite of some initial research that suggested the use of the chemical compound could create health problems for those exposed, the defoliant was used widely in Vietnam. Those who were exposed to Agent Orange may end up developing a range of health problems, including Parkinson’s disease, Hodgkin’s disease, prostate cancer, respiratory cancer, and more. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter authorized the first Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) study of Agent Orange, to evaluate the effects of the chemical compound on the pilots who sprayed it. After a decade of lawsuits filed by veterans for compensation to cover medical treatment needed as a result of Agent Orange exposure, the Agent Orange Act was established in 1991 to allow the VA to declare a range of diseases as probable effects of Agent Orange exposure, and thus veterans could pursue services in relation to those diseases.
Agent Orange - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund

The harm Agent Orange did to the Vietnamese was vastly greater than the harm it did to American soldiers and Marines who fought in Vietnam.
At least two million Vietnamese were killed in that war. We killed most of them. Most Vietnamese did not want your idea of freedom. Neither did the Afghans. That is why we lost the War in Vietnam after ten years, and the War in Afghanistan in twenty years.


In spite of some initial research that suggested the use of the chemical compound could create health problems for those exposed, the defoliant was used widely in Vietnam. Those who were exposed to Agent Orange may end up developing a range of health problems, including Parkinson’s disease, Hodgkin’s disease, prostate cancer, respiratory cancer, and more. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter authorized the first Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) study of Agent Orange, to evaluate the effects of the chemical compound on the pilots who sprayed it. After a decade of lawsuits filed by veterans for compensation to cover medical treatment needed as a result of Agent Orange exposure, the Agent Orange Act was established in 1991 to allow the VA to declare a range of diseases as probable effects of Agent Orange exposure, and thus veterans could pursue services in relation to those diseases.
Agent Orange - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund

The harm Agent Orange did to the Vietnamese was vastly greater than the harm it did to American soldiers and Marines who fought in Vietnam.
The two million figure is made up by people without any real evidence. The fact is people died yes but most were killed by the communists in the north and the south.

Notice that in your post they use words like ' MAY end up ". This is because the arm caused to humans by defoliant. Is minor. I have seen evidence of increased rates of testicular cancer in US arimen heavily exposed to it, some other evidence has been found of heightened risk of other cancers.

However most of the health problems associated with it are unsupported by any evidence at all.

There is no evidence it caused lasting harm in vietnam
The two million figure is made up by people without any real evidence. The fact is people died yes but most were killed by the communists in the north and the south.

Notice that in your post they use words like ' MAY end up ". This is because the arm caused to humans by defoliant. Is minor. I have seen evidence of increased rates of testicular cancer in US arimen heavily exposed to it, some other evidence has been found of heightened risk of other cancers.

However most of the health problems associated with it are unsupported by any evidence at all.

There is no evidence it caused lasting harm in vietnam
I ought to put you on ignore. You refuse to accept well documented and by now generally accepted facts about the War in Vietnam. Facts bounce off of you like tennis balls bouncing off of a brick wall.
I ought to put you on ignore. You refuse to accept well documented and by now generally accepted facts about the War in Vietnam. Facts bounce off of you like tennis balls bouncing off of a brick wall.
Oh not the ignore option!!!!!!!!!!!

They are not facts they are propoganda and are not documented.
The two million figure is made up by people without any real evidence. The fact is people died yes but most were killed by the communists in the north and the south.

Notice that in your post they use words like ' MAY end up ". This is because the arm caused to humans by defoliant. Is minor. I have seen evidence of increased rates of testicular cancer in US arimen heavily exposed to it, some other evidence has been found of heightened risk of other cancers.

However most of the health problems associated with it are unsupported by any evidence at all.

There is no evidence it caused lasting harm in vietnam
You really need to stop talking shit, the US dropped more bombs on Vietnam and Laos than were dropped by all sides in WW2, why can't some people face up to what their Government did? many Americans did face up to it and were branded by the lunatics in power as traitors, and agent orange was chemical warfare, what do you get out of trying to whitewash it?
They knew they did not like Americans bombing them, and trampling around in their country.

It is ironic that conservatives want the U.S. government to leave them alone, but they want the U.S. government to tell other countries what to do.
It's unbelievable after all these years and the horror of the war in South East Asia and what a total disaster it was for all involved, there are still idiots who think it was a good idea, it almost caused a civil war in America, some students were murdered at Kent State University when National Guardsmen shot them dead for protesting, if those idiots in Government had looked at History they would not have got involved, the Vietnamese General Giap smashed the French Colonialists at Dien Bien Phu, he had fought against the japs in WW2, then he had to defeat the Americans, America doesn't seem to have leared anything, they are still starting wars built on lies, people need to wake up.
For the record, Vietnam never tried to conquer or enslave us. They helped the Allies rid SE Asia of the Axis forces. They felt the Allies stabbed them in the back when they were given back to the French.
By “they” you mean the godless communists

Others in Vietnam wanted independence from France as much as the Viet Cong but also freedom from communist dictatorship also
Speculation, at best.

No country ever accepted Marxism. Your idea that people would vote for Marxism is ridiculous.
We never found out in Vietnam, there should have been elections supervised by the UN as agreed in Geneva, Ho Chi Minh would probably have won, thats why the stooges in the South and the Americans didn't want that election, also the border between North and South was only supposed to be temporary until after those elections leading to the Country being unified, also Governments with an element of Marxism have been elected until they were overthrown by US backed coups, Chile, Nicaragua, attempts in Venezuela, there are quite a few others.
By “they” you mean the godless communists

Others in Vietnam wanted independence from France as much as the Viet Cong but also freedom from communist dictatorship also
You people have a fixation with Communism, what you call the Viet Cong were actually called the NLF, the National Liberation Front, it also contained people who were not Communists, the fight in Vietnam against the French and later the Americans was always more about Vietnamese Nationalists fighting to liberate their Country fro Colonialism and Imperialism, the French had a terrible history of brutal Colonialsm even worse in many ways to the British, they had just been liberated from the Nazi occupation but didn't seem to think the Vietnamese should be free.
You people have a fixation with Communism, what you call the Viet Cong were actually called the NLF, the National Liberation Front, it also contained people who were not Communists, the fight in Vietnam against the French and later the Americans was always more about Vietnamese Nationalists fighting to liberate their Country fro Colonialism and Imperialism, the French had a terrible history of brutal Colonialsm even worse in many ways to the British, they had just been liberated from the Nazi occupation but didn't seem to think the Vietnamese should be free.
The communists were 100% responsible for all the death and suffering that occurred in Vietnam after the French left
You really need to stop talking shit, the US dropped more bombs on Vietnam and Laos than were dropped by all sides in WW2, why can't some people face up to what their Government did? many Americans did face up to it and were branded by the lunatics in power as traitors, and agent orange was chemical warfare, what do you get out of trying to whitewash it?
You clearly have a problem with reading comprehension.

I never denied they dropped those bombs.

Agent Orange was NOT chemical war fare. That claim of yours is an outright stupid lie.

It was a defoliant which temporarily wilted leaves. Sorry ut you are uninformed uneducated and psoting proven revisionist bullshit
You people have a fixation with Communism, what you call the Viet Cong were actually called the NLF, the National Liberation Front, it also contained people who were not Communists, the fight in Vietnam against the French and later the Americans was always more about Vietnamese Nationalists fighting to liberate their Country fro Colonialism and Imperialism, the French had a terrible history of brutal Colonialsm even worse in many ways to the British, they had just been liberated from the Nazi occupation but didn't seem to think the Vietnamese should be free.
Wrong they were controlled by the north and esxclusively communist and fighting to impiose it on a free nation nation

You nothing but propoganda
Wrong they were controlled by the north and esxclusively communist and fighting to impiose it on a free nation nation

You nothing but propoganda
Wrong they were controlled by the north and esxclusively communist and fighting to impiose it on a free nation nation

You nothing but propoganda
You don't know what you are talking about, you deal in weaponised ignorance.

You clearly have a problem with reading comprehension.

I never denied they dropped those bombs.

Agent Orange was NOT chemical war fare. That claim of yours is an outright stupid lie.

It was a defoliant which temporarily wilted leaves. Sorry ut you are uninformed uneducated and psoting proven revisionist bullshit
When you drop 74 millions ltrs of chemicals on a country it's chemical warfare you moron no matter how you spin it, how would you like it dumped on California?
You don't know what you are talking about, you deal in weaponised ignorance.

Yes I do

You are programmed with revisionist propoganda.

Sorry to burst your bubble but the left wing doers not have a monopoly on historic truth. They are JUSt as likelty to twist and make up fiction for a political agenda as any right wing conservative.

That is what you are repeating
When you drop 74 millions ltrs of chemicals on a country it's chemical warfare you moron no matter how you spin it, how would you like it dumped on California?
No it is not

CHemical warfare is not measured that way by anyone.

It was dumped on California you dumbass . The defoliant known as agent orange was a common ingrediant in chemical weed killers for decades.

Was that chemical warfrare you ignorant tool???
Yes I do

You are programmed with revisionist propoganda.

Sorry to burst your bubble but the left wing doers not have a monopoly on historic truth. They are JUSt as likelty to twist and make up fiction for a political agenda as any right wing conservative.

That is what you are repeating
You are living in a Truman Show version of reality, but if it makes you happy continue.

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