WARNING! This thread has no links. To all you haters: Trump loves the USA.

success in China, the world's 2nd largest economy behind the US, can only boost the US dollar.
“I think our dollar is getting too strong, and partially that’s my fault because people have confidence in me, but that’s hurting — that will hurt ultimately.”
Donald Jackass Tramp, to Wall Street Journal
Why can't I be in the room when it dawns on a person like the OP that his hero doesn't have a patriotic bone in his body?
Trump ain't perfect. His wife hates him. Liberals hate him. Republicans hate him. The media hates him.
He's had affairs. He doesn't speak well. He's old and fat. He's orange.
I don't give a shit about all that.
Trump loves America.
Trump has the balls to stand up for America.
Trump will do whatever it takes to prevent this inevitable slide into a cesspool of third world sewage.
I want to personally thank President Trump for taking on the constant onslaught of leftist traitor outrage to protect our country for our children and grandchildren.
It's nice to finally have a president that works to protect citizens over government.
Dude, how in the fuck is Trump standing up for this country, when we have an election in less than 6 months and this white fuck head has yet to address the Russian interference issue???? How the fuck is that love for our democracy??? Your president is an opportunistic clown, he's just a photo opt. And yes he loves this country, a country that is fattening his families pockets $$$$$$$$$$$ day after day after day, damit I would love it too. And how in the hell is he protecting you fools....with impending price hikes, cancellation of your products to export, soon to be job losses??? You and people like you have got to get real..Trump is playing you fools and you're too gotdamned stupid to see it, Germany soon to be ingrates!!
Governments can't stop people from posting what they want to in social media. So if some Russian wants to turn into a fake news caster there is nothing Trump can do about it. It's called Free Fucking Speech.
Oh, we got us a free fuckin speech mf....the same free fuckin speech mf your fuckin president wants to squash with the NFL negros kinda free speech.....uhmmmmmm. Listen ass wipe, as president of the US, a term that guts me to say, the bitch should be trying to protect our democracy any which way he can, that is if he wants a fair election this nov......yeah right.
success in China, the world's 2nd largest economy behind the US, can only boost the US dollar.
“I think our dollar is getting too strong, and partially that’s my fault because people have confidence in me, but that’s hurting — that will hurt ultimately.”
Donald Jackass Tramp, to Wall Street Journal
Well Mr. Trump, those poll numbers will soon spiral, be patient bitch
Trump ain't perfect. His wife hates him. Liberals hate him. Republicans hate him. The media hates him.
He's had affairs. He doesn't speak well. He's old and fat. He's orange.
I don't give a shit about all that.
Trump loves America.
Trump has the balls to stand up for America.
Trump will do whatever it takes to prevent this inevitable slide into a cesspool of third world sewage.
I want to personally thank President Trump for taking on the constant onslaught of leftist traitor outrage to protect our country for our children and grandchildren.
It's nice to finally have a president that works to protect citizens over government.

Trump loves the America he has for himself.

He wouldn't love America if he were poor.
do they love being poor in 3rd world countries?
Trump ain't perfect. His wife hates him. Liberals hate him. Republicans hate him. The media hates him.
He's had affairs. He doesn't speak well. He's old and fat. He's orange.
I don't give a shit about all that.
Trump loves America.
Trump has the balls to stand up for America.
Trump will do whatever it takes to prevent this inevitable slide into a cesspool of third world sewage.
I want to personally thank President Trump for taking on the constant onslaught of leftist traitor outrage to protect our country for our children and grandchildren.
It's nice to finally have a president that works to protect citizens over government.

Trump gets elected....

Pulls out of TPP, China Wins....
Pulls out Iran Deal, Iran will sell Oil in China's new oil futures market, China Win...
ZTE, China Win...
Trade War with Europe & Canada, Russia Win...
North Korea having a meeting without conditions, North Korea Win...
Russia allowed to interfere with US Election 2016 with no consequences, Russia Win...
Every Country allowed to interfere with future US Elections with no consequences, All other countries Win...
US increase borrowing to over a Trillion a year, China Win...

there is many more...
Trump ain't perfect. His wife hates him. Liberals hate him. Republicans hate him. The media hates him.
He's had affairs. He doesn't speak well. He's old and fat. He's orange.
I don't give a shit about all that.
Trump loves America.
Trump has the balls to stand up for America.
Trump will do whatever it takes to prevent this inevitable slide into a cesspool of third world sewage.
I want to personally thank President Trump for taking on the constant onslaught of leftist traitor outrage to protect our country for our children and grandchildren.
It's nice to finally have a president that works to protect citizens over government.

Trump loves Trump, and little else.
And why these idiots who continue to support this ass ho, doesn't get that only God knows....Trump could give a fuck about this country, his role as president, anything....all this idiot cares about is photo ops and the headlines.....
Trump ain't perfect. His wife hates him. Liberals hate him. Republicans hate him. The media hates him.
He's had affairs. He doesn't speak well. He's old and fat. He's orange.
I don't give a shit about all that.
Trump loves America.
Trump has the balls to stand up for America.
Trump will do whatever it takes to prevent this inevitable slide into a cesspool of third world sewage.
I want to personally thank President Trump for taking on the constant onslaught of leftist traitor outrage to protect our country for our children and grandchildren.
It's nice to finally have a president that works to protect citizens over government.

Trump loves the America he has for himself.

He wouldn't love America if he were poor.
I wouldn't either.
Now that..is one very telling post! I appreciate your candor in revealing that your love for America is dependent on your income and status. It implies that were you to lose your income and status you would also lose your love for America.

You said it..for all to see.
Why would I love a country that wouldn't allow me to succeed? I'm not a liberal. Jeez.
Let me ask you something idiot...how in the fuck do you succeed with wages never growing, the rich getting richer by the hour, high gas prices never to be lowered again, the cost of goods soon to spiral out of control thanks to nazi nut Trump, a tax cut that nobody has really felt, soon to be higher premiums thanks to the mandate being gone, you tell me, you dumb pile of shit, succeed how?
Nice thread. I've figured out the leftists are just harassing normal people on this forum. I'm trying out picking a topic that interests me and going through cleaning out all the leftist obscene and negative people with the ignore list. They'll never be any good, after all. There's no point in ever reading that stuff.
Backwards, it's the normal people fighting against the tRumpkins.

Now put me on ignore and enjoy your echo chamber.

Okay, another mosquito swatted.
Nice thread. I've figured out the leftists are just harassing normal people on this forum. I'm trying out picking a topic that interests me and going through cleaning out all the leftist obscene and negative people with the ignore list. They'll never be any good, after all. There's no point in ever reading that stuff.
Trump ain't perfect. His wife hates him. Liberals hate him. Republicans hate him. The media hates him.
He's had affairs. He doesn't speak well. He's old and fat. He's orange.
I don't give a shit about all that.
Trump loves America.
Trump has the balls to stand up for America.
Trump will do whatever it takes to prevent this inevitable slide into a cesspool of third world sewage.
I want to personally thank President Trump for taking on the constant onslaught of leftist traitor outrage to protect our country for our children and grandchildren.
It's nice to finally have a president that works to protect citizens over government.

Trump loves Trump, and little else.
And why these idiots who continue to support this ass ho, doesn't get that only God knows....Trump could give a fuck about this country, his role as president, anything....all this idiot cares about is photo ops and the headlines.....
sounds an awful lot like obama, just toss in "weighing in on social issues and beating up the press" and they're about twins.
success in China, the world's 2nd largest economy behind the US, can only boost the US dollar.
“I think our dollar is getting too strong, and partially that’s my fault because people have confidence in me, but that’s hurting — that will hurt ultimately.”
Donald Jackass Tramp, to Wall Street Journal
Well Mr. Trump, those poll numbers will soon spiral, be patient bitch

Trump ain't perfect. His wife hates him. Liberals hate him. Republicans hate him. The media hates him.
He's had affairs. He doesn't speak well. He's old and fat. He's orange.
I don't give a shit about all that.
Trump loves America.
Trump has the balls to stand up for America.
Trump will do whatever it takes to prevent this inevitable slide into a cesspool of third world sewage.
I want to personally thank President Trump for taking on the constant onslaught of leftist traitor outrage to protect our country for our children and grandchildren.
It's nice to finally have a president that works to protect citizens over government.
Dude, how in the fuck is Trump standing up for this country, when we have an election in less than 6 months and this white fuck head has yet to address the Russian interference issue???? How the fuck is that love for our democracy??? Your president is an opportunistic clown, he's just a photo opt. And yes he loves this country, a country that is fattening his families pockets $$$$$$$$$$$ day after day after day, damit I would love it too. And how in the hell is he protecting you fools....with impending price hikes, cancellation of your products to export, soon to be job losses??? You and people like you have got to get real..Trump is playing you fools and you're too gotdamned stupid to see it, Germany soon to be ingrates!!

This “white fuck” is doing everything that filthy black fuck didn’t have the nutsack to do. That black bastard was too worried about losing street cred with the homies.
Trump champions America’s best...The Kenyan Zulu was the first American President to spend more on welfare than on military.
Trump has issued bonuses to military personnel...The bubble-lip brotha shit on them.
Trump has fought to restore constitutionality...The Zulu wrote his own constitution and shit on We The People.
Trump has stopped wetbacks in their tracks...The Zulu grew the illegal alien population by 25% or 2.5 million.
Trump has positioned America as the global powerhouse we’re intended to be...The nutless Zulu was the worlds BITCH.
I could go on and on...After eight years of ruling outside of constitutional guidelines and for the ghettos and barrios Trump has years of cleanup to do. Not to worry though, the filthy fucks like you among us will eventually get their shit right...or get run the fuck over. Simple shit.
Nice thread. I've figured out the leftists are just harassing normal people on this forum. I'm trying out picking a topic that interests me and going through cleaning out all the leftist obscene and negative people with the ignore list. They'll never be any good, after all. There's no point in ever reading that stuff.

"I've figured out the leftists are just harassing normal people on this forum"-Circe

"Normal people", don't trust people who constantly lie, who's history is littered with people they have screwed over financially and who's narcissism is unmatched.
Trump is a person, who most "normal people" would disdain and avoid like the plague..
Trump ain't perfect. His wife hates him. Liberals hate him. Republicans hate him. The media hates him.
He's had affairs. He doesn't speak well. He's old and fat. He's orange.
I don't give a shit about all that.
Trump loves America.
Trump has the balls to stand up for America.
Trump will do whatever it takes to prevent this inevitable slide into a cesspool of third world sewage.
I want to personally thank President Trump for taking on the constant onslaught of leftist traitor outrage to protect our country for our children and grandchildren.
It's nice to finally have a president that works to protect citizens over government.

Trump loves the America he has for himself.

He wouldn't love America if he were poor.
I wouldn't either.
Now that..is one very telling post! I appreciate your candor in revealing that your love for America is dependent on your income and status. It implies that were you to lose your income and status you would also lose your love for America.

You said it..for all to see.
Why would I love a country that wouldn't allow me to succeed? I'm not a liberal. Jeez.
Let me ask you something idiot...how in the fuck do you succeed with wages never growing, the rich getting richer by the hour, high gas prices never to be lowered again, the cost of goods soon to spiral out of control thanks to nazi nut Trump, a tax cut that nobody has really felt, soon to be higher premiums thanks to the mandate being gone, you tell me, you dumb pile of shit, succeed how?
You work your ass off, MORON. Allow me to educate you:
WORK - it's what responsible Americans do to support themselves and their families.
Trump ain't perfect. His wife hates him. Liberals hate him. Republicans hate him. The media hates him.
He's had affairs. He doesn't speak well. He's old and fat. He's orange.
I don't give a shit about all that.
Trump loves America.
Trump has the balls to stand up for America.
Trump will do whatever it takes to prevent this inevitable slide into a cesspool of third world sewage.
I want to personally thank President Trump for taking on the constant onslaught of leftist traitor outrage to protect our country for our children and grandchildren.
It's nice to finally have a president that works to protect citizens over government.
If trump loved America he would not have taken all those draft deferments and sent other guys to Vietnam in his place. Trump's love for America is fake.
Trump loves the America he has for himself.

He wouldn't love America if he were poor.
I wouldn't either.
Now that..is one very telling post! I appreciate your candor in revealing that your love for America is dependent on your income and status. It implies that were you to lose your income and status you would also lose your love for America.

You said it..for all to see.
Why would I love a country that wouldn't allow me to succeed? I'm not a liberal. Jeez.
Let me ask you something idiot...how in the fuck do you succeed with wages never growing, the rich getting richer by the hour, high gas prices never to be lowered again, the cost of goods soon to spiral out of control thanks to nazi nut Trump, a tax cut that nobody has really felt, soon to be higher premiums thanks to the mandate being gone, you tell me, you dumb pile of shit, succeed how?
You work your ass off, MORON. Allow me to educate you:
WORK - it's what responsible Americans do to support themselves and their families.

Black logic:
“Why cants I’s gets payd enuff to to feed mines five kids wit fo baby mamas? Shit, I’s should gets payd to sit on da couch and drank foties and smoke blunts....shit!”

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