Was Boston Marathon Bombing Staged? This eyewitness says so!

If every terrorist attack, every mass shooting, every assassination, every bomb set off in the US is really a government conspiracy aimed at getting guns banned, or giving homeland security more power, or declaring marshal law.....wow, the government fucking sucks at this stuff!

I mean, let's think about this for a moment. If the government is so damned slick they can consistently pull off these events without anyone (save you CT people and your youtube videos, of course!) being the wiser, if they have the resources, loyal employees, and just the balls to keep doing these things, why in the fuck haven't they achieved their ends already?

And really, if they are so powerful already, what reason for all the subtlety? Just declare themselves lifetime rulers already, right?
Nothing unites the Sheep like a good ole fashioned False Flag Operation. That's been proven historically to be true. But i'll wait and reserve judgement on this one.

Says an alex jones"conspiracy is out there" sheep... If you buy into every conspiracy theory doesn't that make you a sheep too?
If every terrorist attack, every mass shooting, every assassination, every bomb set off in the US is really a government conspiracy

No but several are

aimed at getting guns banned, or giving homeland security more power, or declaring marshal law.....wow, the government fucking sucks at this stuff!

the creation of a one world government requires time and patients but big gains in this direction have certainly been made

I mean, let's think about this for a moment. If the government is so damned slick they can consistently pull off these events without anyone (save you CT people and your youtube videos, of course!) being the wiser, if they have the resources, loyal employees, and just the balls to keep doing these things, why in the fuck haven't they achieved their ends already?
this is far from a true statement..there are many credible people and a documented history of corruption and false flag operations used to further agendas and enrich the elite

And really, if they are so powerful already, what reason for all the subtlety? Just declare themselves lifetime rulers already, right?

because they learned from Hitler and Stalin soft tyranny works better than harsh tyranny and that propaganda can have people willingly serving you instead of being forced to serve you
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[ame=http://youtu.be/anYwmWlwZuA]Reality Check - Did The FBI Know About Boston Bombings Beforehand? - YouTube[/ame]
If every terrorist attack, every mass shooting, every assassination, every bomb set off in the US is really a government conspiracy

No but several are

the creation of a one world government requires time and patients but big gains in this direction have certainly been made

this is far from a true statement..there are many credible people and a documented history of corruption and false flag operations used to further agendas and enrich the elite

And really, if they are so powerful already, what reason for all the subtlety? Just declare themselves lifetime rulers already, right?

because they learned from Hitler and Stalin soft tyranny works better than harsh tyranny and that propaganda can have people willingly serving you instead of being forced to serve you

So they aren't all government conspiracies.....well, the CT posters here seem to think they are! At least recently, every incident of terrorism or mass murder is almost immediately given the 'did the government do it?' treatment. As of yet, I haven't seen how the supposed false flag operations and true acts of terror and mayhem are differentiated.

Honestly, I think that your statement that not all of these events are conspiracies is as much a safety net as an honest remark; you and the other CT believers here seem inclined to accept anyone's claims of nefarious government involvement. It's easy to say you don't believe they are all conspiracies when you still treat them as such. After all, no one can disprove a good conspiracy, right?

It says something that the first reaction of CT posters is not anger, or grief, but suspicion. The deaths and injuries are seemingly unimportant compared to the possibility, however remote, of government involvement. Is it easier to deal with if you can imagine the various horrible events didn't actually happen? Is it easier to deal with when you can put a somewhat rational reason behind events, instead of the madness of extremism or just individual craziness? Is this need to see a conspiracy in everything just a cry for order in a chaotic world?
No but several are

the creation of a one world government requires time and patients but big gains in this direction have certainly been made

this is far from a true statement..there are many credible people and a documented history of corruption and false flag operations used to further agendas and enrich the elite

because they learned from Hitler and Stalin soft tyranny works better than harsh tyranny and that propaganda can have people willingly serving you instead of being forced to serve you

So they aren't all government conspiracies.....well, the CT posters here seem to think they are! At least recently, every incident of terrorism or mass murder is almost immediately given the 'did the government do it?' treatment. As of yet, I haven't seen how the supposed false flag operations and true acts of terror and mayhem are differentiated.

Honestly, I think that your statement that not all of these events are conspiracies is as much a safety net as an honest remark; you and the other CT believers here seem inclined to accept anyone's claims of nefarious government involvement. It's easy to say you don't believe they are all conspiracies when you still treat them as such. After all, no one can disprove a good conspiracy, right?

It says something that the first reaction of CT posters is not anger, or grief, but suspicion. The deaths and injuries are seemingly unimportant compared to the possibility, however remote, of government involvement. Is it easier to deal with if you can imagine the various horrible events didn't actually happen? Is it easier to deal with when you can put a somewhat rational reason behind events, instead of the madness of extremism or just individual craziness? Is this need to see a conspiracy in everything just a cry for order in a chaotic world?
I think we can blame the cover up of Fast and the furious, Benghazi attack and a host of other cover ups. The administration has yet to be open about anything
No but several are

the creation of a one world government requires time and patients but big gains in this direction have certainly been made

this is far from a true statement..there are many credible people and a documented history of corruption and false flag operations used to further agendas and enrich the elite

because they learned from Hitler and Stalin soft tyranny works better than harsh tyranny and that propaganda can have people willingly serving you instead of being forced to serve you
So they aren't all government conspiracies.....well, the CT posters here seem to think they are!

Who are... CT posters ??..is this some sort of organization ?

At least recently, every incident of terrorism or mass murder is almost immediately given the 'did the government do it?' treatment. As of yet, I haven't seen how the supposed false flag operations and true acts of terror and mayhem are differentiated.

there are several red flags..one is there is almost always a simultaneous training exercise of mock drills with some scenario that closely parallels the actual event..another is prior knowledge of FBI with the alleged perpetrator and another would be what appears to complete failings of reasonable security procedures and protocols...if you have several of these in one scenario there is a strong likelihood it is a staged event

Honestly, I think that your statement that not all of these events are conspiracies is as much a safety net as an honest remark;

Really ? because thats what I think of this statement

you and the other CT believers here seem inclined to accept anyone's claims of nefarious government involvement. It's easy to say you don't believe they are all conspiracies when you still treat them as such. After all, no one can disprove a good conspiracy, right?
I only listen to claims of credible people and eye-wittiness accounts..who is it you listen to ? there are many conspiracy that a been proven and many that have been disproved
It says something that the first reaction of CT posters is not anger, or grief, but suspicion. The deaths and injuries are seemingly unimportant compared to the possibility, however remote, of government involvement.

there is anger grief and suspicion. ..as is the case with most people the difference is I realize that suspicion must include the possibility that there in fact could be government involvement or prior knowledge given the historical record

Is it easier to deal with if you can imagine the various horrible events didn't actually happen? Is it easier to deal with when you can put a somewhat rational reason behind events, instead of the madness of extremism or just individual craziness? Is this need to see a conspiracy in everything just a cry for order in a chaotic world?

no..lots of crazy sick people doing crazy random sick shit everyday all over the world.. I have no need to cry out for order in a chaotic world ...lol or imagine away the ..madness of extremism ..just a desire to look at the world with eyes wide open and a full realization that the unchecked military industrial complex is capable of mafia like tactics on a massive scale and that charming sociopaths often rise to positions of great power and prestige
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y06NSBBRtY]Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeYgLLahHv8]Kennedy Speech Conspiracy Secret Societies - YouTube[/ame]
I have watched this before, however I watched the full audio. Pretty wild stuff. He was killed days after speech.
Who are... CT posters ??..is this some sort of organization ?

there are several red flags..one is there is almost always a simultaneous training exercise of mock drills with some scenario that closely parallels the actual event..another is prior knowledge of FBI with the alleged perpetrator and another would be what appears to complete failings of reasonable security procedures and protocols...if you have several of these in one scenario there is a strong likelihood it is a staged event

Really ? because thats what I think of this statement

I only listen to claims of credible people and eye-wittiness accounts..who is it you listen to ? there are many conspiracy that a been proven and many that have been disproved

there is anger grief and suspicion. ..as is the case with most people the difference is I realize that suspicion must include the possibility that there in fact could be government involvement or prior knowledge given the historical record

no..lots of crazy sick people doing crazy random sick shit everyday all over the world.. I have no need to cry out for order in a chaotic world ...lol or imagine away the ..madness of extremism ..just a desire to look at the world with eyes wide open and a full realization that the unchecked military industrial complex is capable of mafia like tactics on a massive scale and that charming sociopaths often rise to positions of great power and prestige

Well said Eots. It's hilarious how this poster berates thinking Americans, and calls them "conspiracy theorists" all the while adhering to one of the biggest, well documented, and utterly insane one of them all... the "official" government sanctioned 9-11 conspiracy theory. LOL!
Give it a few more days, and the Government/Media Complex will begin to connect this attack with their Gun Control agenda. They'll merge the Sandy Hook story with this one. Look for that on CNN & NBC in the coming days. Stay tuned. ;)
Who are... CT posters ??..is this some sort of organization ?

there are several red flags..one is there is almost always a simultaneous training exercise of mock drills with some scenario that closely parallels the actual event..another is prior knowledge of FBI with the alleged perpetrator and another would be what appears to complete failings of reasonable security procedures and protocols...if you have several of these in one scenario there is a strong likelihood it is a staged event

Really ? because thats what I think of this statement

I only listen to claims of credible people and eye-wittiness accounts..who is it you listen to ? there are many conspiracy that a been proven and many that have been disproved

there is anger grief and suspicion. ..as is the case with most people the difference is I realize that suspicion must include the possibility that there in fact could be government involvement or prior knowledge given the historical record

no..lots of crazy sick people doing crazy random sick shit everyday all over the world.. I have no need to cry out for order in a chaotic world ...lol or imagine away the ..madness of extremism ..just a desire to look at the world with eyes wide open and a full realization that the unchecked military industrial complex is capable of mafia like tactics on a massive scale and that charming sociopaths often rise to positions of great power and prestige

CT posters = conspiracy theory posters. Those like you, Paulitician, Mr Jones, 9/11 IJ...the posters who believe the government is behind 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, faked the moon landing, faked Sandy Hook, faked Obama's BC, etc. The believers in the CT forum.

These are the posters who never seem to indicate the normal reactions of sadness and anger over these events, and instead only want to tie them to government.

These are the people who consider anyone in a youtube video claiming 'the government did it' to be a credible witness.

These are the people who claim the government is filled with completely loyal minions ready to kill for their leaders and never talk about it, with vast resources and secret technologies available to them, yet they are always found out by the same youtube warriors with no resources or access.

That's what I meant by CT posters.

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