Warren:China better cause spending on roads & bridges!! Apples VS Oranges!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
China invests 9% of its GDP in infrastructure.
America? We’re at just 2.4%. "
Elizabeth Warren Praising Communist China as a Model for America - The New York Sun

How stupid!
China's GDP is $7.3 trillion therefore 9% is $657 billion AND it is mostly for NEW structures as major bridges, roads are stilling BEING DEVELOPED!

USA?? $15.09 trillion GDP and 2.4% is $362 billion mostly for repairs of already built interstate started in 1956 and finished 35 years later !

So again... APPLES to Oranges .. She should get her FACTS straight after all she being part Indian must always tellum truth!!
We need a much higher rate of investing in our infrastructure, it's not like it going to be any cheaper to replace elderly bridges, water and sewer systems and electrical grids in the future, what are we waiting for?
We need a much higher rate of investing in our infrastructure, it's not like it going to be any cheaper to replace elderly bridges, water and sewer systems and electrical grids in the future, what are we waiting for?

Do you know how local infrastructure is paid for?

Especially if local businesses like in my former town St. Petersburg FL -- Universal Health
(one of the 1,400 health insurance companies Obama wants to put out of business) that pays $180,000 a year in local property taxes is put out of business by Obama?
Who makes up those taxes and in case of the 1,400 health insurance companies Obama wants to be out of business.. $100 billion in Federal/state/local taxes and local property taxes as well as the 400,000 people thrown out of work and collecting then $14 billion in unemployment checks PAID by surviving businesses increasing FUTA taxes!

See it SOUNDs so good and compassionate BUT the reality is if you have a group of people that as Obama said "I prefer a single payer" in this specific industry then 1,400 companies out of business!
Or When Obama says "electric utilities will be bankrupt .." or rates will skyrocket." I mean there is a tremendous disconnect between WHO pays for it and Obama et.al. that wants to destroy them!
The "American" Left worships Communist nations.

There are only two left. Cuba and North Korea. China is communist in name only. Their economic system is capitalist. Heavy handed government but capitalist nevertheless.

And Totalinarian STATISTS. Don't be fooled. CHINA IS Communist, and declared. RUSSIA is hiding it. They never really left it. China and Russia are teaming up...

MUSLIM States are the same as well...NONE are for liberty as we know it.

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