Warnock should be favorite against Herschel Walker in Georgia

Should be an interesting race

Walker is a former Football Star but is naive about politics and will be told to keep his mouth shut and just speak motherhood and apple pie.

If he is drawn into public debate, he is doomed
Can Warnock win on his record?
Can you list what he’s done?
This Senate seat should be won by Warnock again, as he faces a man who dodges debates and is kind of crazy.
I would vote for a conservative debate dodger over a corrupt, lying, criminal, leftist extremist any day of the week...and myople times on Sunday...and other days of the week like Democrats do.


Warnock is the lite, male version of Stacy Abrams .... except he has never been the Intergalactic President like Abrams.

He voted for the infrastructure bill, gun control, voter rights, healthcare

Something Walker will not do
Corruption of the Progs in all. 1.2 Trillion for infrastructure and only 110 Billion of it for roads and bridges. 600 Billion Dollars is needed minimally for that. Progs waste so much.
Opponent "kind of crazy"? Another astute political analysis by the moronic left.
Walker is mentally ill, literally. he knows more about each of his personalities than he does about policy.
You leftards want “mentally ill” ignorant folks to vote…why not a mentally ill candidate?

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