Warning: Very Bad Gang Members and Drug Dealers Are Coming From Bahamas

You continue to do the Democrat slander thing with every post. Trump has shown no problems with legal immigrants who have been properly vetted. You continue to see nothing but skin color or religion when you look at people, so you really should consider if you are the racist, not the President.
The Bahamians coming into this country with passports and visas and background checks and clean criminal histories are not ILLEGALS, so what is he on about, then? The Bahamians are not a danger to US citizens. Trump has no reason to be "warning" us about them. It is to place in our minds the suspicion that these Bahamians are bad people.
I don't think that's right.
Now tell me who is the racist.
Clearly, you are and that's why you continue to lie about the President. He said the US must guard against these dangerous criminals sneaking into the country among legitimate refugees, yet you claim he is calling all Bahamians "bad" people because all you can see is skin color.
You're the one focusing on the race thing. I'm trying to get it through your thick skull that the issue is that there is no way for dangerous criminals to sneak into the country among legitimate refugees because WE ARE NOT ADMITTING ANYONE WHO HASN'T GOT CURRENT DOCUMENTS and clean background checks.
If it makes you feel good to keep calling me a racist, go for it, but that's not the important part here. What IS important is what you are trying so hard to ignore--the fact that Trump is shitting all over these homeless people. Why? I think it might be because they're not Norwegian.
lol Actually, you are the one who is obsessed with race, in this post as in all your others. The President is not "shitting all over these homeless people" he is merely stating what you have acknowledged, that he is doing everything he can to prevent the criminals from coming in along with the refugees. The President clearly sees the difference between the refugees and the criminals, but you seem to be unable to see anything beyond the color of their skin.
The President is the one who is having trouble seeing the difference between refugees and the criminals! HE is the one advertising that Bahamas has a problem with very very bad drug dealers who might try to sneak into our country!!! I am not the one doing that. TRUMP his very own self is conflating these homeless people with criminals for no reason. The border and customs agents are already taking care. No sense to be broadcasting that news. At. All.
Aren’t all people, who enter our country illegally, criminals?
He was talking about illegals coming in with them.
Have you morons ever heard of context? Good gawd almighty
Oh my God an illegal might sneak in! End of the world!
My post proved this thread was bullshit.
Why dont you google bahamas illegal gang activity.
Maybe you wont be so self righteously ignorant.

The people on the ship were already cleared to be admitted to Florida -- they had clean criminal backgrounds.....but hey, they look like drug dealers and rapists -- especially that father they interviewed holding his child -- we all know he was a child sex trafficker, just look at him...all dark and yucky looking....Ewww


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