CDZ Was Abe Lincoln racist?


Active Member
Jun 13, 2015
What do you guys think? was Lincoln really an actual racist even though he freed the slaves as history tells us leave your thoughts below.
What do you guys think? was Lincoln really an actual racist even though he freed the slaves as history tells us leave your thoughts below.

Oh absolutely he was a racist.

And so were almost everyone of the period- along with virtually all of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Even most ardent abolitionists were racists by our standards.
What do you guys think? was Lincoln really an actual racist even though he freed the slaves as history tells us leave your thoughts below.
I think you're obsessed with Lincoln. Did you watch Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and get a hard on? Is that why you're trying to tear him down? To punish him for getting you randy.
I'm not saying this to be mean, really, I'm nice--see my flowers? I'm trying to help you. Think of this as an intervention.
What do you guys think? was Lincoln really an actual racist even though he freed the slaves as history tells us leave your thoughts below.

Oh absolutely he was a racist.

And so were almost everyone of the period- along with virtually all of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Is racist a relative term then?
Was Lincoln (or anyone) a "racist" if they simply reflected the prevailing belief of the time in which they lived? If so, what term do we give the postwar vigilante terrorist groups like the White League and the KKK?

If racist is a relative term, relative to one's contemporary mores, does that make the Abolitionists of the time "extremists"? If it does, does that make the prevailing contemporary belief that yes, all men really are created equal an extremist view? Are we then all extremists? And if we are therefore all extremists, how do we explain that we outnumber our contemporary racists?

Even most ardent abolitionists were racists by our standards.

Please -- explain.

Yanno, Lincoln is thought to have been a Melungeon. Via his mother.
The thrust of discussions like this tends to be "Lincoln was a racist, therefore the Confederacy was swell, therefore all you liberals suck!".

The more general tactic is "XXXXX did YYYY bad thing, therefore those people XXXXX opposed were really the good guys, therefore all you ZZZ's suck!"
What do you guys think? was Lincoln really an actual racist even though he freed the slaves as history tells us leave your thoughts below.
I think you're obsessed with Lincoln. Did you watch Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and get a hard on? Is that why you're trying to tear him down? To punish him for getting you randy.
I'm not saying this to be mean, really, I'm nice--see my flowers? I'm trying to help you. Think of this as an intervention.

Lincoln might have been a racist. What white person wasn't back then. I think it is a matter of degree. He surely wasn;t as racist as this guy:



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What do you guys think? was Lincoln really an actual racist even though he freed the slaves as history tells us leave your thoughts below.

Oh absolutely he was a racist.

And so were almost everyone of the period- along with virtually all of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Is racist a relative term then?
Was Lincoln (or anyone) a "racist" if they simply reflected the prevailing belief of the time in which they lived? If so, what term do we give the postwar vigilante terrorist groups like the White League and the KKK?

If racist is a relative term, relative to one's contemporary mores, does that make the Abolitionists of the time "extremists"? If it does, does that make the prevailing contemporary belief that yes, all men really are created equal an extremist view? Are we then all extremists? And if we are therefore all extremists, how do we explain that we outnumber our contemporary racists?

Even most ardent abolitionists were racists by our standards.

Please -- explain.

Sure- most European Americans thought that all other 'races' were inferior to the Europeans. Most European Americans thought that 'negroes' were particularly inferior. Even when they were appalled by slavery. Even if they believed that other races should be allowed to vote.

The abolitionists could be considered 'less racist' in that they believed that we should not have slavery even of humans that they considered to be inferior.

Of course racist is a relative term- there are racists who argue that African Americans are not even the same species as European Americans- there is a whole range of racism.

None of which detracts from the accomplishments of our Founding Fathers, or of the abolitionists or of Abraham Lincoln.
Of course Lincoln was racist. Back then, EVERYBODY was racist. Even the abolitionists were racist.
Of course he was racist, back in those days the kindly, generous, cultural marxists from Russia and Poland hadn't yet arrived in America to teach us ignorant, God fearing Christians the joys of political correctness.
For 1860s he wasn't

“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery.”
Abe Lincoln

“And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”
-Abe Lincoln

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races.”
-Abe Lincoln
“Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man.”
-Abe Lincoln

Abe could have been the head of the KKK even back then.
Of course he was racist, back in those days the kindly, generous, cultural marxists from Russia and Poland hadn't yet arrived in America to teach us ignorant, God fearing Christians the joys of political correctness.

So if it wasn't for Karl Marx, you think America would still be embracing Jim Crow?

Fascinating conclusion.
Karl Marx was the front man for the Bank of Rothschild to put certain concepts of their Talmud down on paper to create a new political ideology for the unwashed masses.
“Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man.”
-Abe Lincoln

Abe could have been the head of the KKK even back then.

Interesting quote- and maybe even real- but I can't find it referenced except in blogs. Got a source to show that Lincoln said that? I mean something other than a blog?

Because I looked here
Abraham Lincoln Online Search Engine
bastard is not in any of Lincoln's quotes here.

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