WARNING: Tons of Gun Control Bills Came Out - HOUSE


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Well here we go. Anyone who can support this is totally ignorant of the second amendment, and how much of a failure gun control, gun free zones, and assault weapons bans are.

[ame=http://youtu.be/PceCIxT99yU]WARNING: Tons of Gun Control Bills Came Out - HOUSE - YouTube[/ame]
They can eat shit. I have a 15 round clip on my 9mm and I'll sell it or trade it to anyone I please. Fuck them.
Bet tons of those idiotic provisions get stuffed in the myriad of "emergency" bills coming up.
The gun show in Concord on the 13th is not going to get here fast enough.
They can eat shit. I have a 15 round clip on my 9mm and I'll sell it or trade it to anyone I please. Fuck them.

Don't get upset, nothing is going to change....watch and see

It's introduced by the minority in the House, so I'm sure you are right. i just like spouting off in defiance every once in a while. It's good for my rebel soul.
They can eat shit. I have a 15 round clip on my 9mm and I'll sell it or trade it to anyone I please. Fuck them.

Don't get upset, nothing is going to change....watch and see

It's introduced by the minority in the House, so I'm sure you are right. i just like spouting off in defiance every once in a while. It's good for my rebel soul.

That's no guarantee there are a few republicans that will go with the knee jerk reaction. Plus remember these people do backroom deals If you vote yes for passage of my bill I will make sure your bill get's passed. Let's take thew magazine ban as an example. it's not infringing on anyones right to keep and bear arms, it 's just a little old magazine what would it hurt to restrict the amount of ammo you can load with?
Illinois legislators think it's so damned important that they're ignoring the pension deficit problem.
Illinois legislators think it's so damned important that they're ignoring the pension deficit problem.

They're betting on a bail out from their dear leader. And I wouldn't bet against it.
Typical Liberals, playing politics with the deaths of children... Despicable to use tragedies to usurp the Freedoms of the American people. It's OK though... Whenever they embark down this tyrannical road with regards to gun control, they get their political asses handed to them.
Typical Liberals, playing politics with the deaths of children... Despicable to use tragedies to usurp the Freedoms of the American people. It's OK though... Whenever they embark down this tyrannical road with regards to gun control, they get their political asses handed to them.

That is just not true and you know it. People with good hearts don't want this to happen again. People like you only care that someone might take your toys away. You couldn't care less about these poor children or doing anything to stop it from happening again.

Noah Pozner's mother, Veronique, gave an interview recently. This was written by the interviewer:

I spent over an hour with Veronique; she talked me through her experience on December 14 and the days that followed. Her story was filled with moving and harrowing details: her dream of wandering an abandoned building calling out for Noah, her meeting with President Obama at a vigil at the local high school and her decision to get a tattoo of angel wings and Noah’s name the day after his death. The details that stuck with me the most — and the details which I felt most conflicted about putting in print — were Veronique’s descriptions of the damage to her son’s body. He was shot 11 times; she told me that his jaw and his left hand were mostly gone.

Veronique told me that Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy visited her in the funeral home, and she brought him to see Noah’s open casket. I asked her why it was important for her and for the governor to see Noah’s body. “I needed it to have a face for him,” she said. “If there is ever a piece of legislation that comes across his desk, I needed it to be real for him.”

Then, unprompted by me, Veronique described what she saw: “We all saw how beautiful he was. He had thick, shiny hair, beautiful long eyelashes that rested on his cheeks. He looked like he was sleeping. But the reality of it was under the cloth he had covering his mouth there was no mouth left. His jaw was blown away. I just want people to know the ugliness of it so we don’t talk about it abstractly, like these little angels just went to heaven. No. They were butchered. They were brutalized. And that is what haunts me at night.”

Wrestling With Details of Noah Pozner's Killing


And all you can do is whine about your gun rights. You're pathetic.
That is just not true and you know it. People with good hearts don't want this to happen again. People like you only care that someone might take your toys away. You couldn't care less about these poor children or doing anything to stop it from happening again.

:eusa_boohoo: "People like him" don't slaughter elementary school children, I'm willing to bet, so this claim is a pathetic emotional appeal that has no logical sway whatsoever.

I spent over an hour with Veronique; she talked me through her experience on December 14 and the days that followed. Her story was filled with moving and harrowing details: her dream of wandering an abandoned building calling out for Noah, her meeting with President Obama at a vigil at the local high school and her decision to get a tattoo of angel wings and Noah’s name the day after his death. The details that stuck with me the most — and the details which I felt most conflicted about putting in print — were Veronique’s descriptions of the damage to her son’s body. He was shot 11 times; she told me that his jaw and his left hand were mostly gone.

Oh dear. That is so gruesome and terrible that we must outlaw guns.

Seriously, you are doing EXACTLY what the previous post accused you of doing, which is trying to capitalize politically on a heinous and tragic crime.

Veronique told me that Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy visited her in the funeral home, and she brought him to see Noah’s open casket. I asked her why it was important for her and for the governor to see Noah’s body. “I needed it to have a face for him,” she said. “If there is ever a piece of legislation that comes across his desk, I needed it to be real for him.”

Then, unprompted by me, Veronique described what she saw: “We all saw how beautiful he was. He had thick, shiny hair, beautiful long eyelashes that rested on his cheeks. He looked like he was sleeping. But the reality of it was under the cloth he had covering his mouth there was no mouth left. His jaw was blown away. I just want people to know the ugliness of it so we don’t talk about it abstractly, like these little angels just went to heaven. No. They were butchered. They were brutalized. And that is what haunts me at night.”

What sickens me most about this continuous appeal to pity is that I feel dead inside thinking about impact of the death of a young child on his parent(s). And so to be using it for a political argument makes me feel all the more sick inside. It's really disgusting. I implore you to stop and think for a moment before you keep broadcasting this shit.

And all you can do is whine about your gun rights. You're pathetic.

No, what's pathetic is to capitalize on gruesome and tragic acts like you've just done. Have some fucking respect for Christ's sake.
Typical Liberals, playing politics with the deaths of children... Despicable to use tragedies to usurp the Freedoms of the American people. It's OK though... Whenever they embark down this tyrannical road with regards to gun control, they get their political asses handed to them.

That is just not true and you know it. People with good hearts don't want this to happen again. People like you only care that someone might take your toys away. You couldn't care less about these poor children or doing anything to stop it from happening again.

Noah Pozner's mother, Veronique, gave an interview recently. This was written by the interviewer:

I spent over an hour with Veronique; she talked me through her experience on December 14 and the days that followed. Her story was filled with moving and harrowing details: her dream of wandering an abandoned building calling out for Noah, her meeting with President Obama at a vigil at the local high school and her decision to get a tattoo of angel wings and Noah’s name the day after his death. The details that stuck with me the most — and the details which I felt most conflicted about putting in print — were Veronique’s descriptions of the damage to her son’s body. He was shot 11 times; she told me that his jaw and his left hand were mostly gone.

Veronique told me that Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy visited her in the funeral home, and she brought him to see Noah’s open casket. I asked her why it was important for her and for the governor to see Noah’s body. “I needed it to have a face for him,” she said. “If there is ever a piece of legislation that comes across his desk, I needed it to be real for him.”

Then, unprompted by me, Veronique described what she saw: “We all saw how beautiful he was. He had thick, shiny hair, beautiful long eyelashes that rested on his cheeks. He looked like he was sleeping. But the reality of it was under the cloth he had covering his mouth there was no mouth left. His jaw was blown away. I just want people to know the ugliness of it so we don’t talk about it abstractly, like these little angels just went to heaven. No. They were butchered. They were brutalized. And that is what haunts me at night.”

Wrestling With Details of Noah Pozner's Killing

View attachment 23572

And all you can do is whine about your gun rights. You're pathetic.

You're pathetic for wanting more dead children and defenseless people.
Typical Liberals, playing politics with the deaths of children... Despicable to use tragedies to usurp the Freedoms of the American people. It's OK though... Whenever they embark down this tyrannical road with regards to gun control, they get their political asses handed to them.

That is just not true and you know it. People with good hearts don't want this to happen again. People like you only care that someone might take your toys away. You couldn't care less about these poor children or doing anything to stop it from happening again.

Noah Pozner's mother, Veronique, gave an interview recently. This was written by the interviewer:

I spent over an hour with Veronique; she talked me through her experience on December 14 and the days that followed. Her story was filled with moving and harrowing details: her dream of wandering an abandoned building calling out for Noah, her meeting with President Obama at a vigil at the local high school and her decision to get a tattoo of angel wings and Noah’s name the day after his death. The details that stuck with me the most — and the details which I felt most conflicted about putting in print — were Veronique’s descriptions of the damage to her son’s body. He was shot 11 times; she told me that his jaw and his left hand were mostly gone.

Veronique told me that Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy visited her in the funeral home, and she brought him to see Noah’s open casket. I asked her why it was important for her and for the governor to see Noah’s body. “I needed it to have a face for him,” she said. “If there is ever a piece of legislation that comes across his desk, I needed it to be real for him.”

Then, unprompted by me, Veronique described what she saw: “We all saw how beautiful he was. He had thick, shiny hair, beautiful long eyelashes that rested on his cheeks. He looked like he was sleeping. But the reality of it was under the cloth he had covering his mouth there was no mouth left. His jaw was blown away. I just want people to know the ugliness of it so we don’t talk about it abstractly, like these little angels just went to heaven. No. They were butchered. They were brutalized. And that is what haunts me at night.”

Wrestling With Details of Noah Pozner's Killing

View attachment 23572

And all you can do is whine about your gun rights. You're pathetic.

Bullshit... Gun grabbers are playing upon people's emotions to usurp the people's Constitutionally protected Freedoms. Gun control never makes its presence known until their is a bloodbath to capitalize on, you know why numbskull? Because weak minded emotional train wrecks like yourself quit thinking rationally when there's a tragedy. You want to hand away your Freedoms for a false sense of security, you have the option not to own guns, but don't use the deaths of children to shove your twisted liberal gun control agenda down my throat. We all know gun control isn't about controlling guns... It's about Liberals taking control of people in there consistent efforts to instill their tyrannical utopian dream upon everyone else. You numbskull, are the one who is PATHETIC.
No, what's pathetic is to capitalize on gruesome and tragic acts like you've just done. Have some fucking respect for Christ's sake.

No what's pathetic is it has been so politicized at this point they have made me numb to the point I don't care.

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