Warning! Patriotism Ahead

Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
Is this the equivalent of a 'run up" before take-off?
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.
I was Air Force too. I got out in 1974.
I left in 90.
Another plane I saw at a show that was pretty impressive was the F-15 Strike Eagle (yeah, an Air Force jet).

The pilot came in at around 200 ft off the deck above the landing strip, pulled back on the stick and punched the throttle. When he stood the jet on it's tail and hit the afterburners, the thing took off and almost looked like a rocket.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
Is this the equivalent of a 'run up" before take-off?

Maybe, never heard the term before. But, the AD starts the jet, checks to make sure everything is in the green, then slowly increases the throttle until the damn thing is roaring at full power, then slowly backs off the throttle and shuts down the jet.
You DO realize that the Navy has better pilots than the Air Force, right? I was stationed with VFA-131 in the early 90's, and we had an Air Force pilot who was stationed with our squadron. I asked, what in the hell is an Air Force pilot doing with a Navy squadron, and they said that the Air Force equivalent of the Navy Top Gun program is to be stationed with a Navy squadron and fly off carriers.

Air Force pilots don't have to worry about having to land on a small assed landing strip that is bucking and rolling, hoping that the hook catches. For Navy pilots, that is daily life on deployment.

Tell ya what dumbshit. Why don't you go ask some marine or army type ground pounders what they think of the Air Force sometime. Especially if those that have ever been under fire and had the Air Force bail their asses out.
Some people are so damn dumb it must hurt. What do you take for the pain?
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
Is this the equivalent of a 'run up" before take-off?

Maybe, never heard the term before. But, the AD starts the jet, checks to make sure everything is in the green, then slowly increases the throttle until the damn thing is roaring at full power, then slowly backs off the throttle and shuts down the jet.
Yep, in GA, that is called a 'Run up". You go to a specific area of the taxiway before you go to the runway. What you do is point the aircraft way from anything. Then stand on the brakes while you run up the engines to....mmmm...I think its 80% power? I don't remember. Anyway, you watch your gauges to be sure nothing weird happens. If it tests out okay, you then proceed to the assigned runway.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
Is this the equivalent of a 'run up" before take-off?

Maybe, never heard the term before. But, the AD starts the jet, checks to make sure everything is in the green, then slowly increases the throttle until the damn thing is roaring at full power, then slowly backs off the throttle and shuts down the jet.
Yep, in GA, that is called a 'Run up". You go to a specific area of the taxiway before you go to the runway. What you do is point the aircraft way from anything. Then stand on the brakes while you run up the engines to....mmmm...I think its 80% power? I don't remember. Anyway, you watch your gauges to be sure nothing weird happens. If it tests out okay, you then proceed to the assigned runway.

Yep, that's pretty much what it is, only it's not done by the pilot, it's done by the mechanic, and if I remember correctly, the had the jet tied down as well. Once the mechanic finishes his checks, he signs it off as being good to go and it goes into the flight lineup.

BTW.................one thing I noticed about you AF types is that you guys are REALLY touchy about who goes past your flight line or gets close to the jets. Navy has security, but we aren't nearly as serious about it as you are. Saw a bomb loading squad from the squadron get surrounded by people with guns, because they hadn't gotten authorization to go out to the flight line yet.
The Navy does a similar maneuver.

USAF Thunderbirds High Bomb Burst.

The United States Air Force Demonstration Team Thunderbirds performing the "High Bomb Burst".
The lead chase plane will fly through a burst of the main diamond formation. Then, the formation will loop over and cross at the show center. Four planes in a space of 200 yards moving at over 250 mph.

They then turn and regroup, but they don't regroup until they reach show center; they are followed by the reflection pass of the two chase planes.
Done to the tune of "God Bless America".

Edit: Found a better one with better camera work.
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Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
Is this the equivalent of a 'run up" before take-off?

Maybe, never heard the term before. But, the AD starts the jet, checks to make sure everything is in the green, then slowly increases the throttle until the damn thing is roaring at full power, then slowly backs off the throttle and shuts down the jet.
Yep, in GA, that is called a 'Run up". You go to a specific area of the taxiway before you go to the runway. What you do is point the aircraft way from anything. Then stand on the brakes while you run up the engines to....mmmm...I think its 80% power? I don't remember. Anyway, you watch your gauges to be sure nothing weird happens. If it tests out okay, you then proceed to the assigned runway.

Yep, that's pretty much what it is, only it's not done by the pilot, it's done by the mechanic, and if I remember correctly, the had the jet tied down as well. Once the mechanic finishes his checks, he signs it off as being good to go and it goes into the flight lineup.

BTW.................one thing I noticed about you AF types is that you guys are REALLY touchy about who goes past your flight line or gets close to the jets. Navy has security, but we aren't nearly as serious about it as you are. Saw a bomb loading squad from the squadron get surrounded by people with guns, because they hadn't gotten authorization to go out to the flight line yet.
You don't know that half of it.

Try using one of the ground vehicles. You scratch the damn thing and they'll dock your pay for a year.

Air Force ground operations are a effin bear.

I was chewed out once for not maintaining a 50ft distance when driving around C-135.
So, a bit of some celebrity love...

I don't normally give a shit about what celebs think to do, but this brings some nice exposure. There is one for the Angels too, but I can't remember the search terms. lol

So, Gerard Butler flying with a Thunderbird.

Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
I got my thrill by having my ass stuffed into the front seat of an F4 Phantom and being taken for a ride as they say. I shoulda known better because his handle was Wild Man and he had punched out over the North China Sea twice by them with two tours under his belt. Of course I was too young and stupid to know any better and jumped at the chance. Let's just say my knees were a knockin and I was too damned scared to be sick.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
What is funny is he starts to get just how serious this is.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
I got my thrill by having my ass stuffed into the front seat of an F4 Phantom and being taken for a ride as they say. I shoulda known better because his handle was Wild Man and he had punched out over the North China Sea twice by them with two tours under his belt. Of course I was too young and stupid to know any better and jumped at the chance. Let's just say my knees were a knockin and I was too damned scared to be sick.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
So, you can tell your grandkids that you survived the 'Wild Man'!
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
I got my thrill by having my ass stuffed into the front seat of an F4 Phantom and being taken for a ride as they say. I shoulda known better because his handle was Wild Man and he had punched out over the North China Sea twice by them with two tours under his belt. Of course I was too young and stupid to know any better and jumped at the chance. Let's just say my knees were a knockin and I was too damned scared to be sick.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
So you can tell your grandkids you survived the wild man!
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
Is this the equivalent of a 'run up" before take-off?

Maybe, never heard the term before. But, the AD starts the jet, checks to make sure everything is in the green, then slowly increases the throttle until the damn thing is roaring at full power, then slowly backs off the throttle and shuts down the jet.
Yep, in GA, that is called a 'Run up". You go to a specific area of the taxiway before you go to the runway. What you do is point the aircraft way from anything. Then stand on the brakes while you run up the engines to....mmmm...I think its 80% power? I don't remember. Anyway, you watch your gauges to be sure nothing weird happens. If it tests out okay, you then proceed to the assigned runway.

Yep, that's pretty much what it is, only it's not done by the pilot, it's done by the mechanic, and if I remember correctly, the had the jet tied down as well. Once the mechanic finishes his checks, he signs it off as being good to go and it goes into the flight lineup.

BTW.................one thing I noticed about you AF types is that you guys are REALLY touchy about who goes past your flight line or gets close to the jets. Navy has security, but we aren't nearly as serious about it as you are. Saw a bomb loading squad from the squadron get surrounded by people with guns, because they hadn't gotten authorization to go out to the flight line yet.

Ain't nothing. Try getting sideways with a strike team at minuteman site sometimes. They ain't got no sense of humor at all. I got woke up and my ass run out into the cold cold North Dakota wind at the muzzle of an M16 in the middle of the night one time. I was not amused straddling up againt the side of that launch facility with that cold cold wind blowing up my ass. I don't know who was more pissed off them or me but they had all the damn guns.
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Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
I got my thrill by having my ass stuffed into the front seat of an F4 Phantom and being taken for a ride as they say. I shoulda known better because his handle was Wild Man and he had punched out over the North China Sea twice by them with two tours under his belt. Of course I was too young and stupid to know any better and jumped at the chance. Let's just say my knees were a knockin and I was too damned scared to be sick.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
I got my thrill by having my ass stuffed into the front seat of an F4 Phantom and being taken for a ride as they say. I shoulda known better because his handle was Wild Man and he had punched out over the North China Sea twice by them with two tours under his belt. Of course I was too young and stupid to know any better and jumped at the chance. Let's just say my knees were a knockin and I was too damned scared to be sick.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
So, you can tell your grandkids that you survived the 'Wild Man'!
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
I got my thrill by having my ass stuffed into the front seat of an F4 Phantom and being taken for a ride as they say. I shoulda known better because his handle was Wild Man and he had punched out over the North China Sea twice by them with two tours under his belt. Of course I was too young and stupid to know any better and jumped at the chance. Let's just say my knees were a knockin and I was too damned scared to be sick.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
So you can tell your grandkids you survived the wild man!

I spent the last last three years in the air force living out a B4 bag and on the road TDY all the time. That cost my marriage so I have no kids or grand kids. By the time I remarried we were too old for kids. The divorce rate in my outfit was something like 98% because we all traveled like that. And with a shooting war underway and me in the military and in harm's way, I refused to have kids who could likely wind up without a dad.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
I got my thrill by having my ass stuffed into the front seat of an F4 Phantom and being taken for a ride as they say. I shoulda known better because his handle was Wild Man and he had punched out over the North China Sea twice by them with two tours under his belt. Of course I was too young and stupid to know any better and jumped at the chance. Let's just say my knees were a knockin and I was too damned scared to be sick.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
So, you can tell your grandkids that you survived the 'Wild Man'!
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
I got my thrill by having my ass stuffed into the front seat of an F4 Phantom and being taken for a ride as they say. I shoulda known better because his handle was Wild Man and he had punched out over the North China Sea twice by them with two tours under his belt. Of course I was too young and stupid to know any better and jumped at the chance. Let's just say my knees were a knockin and I was too damned scared to be sick.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
So you can tell your grandkids you survived the wild man!

I spent the last last three years in the air force living out a B4 bag and on the road TDY all the time. That cost my marriage so I have no kids or grand kids. By the time I remarried we were too old for kids. The divorce rate in my outfit was something like 98% because we all traveled like that. And with a shooting war underway and me in the military and in harm's way, I refused to have kids who could likely wind up without a dad.
yeah, that sucks.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
I got my thrill by having my ass stuffed into the front seat of an F4 Phantom and being taken for a ride as they say. I shoulda known better because his handle was Wild Man and he had punched out over the North China Sea twice by them with two tours under his belt. Of course I was too young and stupid to know any better and jumped at the chance. Let's just say my knees were a knockin and I was too damned scared to be sick.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
So, you can tell your grandkids that you survived the 'Wild Man'!
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
I got my thrill by having my ass stuffed into the front seat of an F4 Phantom and being taken for a ride as they say. I shoulda known better because his handle was Wild Man and he had punched out over the North China Sea twice by them with two tours under his belt. Of course I was too young and stupid to know any better and jumped at the chance. Let's just say my knees were a knockin and I was too damned scared to be sick.
Thanks I just love this kinda stuff.
Like the gooney bird I think the herky bird is one of the best most versatile aircraft ever designed and built. I rode the things all over SEA. Sadly most of the air shows today are going the way of the dodo bird. No one seems intrested these days, especially today's young folks.
So true.

If I have any passion for something anymore (and I'll be honest, I don't really. I've just been drifting the past five years) it is aviation.

I love it all. From flight simulation to high-performance demonstration teams.

If there is an air show within 150 miles of me, I'm going. I simply love everything about it.

As I said in the OP, I"m Air Force so I'm biased. But that does not mean I think the Navy is inferior. Hell, they take more chances than the Air Force and there are discussion about that.

Either way, when you can feel the rumble of jet in your body as it passes you at 800mph, you're living.

You REALLY wanna experience living? Stand next to the cockpit of an FA-18 on the leading edge while the AD does full power turns to check the work he just did on the engine. That roar that passed through your body as the plane passed lasts around 10 min while they are doing checks. Your body will vibrate from the experience for a while afterwards.
So you can tell your grandkids you survived the wild man!

I spent the last last three years in the air force living out a B4 bag and on the road TDY all the time. That cost my marriage so I have no kids or grand kids. By the time I remarried we were too old for kids. The divorce rate in my outfit was something like 98% because we all traveled like that. And with a shooting war underway and me in the military and in harm's way, I refused to have kids who could likely wind up without a dad.
yeah, that sucks.
Sometimes there's a price to pay and some just have to pay it. Some call it duty. No one put a gun to my head. Besides I got off cheap as some paid more like their arms and legs and some paid with everything they had, their lives. I'd do it all again if I could and it was needed.
I'm an Air Force guy so I prefer the Thunderbirds.

But the Navy does some stuff that is pretty damn cool.

They like to make sure the fat lady sings at the end of the show so they put her on display.

Or, as they like to call her.

That sexy bitch.

The United States Navy Demonstration Team Blue Angels featuring Fat Albert.

ETA. That assault landing at the very end is impressive!!
USAF myself.

The C130 is an extremely versatile aircraft. Greatly over-winged they routinely take off on 3/4 engines. They're said to be able to maintain altitude with 1 engine per wing and land safely with 1 inside engine.

I worked on electronic equipment on the C130H in the late 70s.

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