Warning: Very Bad Gang Members and Drug Dealers Are Coming From Bahamas

Trump says US must be 'careful' about admitting people from Bahamas

"President Trump said Monday that the United States needs to be “careful” in making sure everyone entering the country from the Bahamas has proper documentation, suggesting dangerous individuals could sneak into the U.S. along with those seeking refuge following Hurricane Dorian."

We definitely do not need anymore violent thugs and drug dealers coming into our country from these shit hole places; besides its not like the whole island of the Bahamas got hit, why not make those subhuman animals remain on their own island. Trump was right to be concerned about gang members and drug dealers trying to sneak back in the U.S. using the hurricane as an excuse to expand their criminal activities back in the US where they escaped from previously.

100 potentially violent thugs were kicked off a boat headed for Florida yesterday for not having the proper documentation, the media tried to blame this on Trump just because Trump said "..everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there" -- but the Trump admin had nothing to do with why the operator of that ferry kicked off those people, but they still did the right thing regardless....less shithole people to worry about.....now if only we can deport the other inferior blacks out of our country

Trump needs to get a new script. Just because you don't have documentation does not mean you are a criminal. It may be too sophisticated for Trump to understand but the Bahamas are islands and you can't evacuate from a island. I guess the waters were rushing in and people were being swept away so I couldn't get my visa excuse isn't good enough. Women and children were forced off because of that garbage.

No one anticipated what happened. The hurricane stalling over the Bahamas.

The Bahamas are not a shithole. A lot of people went there on vacations. The shithole is your brain. You are the subhuman trash that infects this country.
Bahamas are an island. Surrounded by big water, ocean water

Every time One of these Carribeaner Islands gets wiped clean by a Hurricane. They cry for Americas Help. Here's an Idea. Make the Bahamas an American Resort like Disney World no Permanent residents just Temp quarters for staff and Visitors. Let the people profiting from the Tourism pay for the repairs. I'm sure insurance company's are flocking to the Bahamas to insure the Tin huts and hovels that will be rebuilt. How much is the Bahamas sending to South Carolina?
I say we should just exterminate all of those inferior muts and take over the islands for our own benefit.....

It's time we truly make America Great again
Trump says US must be 'careful' about admitting people from Bahamas

"President Trump said Monday that the United States needs to be “careful” in making sure everyone entering the country from the Bahamas has proper documentation, suggesting dangerous individuals could sneak into the U.S. along with those seeking refuge following Hurricane Dorian."

We definitely do not need anymore violent thugs and drug dealers coming into our country from these shit hole places; besides its not like the whole island of the Bahamas got hit, why not make those subhuman animals remain on their own island. Trump was right to be concerned about gang members and drug dealers trying to sneak back in the U.S. using the hurricane as an excuse to expand their criminal activities back in the US where they escaped from previously.

100 potentially violent thugs were kicked off a boat headed for Florida yesterday for not having the proper documentation, the media tried to blame this on Trump just because Trump said "..everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there" -- but the Trump admin had nothing to do with why the operator of that ferry kicked off those people, but they still did the right thing regardless....less shithole people to worry about.....now if only we can deport the other inferior blacks out of our country

Trump needs to get a new script. Just because you don't have documentation does not mean you are a criminal. It may be too sophisticated for Trump to understand but the Bahamas are islands and you can't evacuate from a island. I guess the waters were rushing in and people were being swept away so I couldn't get my visa excuse isn't good enough. Women and children were forced off because of that garbage.

No one anticipated what happened. The hurricane stalling over the Bahamas.

The Bahamas are not a shithole. A lot of people went there on vacations. The shithole is your brain. You are the subhuman trash that infects this country.
Bahamas are an island. Surrounded by big water, ocean water

Which means you can't evacuate easily. You would think Trump would know that.

A whole lot of Cocaine has been washing up on the US coast Post Hurricane Dorian The Bahamas are 60 miles away and got flattened and a lot of things got washed out to sea. I think there may be a problem with drugs on the Islands. Just sayin' what everyone already knows!
I honestly don't do the "Democrat slander" thing, but his attitude toward immigrants has been atrocious since 2015 and every danged one of the groups--Muslims, Mexicans, Africans, Bahamians....have not been white. I have long said I didn't know if he was racist....but the pattern is getting too obvious to ignore. I'm still a little wondering, but not much.
You continue to do the Democrat slander thing with every post. Trump has shown no problems with legal immigrants who have been properly vetted. You continue to see nothing but skin color or religion when you look at people, so you really should consider if you are the racist, not the President.
The Bahamians coming into this country with passports and visas and background checks and clean criminal histories are not ILLEGALS, so what is he on about, then? The Bahamians are not a danger to US citizens. Trump has no reason to be "warning" us about them. It is to place in our minds the suspicion that these Bahamians are bad people.
I don't think that's right.
Now tell me who is the racist.
Clearly, you are and that's why you continue to lie about the President. He said the US must guard against these dangerous criminals sneaking into the country among legitimate refugees, yet you claim he is calling all Bahamians "bad" people because all you can see is skin color.
You're the one focusing on the race thing. I'm trying to get it through your thick skull that the issue is that there is no way for dangerous criminals to sneak into the country among legitimate refugees because WE ARE NOT ADMITTING ANYONE WHO HASN'T GOT CURRENT DOCUMENTS and clean background checks.
If it makes you feel good to keep calling me a racist, go for it, but that's not the important part here. What IS important is what you are trying so hard to ignore--the fact that Trump is shitting all over these homeless people. Why? I think it might be because they're not Norwegian.
lol Actually, you are the one who is obsessed with race, in this post as in all your others. The President is not "shitting all over these homeless people" he is merely stating what you have acknowledged, that he is doing everything he can to prevent the criminals from coming in along with the refugees. The President clearly sees the difference between the refugees and the criminals, but you seem to be unable to see anything beyond the color of their skin.
The President is the one who is having trouble seeing the difference between refugees and the criminals! HE is the one advertising that Bahamas has a problem with very very bad drug dealers who might try to sneak into our country!!! I am not the one doing that. TRUMP his very own self is conflating these homeless people with criminals for no reason. The border and customs agents are already taking care. No sense to be broadcasting that news. At. All.
WHAT DANGER? Specifically, explain what you and the President see as the danger. Specifically. Give me an example or something, because it seems to me that you are either buying into his nightmare or one of those creatures in his base that really ought to go back under your rock.
The President was explaining why it was necessary to be extra careful about screening the people from the Bahamas because of their very high crime rate and their gang and drug issues. In these situations, there is always the temptation to ignore the potential dangers of allowing people in without carefully screening them because we feel sorry for them. The Democrats have been doing this in opposing every possible measure to establish border security on our southern border by trying to get people to overlook the dangers out of feelings of pity.

Give it up, there is no rational basis for suggesting the President is a racist.
There's always an excuse, and there are always completely unnecessary and half erroneous statements made by Trump slamming the immigrants of the day, whether they're from shitholes in Africa, from Mexico or Guatemala. Or now the Bahamas. You see any white faces from Norway in there?
Typical Democrat slander. Again, there is no rational basis for calling the President a racist. Perhaps people like you who see only skin color should wonder if they are racists.

Yes there is. Trump has stirred the pot against everyone except white males. That is why Republicans have lost Muslims, Blacks, Asians and Hispanics.
In fact, it is the Democrats who are stirring the pot against all minorities in the hope that they can gain some votes by this method. There is nothing the President has done or said that can reasonably be considered racist if reported honestly, but just about everything the Democrats do or say is based on skin color or religion or gender rather than what the individual actually says or does.
The President may not be a racist, but if not he is one helluva snob. I suppose that's possible, too, being born with a silver spoon in his mouth and being raised in the elite of New York City. People without a lot of money and education have no interest for him. Just because they have built all his businesses and keep them clean and keep them working, he could care less.
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Have you ever been to the Bahama's? The people are too laid back to have "very bad gang members". LOL

"Hey, come over here so I can rob you" LOL
What a vision it must be from your left wing elitist ivory tower. You really are dumb.
You continue to do the Democrat slander thing with every post. Trump has shown no problems with legal immigrants who have been properly vetted. You continue to see nothing but skin color or religion when you look at people, so you really should consider if you are the racist, not the President.
The Bahamians coming into this country with passports and visas and background checks and clean criminal histories are not ILLEGALS, so what is he on about, then? The Bahamians are not a danger to US citizens. Trump has no reason to be "warning" us about them. It is to place in our minds the suspicion that these Bahamians are bad people.
I don't think that's right.
Now tell me who is the racist.
Clearly, you are and that's why you continue to lie about the President. He said the US must guard against these dangerous criminals sneaking into the country among legitimate refugees, yet you claim he is calling all Bahamians "bad" people because all you can see is skin color.
You're the one focusing on the race thing. I'm trying to get it through your thick skull that the issue is that there is no way for dangerous criminals to sneak into the country among legitimate refugees because WE ARE NOT ADMITTING ANYONE WHO HASN'T GOT CURRENT DOCUMENTS and clean background checks.
If it makes you feel good to keep calling me a racist, go for it, but that's not the important part here. What IS important is what you are trying so hard to ignore--the fact that Trump is shitting all over these homeless people. Why? I think it might be because they're not Norwegian.
lol Actually, you are the one who is obsessed with race, in this post as in all your others. The President is not "shitting all over these homeless people" he is merely stating what you have acknowledged, that he is doing everything he can to prevent the criminals from coming in along with the refugees. The President clearly sees the difference between the refugees and the criminals, but you seem to be unable to see anything beyond the color of their skin.
The President is the one who is having trouble seeing the difference between refugees and the criminals! HE is the one advertising that Bahamas has a problem with very very bad drug dealers who might try to sneak into our country!!! I am not the one doing that. TRUMP his very own self is conflating these homeless people with criminals for no reason. The border and customs agents are already taking care. No sense to be broadcasting that news. At. All.
The President was very clear that most of the refugees were not criminals but that Bahamas had a very bad crime wave and gang, guns and drugs problems and the US had to be careful not to allow these criminals to enter the US. To your mind, if you criticize one black person you must be a racist.

That's the thinking in the Democratic Party today, that your race is more important than what you do or say. Your mind is confused, your vision is skewed. The President says his administration is working hard to prevent criminals from entering the US among the refugees and you commend him for that and then call him a racist for that. You have clearly lost your mind.
The President was explaining why it was necessary to be extra careful about screening the people from the Bahamas because of their very high crime rate and their gang and drug issues. In these situations, there is always the temptation to ignore the potential dangers of allowing people in without carefully screening them because we feel sorry for them. The Democrats have been doing this in opposing every possible measure to establish border security on our southern border by trying to get people to overlook the dangers out of feelings of pity.

Give it up, there is no rational basis for suggesting the President is a racist.
There's always an excuse, and there are always completely unnecessary and half erroneous statements made by Trump slamming the immigrants of the day, whether they're from shitholes in Africa, from Mexico or Guatemala. Or now the Bahamas. You see any white faces from Norway in there?
Typical Democrat slander. Again, there is no rational basis for calling the President a racist. Perhaps people like you who see only skin color should wonder if they are racists.

Yes there is. Trump has stirred the pot against everyone except white males. That is why Republicans have lost Muslims, Blacks, Asians and Hispanics.
In fact, it is the Democrats who are stirring the pot against all minorities in the hope that they can gain some votes by this method. There is nothing the President has done or said that can reasonably be considered racist if reported honestly, but just about everything the Democrats do or say is based on skin color or religion or gender rather than what the individual actually says or does.
The President may not be a racist, but if not he is one helluva snob. I suppose that's possible, too, being born with a silver spoon in his mouth and being raised in the elite of New York City. People without a lot of money and education have no interest for him. Just because they have built all his businesses and keep them clean and keep them working, he could care less.
There is so much irrational hate in you that you felt the need to go off topic to spew more of it.
There's always an excuse, and there are always completely unnecessary and half erroneous statements made by Trump slamming the immigrants of the day, whether they're from shitholes in Africa, from Mexico or Guatemala. Or now the Bahamas. You see any white faces from Norway in there?
Typical Democrat slander. Again, there is no rational basis for calling the President a racist. Perhaps people like you who see only skin color should wonder if they are racists.

Yes there is. Trump has stirred the pot against everyone except white males. That is why Republicans have lost Muslims, Blacks, Asians and Hispanics.
In fact, it is the Democrats who are stirring the pot against all minorities in the hope that they can gain some votes by this method. There is nothing the President has done or said that can reasonably be considered racist if reported honestly, but just about everything the Democrats do or say is based on skin color or religion or gender rather than what the individual actually says or does.

You really live on Fantasy Island. The fact is that Trump is a racist and a sexist and every other ist you can think of.
You are an indoctrinated idiot.

You are the indoctrinated fool.
Typical Democrat slander. Again, there is no rational basis for calling the President a racist. Perhaps people like you who see only skin color should wonder if they are racists.

Yes there is. Trump has stirred the pot against everyone except white males. That is why Republicans have lost Muslims, Blacks, Asians and Hispanics.
In fact, it is the Democrats who are stirring the pot against all minorities in the hope that they can gain some votes by this method. There is nothing the President has done or said that can reasonably be considered racist if reported honestly, but just about everything the Democrats do or say is based on skin color or religion or gender rather than what the individual actually says or does.

You really live on Fantasy Island. The fact is that Trump is a racist and a sexist and every other ist you can think of.
You are an indoctrinated idiot.

You are the indoctrinated fool.
You think so?
Six Giant Corporations Control the Media, and Americans Consume 10 Hours of ‘Programming’ a Day
Trump says US must be 'careful' about admitting people from Bahamas

"President Trump said Monday that the United States needs to be “careful” in making sure everyone entering the country from the Bahamas has proper documentation, suggesting dangerous individuals could sneak into the U.S. along with those seeking refuge following Hurricane Dorian."

We definitely do not need anymore violent thugs and drug dealers coming into our country from these shit hole places; besides its not like the whole island of the Bahamas got hit, why not make those subhuman animals remain on their own island. Trump was right to be concerned about gang members and drug dealers trying to sneak back in the U.S. using the hurricane as an excuse to expand their criminal activities back in the US where they escaped from previously.

100 potentially violent thugs were kicked off a boat headed for Florida yesterday for not having the proper documentation, the media tried to blame this on Trump just because Trump said "..everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there" -- but the Trump admin had nothing to do with why the operator of that ferry kicked off those people, but they still did the right thing regardless....less shithole people to worry about.....now if only we can deport the other inferior blacks out of our country

Trump needs to get a new script. Just because you don't have documentation does not mean you are a criminal. It may be too sophisticated for Trump to understand but the Bahamas are islands and you can't evacuate from a island. I guess the waters were rushing in and people were being swept away so I couldn't get my visa excuse isn't good enough. Women and children were forced off because of that garbage.

No one anticipated what happened. The hurricane stalling over the Bahamas.

The Bahamas are not a shithole. A lot of people went there on vacations. The shithole is your brain. You are the subhuman trash that infects this country.
Bahamas are an island. Surrounded by big water, ocean water

Which means you can't evacuate easily. You would think Trump would know that.

A whole lot of Cocaine has been washing up on the US coast Post Hurricane Dorian The Bahamas are 60 miles away and got flattened and a lot of things got washed out to sea. I think there may be a problem with drugs on the Islands. Just sayin' what everyone already knows!

The DEA does not know that. The DEA's annual report states that 7% of the cocaine comes through the Caribbean. Mexico is by far the most popular route. There is nothing to this. Trump is trying to create a boogeyman to disguise his racism.
A whole lot of Cocaine has been washing up on the US coast Post Hurricane Dorian The Bahamas are 60 miles away and got flattened and a lot of things got washed out to sea. I think there may be a problem with drugs on the Islands. Just sayin' what everyone already knows!
Liberals want us to end the war on drugs. Many of them now plan vacations to Colorado so they can get stoned.
He was talking about illegals coming in with them.
Have you morons ever heard of context? Good gawd almighty
Oh my God an illegal might sneak in! End of the world!
Trump says US must be 'careful' about admitting people from Bahamas

"President Trump said Monday that the United States needs to be “careful” in ...

"... unnecessarily stirring up anger and fear that could get someone killed."

I don't know if this motherfucker is evil, or just stupid, but he's one shitstain of a leader. Of course we should be careful, we should always be careful. Him saying that publicly doesn't change that at all. All it does is stir up anger and fear among the Trumpster morons. That's his only intent.
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Trump says US must be 'careful' about admitting people from Bahamas

"President Trump said Monday that the United States needs to be “careful” in making sure everyone entering the country from the Bahamas has proper documentation, suggesting dangerous individuals could sneak into the U.S. along with those seeking refuge following Hurricane Dorian."

We definitely do not need anymore violent thugs and drug dealers coming into our country from these shit hole places; besides its not like the whole island of the Bahamas got hit, why not make those subhuman animals remain on their own island. Trump was right to be concerned about gang members and drug dealers trying to sneak back in the U.S. using the hurricane as an excuse to expand their criminal activities back in the US where they escaped from previously.

100 potentially violent thugs were kicked off a boat headed for Florida yesterday for not having the proper documentation, the media tried to blame this on Trump just because Trump said "..everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there" -- but the Trump admin had nothing to do with why the operator of that ferry kicked off those people, but they still did the right thing regardless....less shithole people to worry about.....now if only we can deport the other inferior blacks out of our country

Trump needs to get a new script. Just because you don't have documentation does not mean you are a criminal. It may be too sophisticated for Trump to understand but the Bahamas are islands and you can't evacuate from a island. I guess the waters were rushing in and people were being swept away so I couldn't get my visa excuse isn't good enough. Women and children were forced off because of that garbage.

No one anticipated what happened. The hurricane stalling over the Bahamas.

The Bahamas are not a shithole. A lot of people went there on vacations. The shithole is your brain. You are the subhuman trash that infects this country.
Bahamas are an island. Surrounded by big water, ocean water

Which means you can't evacuate easily. You would think Trump would know that.

A whole lot of Cocaine has been washing up on the US coast Post Hurricane Dorian The Bahamas are 60 miles away and got flattened and a lot of things got washed out to sea. I think there may be a problem with drugs on the Islands. Just sayin' what everyone already knows!

The DEA does not know that. The DEA's annual report states that 7% of the cocaine comes through the Caribbean. Mexico is by far the most popular route. There is nothing to this. Trump is trying to create a boogeyman to disguise his racism.
He was talking about illegals coming in with them.
Have you morons ever heard of context? Good gawd almighty
Oh my God an illegal might sneak in! End of the world!
If it is one of them that likes to kill Americans it is the end of their world.
Loser moderator coyote laughs but dont say anything.
Like that totalitarian criminal lover has the moral authority
Loser moderator coyote laughs but dont say anything.
Like that totalitarian criminal lover has the moral authority
You don’t believe in moral authority, TN.

At least not until you have been wronged. Then you do.

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