Warren Admits She Was Trying To End Bloomberg's Campaign Run Before Hers Tanked

He could lose $2 billion in his couch cushions and never notice it.

You keep bragging how the guy could waste billions of dollars and never get anything accomplished as if that is a critically important 'POSITIVE' trait for him as President for you.....

:p LOL

Never was the point, and you know that. It's in direct refutation of y'all's whining about "waaah, he spent so much money" and the whole time STILL thinking his objective was actually getting the nomination.

How big IS that Special Bus?

Look at it this way ------------ if he "never got anything accomplished" how is it y'all whiners are investing in all these threads about him? Oooooooooopsie. Miss the point much?
I don't agree with anyone saying Bloomberg's short run (hah) didn't accomplish anything. I agree with the analysis that Mayor Pete almost pulled it off but Bernie being able to deny he lost Iowa for so long, and then Klobachar somehow being the NH "news." But Mayor Pete just had no path in the South. So, how could he be "the one" to stop Bernie. Bloomberg did make a peace with the blacks here in Miss, even though Biden was obviously the first choice …. but if it was Trump or Bloomberg, I'd guess the blacks would get on board the Bloomberg bus.

but his whole demeanor turned out to be "how can anyone question me?" Warren says she exposed him because he was a "false prophet" in terms of being the guy who could take on Trump. Trump would have killed him on live TV.

I'm not saying Biden's the guy, but Biden looks a lot better than he did before SC. Imo he's still got to answer the question of what Hunter would do if Joe was potus (and Joe has 25 mil or so from his post VP gigs, and if elected he'll not be needing the nest egg himself) and he's got to be willing to roll in the mud by exposing the Trump kids.
What could Trump say about Bloomberg that Trump did not do worse? ndas? wealth? calling women names? Stop & frisk ? Trump loved stop & frisk.

I meant in a debate. I just didn't expect to see Bloomberg not be a "scrapper."
I meant in a debate. I just didn't expect to see Bloomberg not be a "scrapper."

I think just about EVERYONE was shocked to see Bloomberg resemble a dead fish in person at the debate. After Warren landed those 'hay-makers' he looked completely shell-shocked.

Warren says she was trying to end
Bloomberg's campaign with debate attacks

....and she did a damn fine job.

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren(D-Mass) confirmed that she was trying to end former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s presidential campaign through her attacks on him in several Democratic primary debates and warned that Bloomberg’s candidacy was neither good for democracy or the Democratic party."

Warren can't take ALL the credit, though - 'Stops and Frisk', 'Violent Young Carbon Copy Blacks', all the 'Non-Disclosure Agreements', and the complete lack of (height :p ) personality / stage presence was ALL 'Mini-Mike'. Warren just hammered those 'flaws'.

Warren says she was trying to end Bloomberg's campaign with debate attacks
It is the norm to attack your political opponent. Nothing new there.
Sounds like sour grapes from a candidate who couldn't do better than 3rd in her home state. There isn't much about Warren that is authentic.

I know even John Kasich was able to win Ohio in 2016. I think Warren made a deal to stay in and suppress the vote for Bernie. She's already been bought off and will soon be supporting Biden. I think she's probably been asked to hold off endorsing Biden till after the next debate to give the MSM something to deflect from having to discuss Biden's debate gaffes.
IF she supports Biden, the main reason will be that she thinks he has the best bet to beat Trump. She is a democrat for real. I admire here up from not a privledged back ground and a pretty bleak emotional place. Her grandmother seems to have been a special good kind of person though. I just saw her as an egotist law professor who just knew she was right. But if Biden is going to win, he needs to slide left on Wall St and banks. I mean Trump and the Fed and Muchkin and banks scares ME. I wouldn't want her running Wall St, but Madoff might be at home there now. LOL

I don't see what she's done that's wrong. Bernie shows ZERO ability to modify his message to actually get votes.
But if Biden is going to win, he needs to slide left on Wall St and banks.

Making a deal with the guy who declared, 'YES, I AM COMING HOUSE-TO-HOUSE FOR YOUR GUNS', is sliding pretty far Left. I think he has that covered....

Warren says she was trying to end
Bloomberg's campaign with debate attacks

....and she did a damn fine job.

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren(D-Mass) confirmed that she was trying to end former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s presidential campaign through her attacks on him in several Democratic primary debates and warned that Bloomberg’s candidacy was neither good for democracy or the Democratic party."

Warren can't take ALL the credit, though - 'Stops and Frisk', 'Violent Young Carbon Copy Blacks', all the 'Non-Disclosure Agreements', and the complete lack of (height :p ) personality / stage presence was ALL 'Mini-Mike'. Warren just hammered those 'flaws'.

Warren says she was trying to end Bloomberg's campaign with debate attacks
It is the norm to attack your political opponent. Nothing new there.

Well my wife and I are both HW type gopers, and she voted for Reagan "a bunch of times" I liked Steve Forbes. Bloomberg really is a republican, so he was sort of appealing to us. My wife actually liked his "I'm a manager" approach, rather that bat screeching. I agree, but when Warren jumped him I just expected him to look at her and say "I created hundreds of thousands of jobs that made people wealthy, and all you can do is give speeches to Wall St for money and sit on the sidelines and complain about people making money." Or something like that.

And "you can't beat Trump cause you've never made jobs, and while he lies about doing it, I do it every day."
Sounds like sour grapes from a candidate who couldn't do better than 3rd in her home state. There isn't much about Warren that is authentic.

I know even John Kasich was able to win Ohio in 2016. I think Warren made a deal to stay in and suppress the vote for Bernie. She's already been bought off and will soon be supporting Biden. I think she's probably been asked to hold off endorsing Biden till after the next debate to give the MSM something to deflect from having to discuss Biden's debate gaffes.
IF she supports Biden, the main reason will be that she thinks he has the best bet to beat Trump. She is a democrat for real. I admire here up from not a privledged back ground and a pretty bleak emotional place. Her grandmother seems to have been a special good kind of person though. I just saw her as an egotist law professor who just knew she was right. But if Biden is going to win, he needs to slide left on Wall St and banks. I mean Trump and the Fed and Muchkin and banks scares ME. I wouldn't want her running Wall St, but Madoff might be at home there now. LOL

I don't see what she's done that's wrong. Bernie shows ZERO ability to modify his message to actually get votes.

I reread that and realized I could have been posting about Obama. LOL

. Her grandmother seems to have been a special good kind of person though. I just saw her as an egotist law professor who just knew she was right

I could never vote against McCain and like Romney, but Obama had the courage to be against the invasion when it was not popular to be against W's war. I think Obama had a little more going for him than Warren
So you're admitting you STILL think the point was to actually get the nomination.

Damn, read my last post responding to RealDave...twice if you have to.....Warren just admitted her goal was to take out Mini-Mike before her own campaign went bust.

I understand that, and she did get some mileage out of it.

What you're not hearing is that Bloomberg's objective wasn't winning the nomination in the first place.
He could lose $2 billion in his couch cushions and never notice it.

You keep bragging how the guy could waste billions of dollars and never get anything accomplished as if that is a critically important 'POSITIVE' trait for him as President for you.....

:p LOL

Never was the point, and you know that. It's in direct refutation of y'all's whining about "waaah, he spent so much money" and the whole time STILL thinking his objective was actually getting the nomination.

How big IS that Special Bus?

Look at it this way ------------ if he "never got anything accomplished" how is it y'all whiners are investing in all these threads about him? Oooooooooopsie. Miss the point much?
I don't agree with anyone saying Bloomberg's short run (hah) didn't accomplish anything. I agree with the analysis that Mayor Pete almost pulled it off but Bernie being able to deny he lost Iowa for so long, and then Klobachar somehow being the NH "news." But Mayor Pete just had no path in the South. So, how could he be "the one" to stop Bernie. Bloomberg did make a peace with the blacks here in Miss, even though Biden was obviously the first choice …. but if it was Trump or Bloomberg, I'd guess the blacks would get on board the Bloomberg bus.

but his whole demeanor turned out to be "how can anyone question me?" Warren says she exposed him because he was a "false prophet" in terms of being the guy who could take on Trump. Trump would have killed him on live TV.

I'm not saying Biden's the guy, but Biden looks a lot better than he did before SC. Imo he's still got to answer the question of what Hunter would do if Joe was potus (and Joe has 25 mil or so from his post VP gigs, and if elected he'll not be needing the nest egg himself) and he's got to be willing to roll in the mud by exposing the Trump kids.
What could Trump say about Bloomberg that Trump did not do worse? ndas? wealth? calling women names? Stop & frisk ? Trump loved stop & frisk.

I meant in a debate. I just didn't expect to see Bloomberg not be a "scrapper."
His first one. Everyone gets killed in their first one.
So you're admitting you STILL think the point was to actually get the nomination.

Damn, read my last post responding to RealDave...twice if you have to.....Warren just admitted her goal was to take out Mini-Mike before her own campaign went bust.

I understand that, and she did get some mileage out of it.

What you're not hearing is that Bloomberg's objective wasn't winning the nomination in the first place.
Imo Bloomberg always saw himself as the last line of defense against Trump. But if he'd been in it to win, he'd have been in it a lot earlier. He actually had more favorable territory in NH than in Super Tue.
Well............we know the Orange Fraud was trying to end Biden's campaign when he extorted Zelensky so...............
Unfortunately for Warren, she does not platy politics well & killed her own campaign. She had no path to beating Bernie without help from other Democrats like Bloomberg.

Agree...but IMO Warren never had a shot. Once called on the entire career-long self-proclaimed 'Native American' bit was debunked and she just continued to make bogus claims that kept EASILY being debunked (her own FAMILY came out to declare she was lying about their father) she 'peaked' / hit the proverbial 'ceiling' for her. It did not help that she and Bernie were 'fishing form the same pond' for voters.

If she had somehow stayed in the race and Biden gets / got taken down before the Convention, the entire DNC would have backed her rather than Bernie....but, alas, it was not meant to be.

NOBODY has a "career-long proclamation" just because you make a career out of hanging it on her.
What you're not hearing is that Bloomberg's objective wasn't winning the nomination in the first place.
If it was to waste $500 Million, he succeeded.

If it was to 'beat and bloody' Trump, he failed - he was the one who took a beating.

If it was to ALMOST resurrect Warren's dying campaign, he almost succeeded.
Well............we know the Orange Fraud was trying to end Biden's campaign when he extorted Zelensky so...............
Except that never happened, as the House so generously proved by showing no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses.

If the Democrat nominee does not take donations from people like Bloomberg, they will get slaughtered. Bernie & Warren would not.
What you're not hearing is that Bloomberg's objective wasn't winning the nomination in the first place.
If it was to waste $500 Million, he succeeded.

If it was to 'beat and bloody' Trump, he failed - he was the one who took a beating.

If it was to ALMOST resurrect Warren's dying campaign, he almost succeeded.
Trump is taking a beating from the Bloomberg ads.
Trump is a lot like Bloomberg, but less intelligent and more vulgar.
Hmmmm.....Bloomberg has no personality, no stage presence, severed himself and his own agenda, got nothing accomplished on his own, did win as a Republican, needs a BOX, and is a loser who will watch the Presidential election on TV instead of being in it..... Nope, sorry...don't see the likeness.


Meh --- the argument could be made either way. It's true they're both New Yorkers who will ride with whatever political party is convenient at the time but that might be where similarities end. Bloomberg has had actual jobs, which generated him 60-whatever billion bucks, while Rump stood still long enough for Daddy to hand him money. Bloomberg has a degree in Electrical Engineering while Rump has a "personal Vietnam" in New York sex clubs enabled by "bone spurs". Bloomberg has made and given away billions at the same time Rump was doing a TV show where he insulted people, showed up at fake-wrestling events, invented his own fake press agents to plant gossip stories, and invented a fake magazine cover. Bloomberg grew a tech/media empire while Rump was collapsing casinos, grounding an airline, destroying the USFL. and hawking personalized vitamins where you mail in your pee.

So yeah, I agree with you. They're not much alike at all.

Agreed. You also have 6'3" vs. 4'11" (with lifts?) but much more importantly you have 304 Electoral College votes vs..... hmm.... fucking ZERO.


And by the way the mention of "304 Electrical College votes" brings us to Today's Fun Fact:

Since the Twelfth Amendment changed the way the EC works (in 1804) to separate votes for POTUS and VPOTUS, Rump is the only POTUS in all that time to get fewer Electoral votes than his own running mate (Pence got 305).

Which just underscores that when Rump was claiming to have got more Electoral Votes than anyone since Henry VIII, the presence of the guy standing next to him already disproved it.
If the Democrat nominee does not take donations from people like Bloomberg, they will get slaughtered. Bernie & Warren would not.

Even if they do, they will get slaughtered. Bloomberg's $500 million ass-beating just proved money can't buy the Presidency....especially in an economy like this.
Trump is taking a beating from the Bloomberg ads.

IMO, one of Bloomberg's BIGGEST mistakes was buying and running ads during his 1st debate - People saw the strong, confident Bloomberg in the ads...then saw the shell-shocked Bloomberg debater....and they weren't the same person.

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